Bustin' makes me feel - Let's Play MapleStory v251

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Good evening, everyone! I’m TeeQueue, and this is a terrible idea.


If you know anything about old MMORPGs, you've heard of MapleStory. Clocking in at over 20 years old, this game currently owned by South Korean developer Nexon still sees a fair amount of play to this day. It has constant-ish content updates, and an endgame so impossible to achieve that only the craziest of people will get anywhere near it.

But… why MapleStory?

I decided that I didn't want to Let's Play Limbus Company, so instead I want to show off a SK-developed live service game with a ton of grinding, time limited mechanics, and an insane difficulty wall instead.

Ha ha, very funny. Seriously: Why?

Because I have lost all control of my life.

If you know anything about me, you are at least peripherally aware that I main a class called Angelic Buster. The Battleground Idol, her entire thing is being a magical girl who dramatically interrupts the BGM of the enemy in order to play her own music, which powers her up while she punches the enemy with dragons. She was a terrible class, with damage comparable to a potato. That did not matter, because Angelic Buster is the best class.

Unfortunately her personal story was hideously bad, with her being creeped on by old men at multiple points throughout the thing. Not great. That all changed for KMS, the Korean server, in October of 2023.

Angelic Buster was given a rework designed to make her significantly more playable. Her skills were given a makeover, her look was changed, and alongside that her story was made much less :stonk:. To coincide with this a mini-album was also announced, complete with both a remixed full version of one of her old songs as well as an entirely new song—which was added to her buttons alongside her others. She was also given a button that let her hold a concert anywhere and anytime. That update hit GMS, the global server, back in June. When it did, I decided to create a new Angelic Buster and catalog her progress from 1 to 260, covering the entire original plotline in the process.

I thought it would be neat. A fun little side project.

Are… you okay?

I'm Let's Playing MapleStory. You already know the answer to that.

Thread Participation..?

Unlike my previous two Let's Plays, all of the footage for this thread has already been recorded. If my Project Moon LPs are me engaging with the audience and trying to make something memorable, cool, and interesting for everyone… this Let's Play is closer to one man's journey to put in order his own feelings on a shitty game that hates you.

And make no mistake: MapleStory is a shitty game that hates you personally for playing it.

Spoiler Policy

Use spoiler tags, please. I don't care at all about spoilers regarding the plot of a 20 year old MMORPG, and we aren't going to touch Grandis at all so if you want to complain about that you can just do it. The one thing I would like to request is not to cover any of Nexon's actions outside of the game until they're mentioned. There's a lot. I'm sure I'll cover all of it eventually.

So what's the plan?

I don't know. Originally I wanted to do this as a fun little thing for after I was done with Library of Ruina, to give myself time to finish up my outline for the webnovel I've been slowly spinning up. Events have messed with that plan, and I feel like there's meaning in talking about this game now. Otherwise, this thread spinning around in my head may continue getting in the way of my ability to write the story I'm in the middle of... which has gotten very annoying. I'll dedicate one night a week to working on this thing, and the rest can go to the Library of Ruina endgame, already in progress.

I am definitely going to paraphrase the plot, because there's a lot of words and I don't have a text dump this time. I intend to cover every part of the journey to 260. I'll do my best to show the highs, and the lows, and the lows, and the lows. This is an entirely new angle on Let's Play from what I've done previously, so it might suck entirely. I don't know.

Let's find out together.

What if I want to give you money?

I've set up a ko-fi link here. Don't feel like you have to, but tips are always appreciated. :buddy:

One more thing…

Text quoted from the game will always be italicized. This stuff is 100% direct from the game.

If it isn't italicized, I'm editorializing in some way, usually to paraphrase a whole lot of text.

Table of Contents

Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
Update 5
Update 6
Update 7
Update 8
Update 9
Update 10
Update 11
Update 11.5
Update 12
Update 12.5
Update 13
Update 14
Update 15
Update 16
Update 17
Update 18
Update 19
Update 20
Update 21
Update 22
Update 23
Update 24
Update 25
Last edited by TeeQueue on Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:35 pm, edited 27 times in total.

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It was supposed to be going so well.

Angelic Buster's remaster was announced in October and released in November 2023 in KMS, but shortly after that there was an existential threat to the entirety of the GMS server. That threat, released in December 2023, was MapleStory DREAMER.


At the time when news about DREAMER was announced, Nexon Korea was in trouble: the Korean equivalent of the FTC had just fined Nexon approx. $9 million dollars. That wasn't why they were in trouble, however. They were in trouble because of the reason. Nexon secretly manipulated the probabilities of paid items and earned about $420 million over 14 years from these items. The specifics here largely don't matter to us in GMS, but for now just know the following:

-Progression in MapleStory's normal server's late game is effectively four casinos at once.
-Less than three years after a scandal involving the rates of one of those casinos being rigged, a second scandal dropped where a second casino was rigged.

On top of this, a second flashpoint had occurred a little over six months before: a popular streamer had joined KMS Reboot—a free to play server that was supposed to be more grindy than reg server in exchange for not requiring microtransactions to progress—and had successfully gotten to a near-endgame level account in only a few months due to the help of a lot of fans and some very good luck. This enraged the reg server players, who stated that Reboot needed to be worse to justify their investments in their gear.

This had already led to a number of nerfs to Reboot that don't really matter right now, but with DREAMER MapleStory put forward a glut of changes that were effectively a stake to the heart of the still-not-dead Reboot server. In no particular order:

-All forms of meso (the money unit in MapleStory) gains were cut to 20% of what they were on Reboot server, no change to Reg.
-Meso gains for all servers are limited per day, to a maximum of 150m mesos + (10m every 5 levels after 260).
-Cubes (the aforementioned casino they had rigged) have been removed, potentials on both servers are now done with meso. Great news for reg server, the cube cost is ~doubled for Reboot, which was already paying with meso before this.
-The complete removal of a boss designed to help early game players get meso to upgrade gear.
-Boss Crystals in Reboot are adjusted to be worth the same number of mesos as in Reg server, another cut to ~20% of what meso gains used to be for them.

This had the intended effect of completely murdering Reboot in KMS, while mostly molifying their main customer base on the regular servers. However, this created a second problem: For the past several years, the Global server had simply been copying and pasting the patches received without any further tweaks or fixes… and GMS's playerbase was ~80% concentrated onto the Reboot server. Porting over these changes and murdering the server would lead to a mass exodus from GMS, something that management was probably gunshy about given they'd just added a new Reboot server.

The fanbase was loud as the date of the update's GMS release came closer, until Nexon decided to showcase the localization philosophy change in the most Nexon manner possible:

:siren: GO WEST Introductory video (You should probably watch this)

GO WEST is announced, with a 97 second video whose opening 35 seconds are focused entirely on all the things they aren't doing. Ah, Nexon. :allears:

The fanbase takes it all as a win, patch notes are released, and everything seems to be on the up and up. Reboot is saved! Also it's been renamed, they're called 'Heroic servers' now and I'm now on Kronos (As opposed to Hyperion, GMS's second Reboot server).

Reboot is dead. Long live Reboot.

As for my part in all of this, I was pretty ambivalent. You see, I play this game as a joke. MapleStory is a mean and nasty thing once you start getting anywhere near lategame, and the main reason I'm here is for a simple call and response bit:

"Why would you play a game like that?"
"Because I can push a button and a magical girl theme plays. This works anywhere in the game."

If the game got worse, the joke would get funnier. If it got better, the game would be less shit. At the time, I thought there were no losing outcomes for me.

This brings us to June 12th 2023, the v251 patch day. After an hour of downloading I'm finally booting up the game.

Music: GO WEST: Maple Boys

There's a new login screen, like there usually is with events or big updates. The entire GO WEST aesthetic is based on the Pet Shop Boys's Go West music video, and the two characters there are Inkwell and Dr. Lim, NPCs based on two of the actual developers. Notably, Inkwell has recently been made the head of GMS's development direction.

Anyways, I log in and create a new character—we're actually already about to be hit with the Remaster's first neat trick.

Music: GO WEST: Maple Boys

To help hype up her new mini-album, Shining Heart, Angelic Buster's character creation screen is updated to have a sample of her unique music. The song in question, Shining Heart, is a poppy little number that…

Wait wait, go back. What did that say?

Music: GO WEST: Maple Boys

It seems the character select music is not implemented in v251.

Maybe it's just an oversight..? It's supposed to be going so well, after all…

Last edited by TeeQueue on Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Oh boy, we're starting strong with the Nexon "quality", huh.

I've only heard tales of MapleStory, never actually played it, but this seems like it'll be an experience!

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Alright, let's make with character creation.


The initial character customization varies based on the class you've selected. Angelic Buster has two hairstyles, two face styles, and your choice of hair and skin color.


I just go with what feels right, as none of this will matter in twenty minutes or so. That means next comes the name.

Naming a MapleStory character is more art than skill. Most of the good names (especially the short ones) are already taken, so you either need something really unique or a naming convention. A lot of people will name alts something like TQBishop or TQBuster or TQHero, attaching their username to the class. I prefer something a little more aesthetically appropriate, myself.


And so, Magilia is born (Technically spelled 'Magiiia,' but when all the good names are taken, you do what you have to do.)


Next we select our keybinds. I have played this game intermittently since Beta, and the alt-jump is etched into my soul. Basic it is.


Lastly, we are asked if we want to make her a Hyper Burning character. With the GO WEST update, everyone was given a single Hyper Burn to spend on a character, which will give us 3 levels for the price of 1 for every level between 11 and 260. This saves a tremendous amount of time, and we will be saying Yes for obvious reasons.


After selection, our character's story immediately begins. I won't be as diligent as normal in linking the music because MapleStory's OST is way too deep for me to recognize all of it by ear, but for a good portion of the following scenes the Pantheon Theme or Pantheon Field Theme is playing, which leads to something I feel needs to be said:

MapleStory music is really good. There are not many misses in the whole OST, and there's a reason that there are 1 or 2 hour MapleStory music mixes all over YouTube. SlipySlidy's channel has been diligently uploading every single song in every version of the game for years, and they're awesome for it.

Anyways, plot.

Image Tear, what's wrong?

This is Kyle. He's more important in the Kaiser storyline, but he's Tear's buddy.

Image Why are you crying?

This is Velderoth. He's also more important in the Kaiser storyline, but he's Tear's buddy.

Image The other kids made fun of me again.

This is Tear. She's us.

Image You don't have magic. They're always going to make fun of you. You've
gotta toughen up.

Image I WANT to toughen up, I just…

Image So do it. Quit crying, start training. Let 'em yap at you. Who cares?

Image Hey, Velderoth, ease up. This is how she is. She can't help it.

Image It's how she is for NOW, but that SUCKS for her. It gets her bullied, all the time! Maybe... I don‘t know, can she LEARN magic?

Image I don't know. It does suck for her.

Image Well, we can't stop it for her. She's gonna have to get stronger. I mean it, Tear. You're going to have to train so hard, you can face 'em down WITHOUT magic.

Image Well, you don't have to get all big and buff. You‘ve got us for that sort of thing.


Image *sniff* Thanks. I'll try not to cry anymore.

Image All right, let's get moving. We've still got to decorate the hideout today.

Image Yeah, let's go! There's these pretty rocks we can use.

Image Good to see you smile again.

Image For real.

The group wanders off as the screen fades to black.

Image All right, I think we're done!

Image Looks awesome! Now what're we going to call this place?

Image l don't know. Kyle, you got any ideas?

Image How about the Justice Lair?

Image Hahaha, what is it with you and justice?

Image Who doesn't love justice?

Image How about the Heliseum Hideout?

Image Ooh, can we be the Heliseum Force?

Image Yeah, that's who we are. *cough* Our mission is to sneak into Heliseum, take out Magnus, and save the capital.

Image Right on! And after that, we're gonna take out Gerand Darmoor.

Gerand Darmoor is the big bad of the plot arc we're currently on in MapleStory. He has only ever been seen on screen a handful of times, and for obvious reasons defeating him is not implemented in v251.

Image You think you can take over Grandis, Darmoor? Not on our watch!

Image You and your High Flora buddies are ALL going down!

Image Yeah!

Image All right, Heliseum Hideout it is.

Image Home of the Heliseum Force! Who's gonna be the leader?

Image Well, I'm the strongest, so me.

Image Sure, yeah! It was your idea in the first place.

Image You're good with that, right, Kyle?

Image Works for me.

Image Cool, we're gonna be knights and kick Darmoor's butt!

Image Heliseum Force, to battle!

Image To battle!

We fade out, and then fade back in…

Image The weather's so nice today.

Decades later, when everyone's grown up.

Image Sure, yeah, enjoy it. We're busy being KNIGHTS.

Image Hehe, remember the part where you have magic and I don't?

Image That‘s why you've gotta keep up with your training.

Image Ugh, would you stop nagging me? I'm doing my best at it.

Image Of course you are, and it's paying off. With or without magic, you are STRONG.

Image Right?! I've been working really hard.

Image I don't think the knights are going to take you yet, though.

Image I know, rules are rules.

Image If she does learn magic, though, you think they'd take her then?

Image Mmm, well, she'd still need a tail…

If you look closely, you can see that Tear in fact doesn't have a tail. This is actually unusual among Nova, who are usually born with both horns and a tail! :eng101:

They're also usually born with magic, too, but like. Tear's clearly unusual in several ways, we're setting up a magical girl story here, okay?

Image Way to crush my dreams, Vel.

Image You could always pick a different dream. You don't have to be a knight.

Image Of course she does! We wouldn't be the Heliseum Force without her. Look, Tear, maybe if you got REALLY buff, like 'General Cartalion‘ buff, you could at least help us out with pest control.

Image Hahaha.

Image Is there an anti-punching spell? Because you're really gonna need it in a sec.

While there are several anti-punching spells, Velderoth never learns them—a mistake which will prove to be near-fatal for him in events that will not be covered in this Let's Play.

Image Sorry, sorry. OFF topic, we've gotta report back soon.

Image Is it that time already?

Image Yeah, you two go on, do knight things. Be careful out there.

Image Of course.

Image We'll see you soon.

Image Come on, Kyle.


Image Hold up!


Unfortunately for Velderoth and Kyle's CO, Tear's plot sense tingles, showing us… a cube.


Image Huh? What's going on?

Image I've got a feeling. Something‘s gonna happen.

Image What are you talking about? We've gotta go, Tear.

Image No, hang on. I'm getting a bad feeling too.

Image Whatever. We're going to be late. Come on.

Image I'm serious. I don't know how l know, but there's something going on at the East Sanctum. Something bad.

Image Couldn't hurt to go check it out.

Image Oh, what, Tear is psychic now?

Image I trust her gut. Besides, I felt it too.

Image We need to go, now.

Image Don't listen to your leader or anything. Fine, let's go.

We fade to black, and fade back in to the trio hiding behind some bushes as they see…

Image What did they do to the priest?

Well… this. It seems something is indeed going on at the East Sanctum, and it is something quite bad. All their text here is tiny, indicating that they're whispering.

Image And who ARE they?

Image They must be trying to rob the Sanctum. Or sabotage it.

Image What do we do?

Image We're outnumbered. I think rushing 'em is out.

Image I'll go for help. You two keep an eye on them. If it gets dangerous, retreat. You got it?

Image Got it. Please be quick.

Image What are they saying? Let's move a little closer.

Image All we need to do is pull this stone out, and their big ol' shield will be halfway gone.

Image Uh, isn't it cursed? W-we shouldn't touch it.

These are two different characters. Look at the edge of the hood to tell the difference between them.

Image NOW you're worried? That 'curse' is nonsense.

Image T-then why don't YOU take it?

Image Because that's YOUR job!

Image They're going to rob the Sanctum AND sabotage it.

Image N-not on our watch!

If nothing is done, the bad guys will abscond with the important cube, so there's only one thing to do:


Be reckless!! :black101:

Tear rushes forward to grab the stone before the Nefarious Priests can steal it.


Upon touching it, however, something strange happens as it glows and shrinks down…


Before turning into a strange bracelet on Tear's wrist. Unfortunately, that's as much as she can do before she and Kyle are both knocked out… somehow. It's not exactly clear.


Point is, they're both at the end of their rope.

Image *huff' Just a couple of random kids.

Image Random unconscious kids now.

Image Well, they've seen us. You know what that means.

Image ...Wait, where's the stone?

Image l-it was just here. Where'd it go?

In the distraction Kyle made, it seems none of the priests noticed the stone turning into our shiny new bracelet. Now, I know what you're thinking: It's time for Tear to transform and beat up the bad guys, right?

Well, you're close.


You see, Kaiser and Angelic Buster were both released in the same batch of updates, and as a result their origin story is deeply entwined. This same scene happens in the Kaiser version of events, as something strange happens.


You see, the Kaiser is an ancient legendary warrior of the Nova, who reincarnates across generations in order to protect them. The last one died as a result of a betrayal by his buddy Magnus (also covered in the Kaiser Storyline)...


So the position is open.


Well. It was open.

FOR THE GLORY OF KAISER!! :black101: :black101:

Image No, n-no, no. I don't like this. Let's get out of here!

The Nefarious Priests do not feel like facing the incarnation of war (dragon ver.) today, and run away instead of murdering two unconscious people like they were planning earlier.


I brought that up again so that none of you would feel bad at watching the Kaiser murder this guy here.


Some time later… Kaiser hasn't moved an inch from Tear's unconscious body. Never know where the priests might be.

Image Oh, no. Kyle! Tear!

And he maintained his vigil for as long as it took backup to arrive…


At which point he explodes (nonlethal ver.)...


…And passes out again. It's been some time since I last played Kaiser's story, but I'm pretty sure that he wasn't conscious for any of that? I still like how he made sure his buddy was safe before falling over, in either case.

Either way this is the last we see of Kaiser in this storyline. Kyle will still show up, sure, but that armored form won't. Bye, Kaiser! Hope you get to be a real class again soon!!

Actually, given how the Aran and Shade class remasters have gone for them… maybe not. Angelic Buster's remaster was really the last one to not cut the legs out from a class… Well, it's Kaiser, nobody plays it to be GOOD anyways. You play it to be a Tokusatsu hero.

Image That emblem.

Image The sign of Kaiser!

Image Kaiser...?

Image So he's finally back.

Image Those two need medical attention.


And we fade to black.

Image You're awake.

Tear wakes up in an infirmary, for obvious reasons.

Image Mmm... where am I?

Image Our clinic. How are you feeling?

Image My head's still pounding, but other than that, I'm okay.

Image That's good to hear.

Image What about Kyle?

Image Kyle, or perhaps I ought to say Kaiser, is also well.

Image Kaiser...?

Image That's right. Kaiser awakened in Kyle as he rushed in to save you.

Image ...THE Kaiser? The Nova Guardian?

Image Yes, indeed. Our great protector is, at last, reborn. And in the body of a bright young man.

Image And that's... That's good news, right?

Image Of course it is. Some of us have been waiting for a long, long time.

Image Where is he now? I should thank him.

It's then that Tear notices something very important.

Image ...What is this, and why is it on me?

The bracelet that she wound up with from trying to save the stone earlier.

Image ...Tear, there's something we have to tell you. Please stay calm and listen carefully. The Sacred Stone of the East Sanctum has affixed itself to your arm.

Image Wait, what? 'Affixed itself,' what does that mean, exactly?

Image It means two things. It's transformed into that bracelet -- which is going to stay on you, as far as we can see -- and it's no longer defending Pantheon.

Image You sound like you're blaming her, Cartalion. If not for her, and for Kyle, the Stone would be gone regardless, completely.

Image ...True enough.

Image Okay, so the last thing I remember is running at the Stone, trying to protect it... and then it turned into a bracelet and stuck on me? Does... does that happen a lot?

Image And the Protective Shield needs the Stone, right? Can't I just go and give it back?

Image As far as we can tell, it's stuck to you permanently. But, if it's any consolation, you're not in any danger from it

Image We're ALL in danger, aren't we? Without the Stone? *sigh" I was just trying to protect it...

Image We understand that. And Pantheon has three other Stones. The Shield will hold as long they do. All three of them, that is.

Image But... because of me... *sniff*

Image ls this why they call you Tear?

Image Cartalion!

Image ...l'm sorry. That was inappropriate.

Image I didn't know this was going to happen…


Tear goes running out of the room, understandably distraught at permanently removing one of the four stones that keep Pantheon protected from Magnus's forces—as Fenelle said there are three others to do the job, but if any of them disappears then the shield will lose all power.

Pantheon no longer has a safety net, entirely by accident.

Image Tear!

Image I'll go after her. General.

Image I've put us all in danger...

Understandably, she is a bit broken up about this.

Image I always knew I was useless, but this is even worse…

Image No, Tear. Please, listen.

Image There is a silver lining in all this. You asked... well, l think your words were, 'Does that happen a lot?' And the answer is no. The Stone doesn‘t react to just anyone. Not even to its sworn protectors, like the priests who brought it here. We're all committed to protecting our people. But you... There's something very special inside you. Inside your heart.

Image But I did the OPPOSITE of protecting our people. The shield's weaker now, because of me.

Fenelle does her best… but Tear isn't in a place to hear it right now.


And we get the hell out.

Image Oh, Tear...

Image What'll happen to me now? To all of us?

She finds herself at the hideout, worrying about the future.

Image Tear, hey!

Image Kyle...


Image Heh. All hail Kaiser.

Image I've been looking for you everywhere. You okay? You're not hurt, are you?.

Image No, not hurt. But…

Image I heard about the Stone. Try not to take it too hard.

Image Well, it's not the first time I screwed up.

Image I wish you wouldn't say that.

Image You know, it's funny; for a second, I thought having this thing on me would actually give me some magic. But nope. I wouldn‘t deserve it anyway, after what I did. You must think I'm an idiot

Image No one does. You rushed in, with no magic, and you stopped the thieves. That means something. We're just worried about you, all of us. Even Velderoth, if you can believe it.

Image Thanks for saying that.

Image And... I'm sure Fenelle‘s told you, but there's three more Stones, and the Shield's still up. So don't sweat it.

Image Three more, yeah, but if we lose even one of them, the Shield's gone--

Image That's not gonna happen. I'll protect them. I promise.

Image Hm. Good old Kyle, always backing me up and cleaning up after me. ...I should go.

Tear says this while walking right past Kyle, there's a lot of little motion to the spritework to try and convey action. You can tell they've been doing this for ~20 years.


And we get the hell out.

Image Tear…

Image I can't always depend on Kyle. Now let's see, I was right about here when the stone attached to me...

Image ...l'm not a total failure. I've got discipline. I'm strong. I'll figure this out! There's got to be clues around here somewhere…


Image W-who said that?


Image Where are you? Come out!


Image Are... Are you the bracelet? Are you talking to me?



So Tear focuses… and…


Last edited by TeeQueue on Wed Aug 21, 2024 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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…Right, so. Last time, we left off with an adorable mascot creature appearing out of midair. There's really only one thing to say to something like that.

Image You're a dragon?!

Image Can you see me now? Good. I guess it's easier here in the Sanctum.

This dragon is named Eskalade. He is our sidekick throughout the vast majority of our story, as would be expected of a magical girl mascot animal. His voice actor, Xander Mobus, does an amazing job with him. Any time he was talking was a high point of this starting cutscene… and any other one he's in, for that matter. Dude knocked it out of the park.

(Angelic Buster's VA, by the by, is Sarah Anne Williams. She voices a lot of people in this game, and her delivery is excellent as well.)

Image Call me Eskalade. I've been riding around on your wrist since, you know, 'the incident.' At least now you can hear me. I've been yelling at you this whole time.

Image So, wait. You came from the Sacred Stone. Are you some kind of god?

Image Mmm, not exactly. Do you know where the Stone came from?

Image I do, yeah. They taught it in history class. When Magnus took Heliseum, and we all fled to Pantheon, we couldn't bring the Holy Relic along, so we transferred the Relic's protection spell into the four Stones. Right?

This is also covered more in Kaiser's backstory, but Pantheon and Heliseum are both on opposite sides of the same planet. Magnus stole all of Heliseum around when he murdered Kaiser that time, and also now controls the holy relic… though that's fine, apparently, since the power is in the four stones now. One of which is currently on our wrist.

Yep, we nabbed something powerful.

Image That's right. I used to live in the Relic, before they put me in the Stone.

Image So you ARE a god?

Image Ohoho, I wish. More like a spirit. Honestly, I don't even remember most of my time before the Stone. And I'm... not quite omnipotent, let's say. If I were, I might say something about you not bowing down.

Image Well, if you were, you wouldn't need help talking to me in the first place.

Image You know, it's funny you mention that, because before I met you -- I'll admit it -- I couldn't talk at all. Well, I mean, I could, but nobody could hear me.

Image Wait, you can only communicate with me?

Image That's right. It wasn't a fluke that the Stone latched onto you. That was me. I did it on purpose.

Image I wonder if that's why I had that... premonition, or whatever it was. Before I came here. But now, since I DID come here, we're down a Stone.

Image No, we'd have been down a Stone anyway if you hadn't come at all. Those jerks would have run off with it. I get it, though. You were here, it happened, you feel responsible.

Eskalade also points out the obvious, that what happened wasn't Tear's fault and the stone was going away if she was there or not. At least now we have it strapped to our wrist, where it could do something.

Image That being said, we ARE down a Stone, and if you want to do something about that...

Image I mean I WANT to, sure, but what can I do?

Image Well, you have me now. Like I said, I'm not quite omnipotent, but I'm not exactly powerless either. And now you've got that power at your fingertips. Almost literally.

Image I can use your power?

Image I've been looking for someone who can. Me being a spirit, all I could do myself was help with the Shield. But we can't all stay cooped up here forever, can we? We belong in Heliseum. It's our capital, our home. With my power and your strength, we can win this war for the Nova.

Image *breath* That's what I've wanted to do since I was a kid. So HOW do I use your power?

Image Well, there is one thing I need first.

Image Honor.

Image Honor? What do you mean?

Image So... I'm a spirit. You know how ghosts are tied down by their feelings and desires? Ghosts are a kind of spirit. I'm the same way. Way back when I was flesh and blood -- this I do remember -- what I wanted most was recognition. Glory. That kind of honor. So if I can earn that -- or if YOU can earn it, as a warrior, while I'm attached to you -- that'll unblock my power.

Image Um... Okay, that's a problem. They're never going to let me be a warrior. Not like you're thinking. I don't have any magic.

Image You're the only one who can talk to me, and you're telling me there's no magic in that?

Image I was born without it. That's all I know.

Image Huh. Well, there's something special about you. If it isn't magic, it's something else...

Image Your guess is as good as mine. *sigh* I almost got my hopes up again…

Image Hey, whoa, whoa, what are you saying?

Image I'd better go ask Kyle and Velderoth. Maybe they can help put you back.

Image Hey-- uh, put me back? What?


So we do that. To the hideout!

Image Hey Kyle, Velderoth.

Image Tear. We were looking for you. Here…


Kyle gets an entire CG devoted to giving Tear a flower.

Image I thought about what you said, and... I didn't mean to imply I was 'cleaning up after you.' We both decided to go to the Sanctum. If that was a mistake, we made it together.

Image No, Kyle, none of it's your fault.

Image Well, maybe it's nobody's fault, then.

Image Kyle…

Image I should have said that sooner, I know. I hope the flowers cheer you up, at least. I know how much you like 'em.

Image *giggle* I do. Thank you.

Image Really, you feel better now? I'd be pissed if I were you. The whole thing's unfair.

We interrupt this touching moment to bring you Velderoth being a downer, as usual.

Image Kyle makes a 'mistake,' and he gets to be Kaiser. You do the same thing, and you get... stuck with that thing on your wrist. Everybody loves him now, and they hate you. Just go ahead and say it. It sucks. We're down a Stone. WE know it's not your fault, but everybody else--[/i]

Image Would you shut up, Velderoth?!

Image I'm just saying, coddling her doesn't help her right now. She's got a big damn problem, and she needs to be objective about that.

Image You're right. It is a problem. But Kyle isn't 'coddling' me. He's being a friend.


Image I was actually going to talk to you guys about something, but... I need to go lie down first. It's... been a day.

Image Tear?

Image I'll be fine. Catch you later.


And Tear ollies out, to figure out what to do with the mess that's landed in her lap.


She finds herself somewhere outside of town, a short ways from the hideout.

Image Hey, uh, Tear?

And Eskalade comes out to join her.

Image Are you crying?

Image Why would I be crying?

Image Not for me, I hope. I'll be fine. You don't have to worry.

Image I'm not worried about you.

Image Heh. You're upset. I'll let that go.

Image I'll find a way to get the Sacred Stone back to the way it was. Then you can find somebody else.

Image I seriously doubt it. I told you, there's something about YOU. You're unique.

Image But--

Image Hang on... Okay, before we get into this, let me ask you: what do you want?

Image Well, I don't want to be, you know, THE HERO, like Kaiser. I just want to be able to do my part. So my friends won't have to worry about me anymore. I want to make them proud. Granny Fenelle, too. She's been good to me. I want to look after them the way they've looked after me.

Image There might be ONE way...

A way to gain Honor without being a soldier? Why, whatever could it be?

Image ...And that is?

Image Well, i-it's hard to explain…

Image Try.

Image You might not like it.

Image You want me to sell my soul or something?

Image No, no, no, nothing like that. Um... it just occurred to me that there's more than one way to attain glory. You don't have to be a warrior.

Image Go on…

Image Right, how do I put this...?

Image All right, hear me out. You're going to need a name first. Let's say... Angelic Buster. And a catchphrase too, like... Angelic Buster, dress-up!.

Image Why would I ever need to say, 'Angelic Buster, dress-up'?


With a quick sparkle and some shiny effects, Tear transforms.

Image WHAT THE--?! I look like a whole different person!

I'd like to pause here to mention that in the old story Angelic Buster actually got a video of this moment. Called Maplestory: Angelic Buster Anime Video, it was an entire magical girl transformation sequence. The song in question is called 'Angel's Room,' and it is played in a special map that only Angelic Busters can gain access to. Importantly, it is not a song by Angelic Buster. Anyways, this kind of anime transformation sequence is not implemented in v251, as we get another musical number a little later on instead.

Now, where was I?

Image Hahaha, it worked! Woo! Ha, you look great!

Image Seriously, what is this?!

Image It's the way you attain glory. If you can't be a soldier, be a star. Your voice reached me. It could reach a lot of people. Sing in front of a crowd, and they'll cheer for you. And my power will ride those cheers straight into your heart.

Image You want me to sing?

Image Hehe, let me put it this way: do you know what an idol is?

Image An idol?

Image You know, one of those peppy celebrities who sings and dances and wears fancy costumes.

Image You've been stuck in a rock. How do YOU know about that?

Image Hahaha, excuse me, I'm not STUCK in the rock, I just live here. So come on. Let's go put on a show.

Image Wearing THIS?

Image That's part of the idol gig, yeah. Unless you don't actually need the power.

This is actually a pretty clever plan. A mysterious idol shows up and busts out a song, becoming a legend in order to gain a little bit of fame. That fame powers Eskalade, who powers up Tear. Tear could probably just sing by herself, but that would likely take much longer—I imagine the people in Pantheon would just assume she'd lost it, and that wouldn't lead to any kind of useful fame anytime soon.

It's also a much better setup than the original story, wherein Eskalade was a dirty old dragon who wanted to dress up a girl in outfits in exchange for power. They had nothing to do with each other, while here there's actually a point to becoming meguca.

Image *sigh* Fine, I'll give it a try.

Image That's the spirit! Let's get moving!


A quick scene change later, and Angelic Buster is getting ready to sing.

Image *exhale* So this is stage fright.

Image You're not thinking of canceling, are ya? W-what about the fans?

Image They'll be fine. Both of them.

Image No, no, you can do this. Pre-show jitters, it's all part of the deal. Oh, and when you start, be sure to yell out, Battleground Idol, Angelic Buster!

Image Can't I just say, 'Hi, I'm Angelic Buster'?

Image No, no, you need STYLE. You've gotta throw yourself into it, one hundred percent!

Image All right, all right, let's do this.



Image I, um, I am the Battleclown Idol, Angelic Buster. BattleGROUND Idol. Yeah.

With her introduction over with, it's time for Angelic Buster's first concert. Like her character select screen, we're supposed to get Shining Heart to play here.

Music: None

Unfortunately, yet again Shining Heart is not implemented in v251.

We get to see the concert in silence.


It's very simple. As a brand-new Battleground Idol, Angelic Buster is not practiced with things like choreography.


The camera does move to try and keep the scene dynamic, but it's just absolute silence with some guys yelling "Woohoo!" over it. It's incredibly strange in context.


Once the most awkward concert ever is over, we're put into the middle of Pantheon and we can finally play the game. The first cutscene is finally over, I will be paring them down somewhat from here on.

Before we get into the gameplay, though, I should probably address Angelic Buster's music. It being missing once is a bug. It being missing twice? And in a fundamental cutscene to the character? There weren't any patch notes stating something was wrong and it wasn't listed as a known issue, so it's fairly obvious that something is strange here.

I have a working theory, but first it'll require a little explanation.


About thiiis much.

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Baby's First Concert
The full starter cutscene

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As a warning, today's update will be a measure less lighthearted than normal. There's some incredibly stupid stuff coming, so if you're having a bad day or aren't really feeling up for reading about the stupid things real life people do online, hey: maybe come back later. This thread isn't going anywhere.

Angelic Buster's remaster was originally announced in October 2023, and in the month leading up to its release on 11/23/23 there was a very cool event page for it. That page is still accessible here, and it is probably the finest bit of kayfabe work Nexon has ever done. They treat Angelic Buster's remaster as though it's a real life idol releasing a new single, covering it with fake entertainment news articles.
Google translate of the first article wrote:MapleStory's idol Angelic Buster will make a comeback with their first mini-album on the 23rd.

Angelic Buster's comeback is only 3 years and 2 months after their last single 'Star Bubble', and through this promotion, they are foreshadowing an unprecedented transformation. Fans are curious about what kind of image Angelic Buster, who has maintained a consistent image since their debut, will show.

Eskalade Entertainment stated, "The title song of this mini-album is 'Shining Heart', which contains Angelic Buster's unique, lively pink energy in a bouncy melody." In addition to the new song, the mini-album will also be filled with Angelic Buster's representative song 'Fly Away' full version and 'Star Bubble'.

Meanwhile, Angelic Buster's comeback schedule poster was also revealed on the MapleStory official homepage ahead of their full-fledged comeback. Starting with the concept photo release on the 9th, the 'Shining Heart' MV teaser will be released on the 16th, the full version of 'Fly Away' on the 20th, and the official 'Shining Heart' MV on the 23rd, which is expected to heighten the comeback fever.

With the news of this comeback making Grandis and the rest of the group excited, let's look forward to the pink November that Angelic Buster will present.
Things like this. They actually went ahead and put out a whole interview with the concept release on the 9th, which has been translated by Max of the KMS news blog Orange Mushroom (available here). I want to draw attention to one specific part of that interview:


She did not successfully complete her comeback.

MapleStory went ahead with their plan of releasing the trailer MV of Shining Heart on the 16th, as well as the full version of Fly Away that was promised on the 20th. (Side note: Fly Away is the first true Angelic Buster song ever created. Clocking in at ~30 seconds long, it was the only song associated with her class up until she was added to MapleStory M in 2021. We'll be talking more about it once we get to level 200, but I digress.)

If you clicked on either of the links up there, you found that the videos were private and inaccessible. This is because of Shining Heart.

Shining Heart's music video, also private on MapleStory's channel but available in entirety here, was released on November 23rd, at the same time as a working version of Angelic Buster. It is a very high-quality music video done by Studio Ppuri, also known as Studio Root. Over the course of this 3-and-a-half minute video one of the guys who was drawing the animations put in a single frame of our homegirl, Angelic Buster.


This single frame completely murdered Angelic Buster's comeback, through no fault of her own. Yes, really. Welcome, friends, to the hellscape that is South Korean Misogyny.

You see a number of men on the two main websites South Koreans use to talk about gaming, being very normal people with completely reasonable mental states, decided that this pinch was a reference to a thing called 'Megalia.'


Megalia, to put it succinctly, was created by a bunch of internet trolls who were sick of misogynist memes posted in public spaces. They decided to reverse those memes to piss off the people who would post them. This tactic was wildly successful at angering the very reasonable people who posted misogynistic bullshit, and they wound up accidentally getting a large number of posters and dealing in some actual activism. Wikipedia has more about the specifics, but to make a long story short they had become inactive in 2016 and officially closed in 2017, over half a decade ago at this point.

Being very reasonable people whose thought processes are completely normal, there was a growing movement among terminally online men in South Korea which both likens that pinch to literal Nazi imagery and also imagines that it is put everywhere by rogue feminists who want to laugh in their faces with secret Megalia imagery.

Incredibly reasonable conclusion to come to. I can't see why anyone would think anything different.

The first noted instance of this being used as an attack was back in 2021, and it has since become a regular tactic used to force companies to issue apologies and make art asset changes. Also, purely coincidentally I'm sure, this is also used as an excuse to get as many women fired as possible in the process. They found a woman on the animation team of Studio Ppuri, helldumped her, decided she was definitely an evil feminist, and selected her as the initial target for their very justified rage.

So while certain very normal people on the internet are getting incredibly mad at the music video, Nexon is trying to make their Angelic Buster remaster event go well. They attempt to start a viral dance challenge using the hashtag #ShiningHeartChallenge. The goal was to make a short of yourself doing the following dance from the Shining Heart music video:


Only two videos for this challenge were ever made, one of Pink Bean and the other of a character named Loopy from whatever this is.

It was extremely silly.

It was also derailed very quickly, as Nexon bent the knee and apologized profusely to the Incredibly Reasonable Internet Angry Boys. They threw Studio Ppuri under the bus to avoid taking the blame, and quickly began the process of Rooting Out every single video they'd ever worked on as the Totally Normal Squad had taken to going frame by frame through every video they could find by the studio and pointing out all the Definitely Secret Feminist Conspiracy Signs in each of them.

The #ShiningHeartChallenge did not survive this purge. It is now lost media.

Meanwhile, they cried out to have that animator in question fired. This did not change even when it came out that she didn't even draw the icon. Again, this image (posted here in convenient 180x180 size):


Was not even drawn by the person they wanted fired. At that point it seemed the infliction of pain was the main thing these incredibly reasonable men were looking for, and with the animator getting to keep her job someone needed to pay for the hideous crime of using a throughframe they didn't like (and that was definitely a hate symbol when used in any context period, remember that).

With Nexon having taken down all three new videos as of the 25th of November, they're a bit of a pickle. They need to move ahead with the remaster event, but they've just dumped all of their videos in the garbage to calm a hate m—I mean, a reasonable protest by perfectly normal people. They still have plans to work with Shining Heart, and so they have Angelic Buster do something else fun: A vtuber concert!


Called Angelic Buster: Healing Voice, it was a short run-through of the Shining Heart album by the vocalist who had done both Shining Heart and Fly High (remix), as well as a couple of covers of other vocal songs from their OST. This video is also no longer available on MapleStory's YouTube, though I have a mirror of it here.

Unfortunately, I have misplaced the name of the artist who did the singing for Angelic Buster and am now unable to find it. This is a shame, because—of course—the very normal people also decided to helldump her around this time and, finding a tshirt with the words "Girls don't need a prince" emblazoned on it in her retweets from several years ago, decided that she too was a horrible feminist bastard who needed to be fired in retribution for her crimes of…

Aaanyways, it makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.

Nexon again acted swiftly, with an emergency patch on November 28th in order to resolve all the controversy. They removed all of the animated videos in the game done by Studio Ppuri, but more importantly to our story today, they did this:


Every one of Angelic Buster's new songs were removed. They stayed gone until they were eventually reinstated in March of 2024, in the first update after DREAMER. This update reinstated Fly Away (remix) and Shining Heart into Angelic Buster's On Stage skill, and a short version of Shining Heart is reattached to her Soul Exalt skill as well. They are all music-only without any of the lyrics included… which is a strange thing to do to songs which exist largely to prop up the lyrics of the Battleground Idol singing them. I usually call them (Coward mix) in order to differentiate from the original versions, because I am petty.

That basically sums up everything that happened in KMS regarding the travesty that was Angelic Buster's Shining Heart rollout. Unfortunately, the current director of MapleStory went on stage around a month after all of this was over, and during his talk this happens:


…No one is held responsible and there is no outcry at all because it's not really a hate symbol, very reasonable people just claim it is so they can hurt others. It's all perfectly normal.

But enough about that absolute mess, it's time to look at what servers outside of KMS are doing when it's their turn to drop the DREAMER update.

We'll cover MapleStory SEA first, because DREAMER released there slightly before GO WEST did for us. They had a unique way of dealing with the Angelic Buster music issue, and debuted full EN covers of all three songs associated with Angelic Buster. These songs premiered May 27th, two weeks before the GO WEST update hit GMS. When their version of DREAMER dropped Angelic Buster was working perfectly, with all three songs implemented and also shorter versions of them set on her skills. At the time, there was a sense of optimism among Angelic Buster mains that Nexon might actually fix the issue with localized versions of the music for their Battleground Idol. They already had the songs, right?

This was a mistake. The first rule of dealing with Nexon is to never, ever be optimistic.

You see, GMS lacked any sort of development manpower. They were working on hiring people at the time to fix that and now they have a team that's supposed to handle balance and unique patches, but back then they'd been in a holding pattern of translating the latest KMS patch, mashing two of them together to fit our shorter patch timeframe, and then implementing it as-is.

Remember, DREAMER does not have any Angelic Buster content implemented in the base KMS patch. Shining Heart is nonexistent, Fly High (remix) was removed as well. This explains why those songs aren't currently implemented.

So, it seems pretty reasonable that GMS didn't have the manpower to patch anything in above and beyond the basic DREAMER update, and they slapped things together as quickly as they could to get things out the door. This was almost my theory.

…Except there's one tiny problem with that.


Rereading the top line of this, it says that when we select Angelic Buster on the character creation screen, "only Star Bubble and Fly Away will be played." But that doesn't make sense. Like we saw back in Update 1, it doesn't play anything at all. It's just completely unimplemented in a manner that doesn't add up.

Between that and some stuff we'll get into in a little bit, it's become pretty clear that the longer song files were just never implemented at all, and as a result even the music that we should have if they ported over the update like normal is missing… and most interesting of all is that this has never been officially acknowledged. It's clear we're missing things, and as we go forward it'll become increasingly apparent that the musical portion of Angelic Buster is in complete shambles.

These errors have consistently been brought up to the GMS team. Community managers have consistently said they're passing the information along… but there was no communication. Here in present day, there has still been no communication about it besides a vague 'we are looking into this.' There has not been a single message without that phrase, and there hasn't been any mention of their findings in over two months.

This leads to my ultimate theory as to why the AB music is not implemented in v251:

Putting music into the game would have required developer time and effort due to the way KMS DREAMER ripped everything out, and they just didn't bother. Once we get to the update after GO WEST, we'll likely get a patch that addresses these bugs since KMS did it, but it's really a 50-50 shot that it actually gets fixed and the sound files get put into the game, and if they do it'll almost certainly be with the (Coward mix) versions of the relevant songs.

Based on the lack of any communication or even acknowledgement from Nexon, the most likely answer and my current working theory is that they do not particularly care, and they assume nobody else does either.

I had thought there was no way I could lose when DREAMER was announced, and Maplestory—being a shitty game that hates you personally for playing it—looked at me and said "Bet."

I play this game as a joke and they messed with my punchline.

So. With all that said, there are ultimately two things that I hope to examine as we go through the next 250 levels on Magilia:

>What was the experience that I had leveling this character up all the way to 260?

>What, exactly, are my feelings towards this game?

I think we now have enough information to be at the starting line for both questions.


We can finally do our first job advancement.

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Wow, this all sounds eerily similar to the stuff with Project Moon, also by very reasonable, terminaly online men... Clearly it's all a coincidence!

I'd heard of this stuff happening with Nexon, but wasn't aware it happened with MapleStory, specifically.

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Yeah, it turns out my life is suffering because of incel morons… and it’s entirely because I keep liking South Korean games.

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To access some quests, like all of our Job Advancement quests, we click the lightbulb on our head to bring it up. If there's only one quest it'll just run, but in this case we have to select it. You can tell which quests are for Job Advancements by the big red text next to the name.

Image Now that was a performance! Just remember, it's 'BattleGROUND Idol!

Image Yeah, I GOT that.

Image Hehe, yeah, uh... sorry. Seriously, though, how'd it feel? You looked like a natural out there.

Image Well, once I remembered how to breathe, it got a little fun. Who knows? Maybe this COULD work out.

Image Hal Have a little confidence. I know this was just an impromptu show, but I was watching the crowd, and they loved it. Yep, Angelic Buster's made her first... ten fans.

Image Ten? That's more than I thought.

Image Oh, just you wait. You'll have a hundred fans -- no, a thousand, ten thousand, all cheering for Angelic Buster! The more glory you gain, the more of my power l can share.

One might say we'll go from three to a million fans.

…I promise that will be clever in like 90 more levels.

Image Actually, I think I can share a little bit right now. Hold still. Open your mind.

And just like that…

Image There you go. That should give you a whole new skill. Just say your catchphrase, and you'll be good to use it.

We can do magical girl things. After this cutscene ends.

Image Do I HAVE to wear the costume to use the power?

Image Haha, it'd look weird if you didn't. Everyone knows Tear doesn't have magic, remember?

Image ...Right.

Image Now, you HAVE the skill, but you haven't mastered it yet. That's going to take practice. Also, to mark the occasion, I just put a little present in your bag, so check that out too.

Okay, NOW the cutscene is over. We're 28 minutes into the recording and we can finally mess around with stats. Eskalade wasn't kidding about the present, either.


We get 100 Sprout Potions, powerful consumables for the extremely early game that restore 5000 HP and MP.

While the windows are open, I also do a little bit of character maintenance.


This is our main stat window. Nothing about it really matters right now, except for the big button that says AUTO ASSIGN. Every level from now on, we get 5 points of AP to put into our stats, and since we only ever will need to put it into Dexterity (Angelic Buster's main stat), we just want to occasionally click on that button and click 'OK.' There is never a reason to put AP anywhere but into your class's main stat, so with the exception of one robot class who has three main stats at once we can rely entirely on Auto Assign to do all of our AP work for us.

I do not know what the robot class does in later levels, because it is not a magical girl and thus not worthy of my notice.


Next I head over to the skills tab. Right now we have access to two of our seven tabs: Beginner skills and 1st job skills. The rest of the tabs will unlock as we make job advancements. Most Beginner Skills are very basic things that give passive boosts or movement options, or else they are a constant change to something basic about the character. I'll quickly go through the ones here, all relevant gifs will be from the relevant orangemushroom article about the comeback.

Blessing of the Fairy: Gives bonus attack power that scales based on your highest level character, max of +20 at level 200.
Empress's Blessing: Gives bonus attack power based on your highest level Cygnus Knight (a specific class type). Scales to +30 at 200, doesn't stack with Fairy, thus obsoletes it entirely.
Dress-Up: Lets us transform or untransform at the push of a button. Rarely used, as only Angelic Buster can attack or use most skills.
Heroic: Basic passive showing we are on a Heroic server. These do not have certain forms of advancement that the regular servers have, thus to make up for some of that all Heroic characters get a base multiplier to all damage they do, and also get a bonus to Meso rates to let them get money to power themselves up without trading—because Heroic also means you can't trade with other players at all. The Free Market is dead.
Maple Crest: Shows off the crest you have for accomplishing Maple Achievements. I will not be discussing any part of this in the LP.
Grappling Heart:

GRAPPLING HOOK!! It moves us upward. While we have an up-jump that goes a fair distance already, this is a good option to have on hand.
Soul Buster:

Angelic Buster does not get a basic attack, and instead fires tiny pewpew balls of light at enemies. It does negligible damage, and will never be used in normal play.

Finally, the real reason we're here is for the Link Manager. Link Skills are something you get from leveling up other characters, and some of them are very powerful.


In addition to Angelic Buster's own Terms and Conditions, a short-term buff that dramatically increases our damage for a short time, we're allowed to equip up to ten other Link Skills to power ourselves up. This is one of the benefits of being a long-time player, it lets me effectively rocket through the early game with some massive bonuses.


I have a preferred loadout for characters who are farming normal enemies, and since that's our life for the next few hours I immediately turn on the related skills. They are:
Bravado: Hoyoung Link, increases damage to full HP enemies.
Combo Kill Blessing: Aran Link, increases EXP from Combo Orbs (don't worry about these yet).
Elementalism: Kanna Link, increases damage.
Elven Blessing: Mercedes Link, increases EXP gain.
Focus Spirit: Lynn Link, increases crit rate, max HP/MP, and boss damage.
Judgment: Kinesis Link, increases damage from critical hits (crit damage, from here on).
Nature's Friend: Lara Link, slight damage increase, increases damage even more to normal enemies.
Phantom Instinct: Phantom Link, Massive boost to crit rate.
Rune Persistence: Evan Link, rune bonus EXP time lasts longer (don't worry about this yet either).
Solus: Ark Link, more damage the longer we're constantly fighting, to a limit of 5 stacks.
Tide of Battle: Illium Link, more damage as long as we're moving constantly, to a limit of 5 stacks.
Wild Rage: Demon Avenger Link, increases damage.

Altogether, these abilities give us a ~30% bonus crit chance, and a number of useful damage and EXP buffs. Setting them up the most important thing to remember to do on a new character, so much so that some guides tell you to not even bother picking a main before you've got most of these characters to at least level 120.

With that done, I go ahead and set my keybinds. How you bind your keys is more of an art than a science, but since I have an Angelic Buster already I know approximately how I prefer to push my buttons. That means I need to reset the default keybindings from this:


To this:


There's a lot of empty space here, which we'll fill in little by little as I get access to more and more of Angelic Buster's utility skills. There's also one icon on Shift that's new: that's because it's one of our 1st Job Skills!


Each skill has its own 'Book' at the top, and all of ours are titled 'Angelic Buster.' This is purely for flavor and mostly comes up for base Explorer classes. As for the four actual skills we get for right now…

Melody Cross: Increases HP and MP, also raises our Attack Speed by +2 as long as we have it.
Affinity Heart: Raises walking speed, max walking speed, and jump height.
Feather Hop:

Hitting Jump again in midair lets us flash jump, up to two times. We can also hold up while activating this skill to go flying upwards instead.
Star Bubble:

Hits up to 8 enemies at once for enough damage to make them die. This is our main mode of attack in 1st Job.

When getting skills, it's important to put 1 point into your main attack skills and any decent passive skills, at which point we first level up mobility-based passives, then damaging passives, then attack skills, then whatever else. This is ultimately more an art than a science, though, and you don't have to worry about building wrong. These days, all characters get enough SP to get all their skills from each job.

This was not always the case back when they sold an SP reset scroll for real money to fix poorly planned skill loadouts, because of course they did that.

I'd also like to point out that Angelic Busters now have an MP bar. This is actually a change from their original form, where they used a unique system that meant they could never run out of MP, and by level 120 or so all of their skills were just good to go at all times, forever, barring cooldowns. For better or for worse, however, the Recharge system is not implemented in v251. We have MP… and it basically doesn't matter because we have more than enough to cast all our abilities for nearly forever.

Lastly, I check and make sure my Legion is in order. "What's a Legion," I hear newer players ask? Well, it's another form of bonus I get for having so many characters.

The Legion system gives us a legion grid that gives a variety of bonuses. I'm not going to go in-depth over it, but you need a total of 6000 character levels over the highest 42 characters on your account to get the full grid access, letting me get 10% bonus EXP, 20% crit damage, another 19% crit chance and 40% bonus normal monster damage, on top of unique bonuses from each class's block I put in there.

Grinding your Legion is a new player's personal hell, as you need to have thirty level 200 characters to hit that 6k benchmark to get access to everything. Many players stop long before they get there out of boredom from playing the same few areas over and over again to get to 200 on so many classes. Beyond that 6k benchmark would be what's known as an 8k Legion, at which point we get the ability to place a good number more character blocks onto the grid, filling out much more of it. This is generally considered an 'endgame' level of Legion, as leveling beyond that point requires a LOT of time in exchange for placing 1 extra character block every 500 total levels.

I have 9004, because I play this game as a joke. :v:

While I'm here, I also check out the other new toy implemented in the Legion screen, added fresh in v251: Legion Artifacts!

Legion Artifacts get points from doing daily quests and weekly bosses, and give even more bonuses that apply to all characters on your account. They can expire, but realistically they should never do so since keeping them running is remarkably cheap compared to the points the quests give you. Because I had a number of Special quests done (these are milestones like defeating certain bosses or the like), I was able to start at Artifact Level 28.

Grinding this up is also a personal hell for new players, but less of one since it's mostly stuff you were going to do anyways. It's like diet hell.

Image Okay! I've looked through everything, now it's time to-

Image Click on the star tab. There's more gifts!

Image …What?


The star over here on the far left is a foldout tab, it tells us we have nine event quests that are available, as well as a fire icon that is related to our status as a Burning character. We start by clicking on the fire.


This shows us our event track. We're currently at the very start of it, and can get a number of rewards right now that are meant to smooth out our trip from level 11 to level 200. For obvious reasons, we claim the reward immediately.


I also start the COMEBACK Battleground Idol quest, which gives me even more bonuses as I level up Magilia, in addition to another bonus daily as long as I get 1000 kills with any Angelic Buster. I already did that on my main, so there's one gift ready to be claimed already.


Next, I grab the [Skill] On Stage quest to get unlocking another one of our class's core skills out of the way.

Image So Tear, I have another tip on how to get more famous. You want to hear it?

Image Sure, why not?

Image The key to fame in the music business is more concerts! Squeezing them into your busy schedule, on the other hand, is gonna be tough… So why don't we try a little something I like to call a 'Guerilla Concert'?

Image Guerrilla Concert?

Image Yeah, like busking in town.

Image How about it? Wanna learn how to throw a concert at the drop of a hat?


Image With the Onstage skill, you can throw a surprise concert whenever you want. Give it a shot.


This quest gives us the On Stage skill, which is a 1 hour cooldown ability that lets us play songs from the Shining Heart album not only for ourselves but for any character within a certain radius around us. It is the only skill in the entire game powerful enough to hijack the audio of other players, and thus makes Angelic Buster the most powerful class in the game. It can only be used in towns.

Anyways, that's enough setup. Let's carry on with the plot already, shall we?

Image So now that you're settling into your power, what're you going to do next?

Image Show it off to my friends, of course!

Image You want to tell them you're Angelic Buster?

Image Yeah, you think that'd be all right? Just Kyle and Velderoth, nobody else.

Image I mean, you CAN do that, but... think about what you said earlier. You didn't want your friends to worry. Now, sooner or later, as your power grows, Angelic Buster's going to get called up to the front lines. How are your friends going to feel about that, if they know you're her?

Image That's, uh... surprisingly thoughtful of you, Eskalade.


Image I guess you're right. I really don't want them to worry about me.

Image If you really want to tell somebody, how about the High Priestess? Fenelle, was it? She seems to know a lot about you. What was it she said? You had a special heart?

We get a yes/no prompt here, to start the quest. Every quest has them, and players who are skipping the cinema will frequently move their 'advance dialogue' keybind to the Y button to automatically hit yes on any that occur. Anyways, we agree.

Image All right, off to the Great Temple we go.


We get a little arrow over our head to help us navigate there. This is a regular feature of later quests, helping keep us from getting lost when trying to find NPCs or maps.


She's located inside this building, as the nav arrow is kind enough to tell us to use the portal.


Once we arrive, the arrow goes away and it tells us we're there. We can complete the quest by clicking on the book over Fenelle's head whenever we like.

Image Who are you? You seem familiar…

Image (Oops, I should have changed back before I walked in.) Um... I am…

Image You're Tear, aren't you?

Image How'd you know?

Image Well, your aura is unmistakable. That kind heart, that will to protect everyone… That… outfit, though. That's new.

Image Well, after the Stone latched onto me…

Image ...I see. That's quite the story. So the Stone did choose you for a reason. Heh, I hope I‘m not the last to know about it.

Image No, you're the first. No one else knows, just you, me, and Eskalade. ...Why?

Image Well, if word gets out that the Sacred Stones can give you powers, everyone will be after them.

Image Oof. Right, I hadn't even thought about that.

Image So tell me, what do you plan to do with that power?

Image I want to do my part, help our people.

Image I thought you might say that. Give me a moment. Let me find a way for you to help. Come back in a bit, won't you?

This is today's variation on the most common trope in this game: the "We need to segue from one quest into another but there's no easy way to end this conversation without just giving you said quest so we'll ask you to wait a moment." This happens so often over the course of this game, particularly when reporting information and ferrying it between multiple NPCs, that the only reason it isn't a community meme is because nobody who plays MapleStory bothers reading the plot of MapleStory.


Anyways, we get a decent chunk of EXP for our trouble, and the next quest bulb is already over our head. Let's roll.

Image She's got a point. Keep quiet about being Angelic Buster AND about the Stone.

Image Got it.

Image And just t-to manage expectations here, it's good for you to help people, but it won't always lead to more power.

Image Well, it's not always glorious helping people, but there's honor in it, right?

Image Of course there is. Just not a lot of recognition, which unfortunately is the kind of honor it takes here. What I'm getting at is that eventually, every Nova on Grandis is going to know the name Angelic Buster -- yay! -- but that's not enough people to bring out my full power. Ha! Sooner or later, you're going to have to take this show on the road.


As a result of talking to people a total of twice, we gain our first level. Each level gives 5 AP for stats, and 3 SP for skills. From now on, we're also in HYPER BURNING mode, which means each level up will give us 3 levels instead until we hit 260.


Everything goes into Feather Hop for me, it's our fastest form of movement and getting around is the hardest part of early Maple. After it's maxed, I'll be taking Affinity Heart and then beyond that it doesn't really matter because neither other skill will do much of note for Magilia.

Anyways, back to talking to Fenelle.

Image Tear... or do you prefer Angelic Buster now? Thank you for your patience. There doesn't seem to be much for you to do here at the temple. Have you asked General Cartalion? I‘d be happy to send you with a letter of recommendation.

Obviously, we agree…


And get a new navigator arrow. That little quest prompt lets us know we can turn in the quest we've just taken—it's more handy when the quest requires us to pick up a number of items or kill a number of mobs.


We find General Cartalion in the courtyard right outside, sitting near where Angelic Busters come out of their initial cutscene. We also find a couple of our ten fans here, some of whom have taken to wearing identical outfits to ours. Their identities have been censored for privacy reasons.

Image And who are you?

Image Angelic Buster, sir.

Image Ah, I've heard the name. So what's your business here?

Image Gran-- *cough* The High Priestess s-sent me. I want to help our people, any way I can. Give me a mission. Please.

Image Well, Fenelle seems to think you're capable enough. But any mission I could send you on would be outside the Shield. No civilian‘s equipped to survive out there.

Image Just tell me what you need. I'll do it.

Image You're asking me to order a civilian into certain death. Not happening.

Image I'm volunteering. Give me a chance. For our people.

Image Hmm... I might have something for you.


Image Woah… did I just power-up at the possibility of being useful?

Image He's a general. His attention's worth a lot of glory. Makes sense, really.

Image That's a good point…

Image Who are you talking to?

Image Oh! Myself… ahaha. That's me. Angelic "talks to herself" Buster! Anyways, you were saying?

Image I'll start you off with a trip to the outskirts. Minimal risk, relatively speaking. Selene needs some ingredients from the West Plains.

It feels so weird to be playing a game where the outskirts aren't a hideous deathtrap.

Image If you're sure you want to do this, those plains are full of the creatures they call Sleepy Grobblers. She needs ten of their stalks. Don't push yourself too hard.

Once again we get a navigation arrow, this one taking us to the far left portal and out of Pantheon's main hub town.


Magilia arrives at her destination right after leaving town, a map full of Sleepy Grobblers for us to harvest the stalks from.

It has been 41 minutes and 2 seconds of playtime since I began this recording, and finally Magilia is ready to fight her first mob.

…Next time. :v:

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Alright. Ten Sleepy Grobbler stalks. We can do this, easy-peasy. Let's take a closer look at the enemy we'll be fighting.


The Sleepy Grobbler is a level 10 enemy, and is the most basic of the enemies we will ever face in our time in MapleStory. It has 350 HP, which I have been told is 'A Lot' for a low-level enemy in an MMORPG. This may seem intimidating, but we have it well in hand.


This is our first hit of Star Bubble, a 3-hit skill. It is already dealing 30k damage.

The HP of mobs do not matter, and this will continue to be the case for normal players until they're around level 100-140, depending on class and equipment. In the case of a juiced account like Magilia has… well, you'll see.


Anyways, after her first three kills, she immediately gets another 5 which lets me show off two things. The first is the Multikill bonus, which gives us a slight increase to EXP gained any time we kill 3 or more mobs in one shot. The amount isn't very large, so it's not worth waiting on combos over just killing more enemies. The second is that tiny 2 combo behind the defeated enemies. This is our Combo meter, it goes up by 1 each time a unique skill cast defeats an enemy, and every 50 a Combo orb will spawn that gives us more EXP.


Defeating enemies makes them drop mesos and various other items, including the 10 stalks we need. We do not have any kind of autopickup normally, and would have to hit the pickup button while standing on each item manually in order to get them.

Thankfully, Nexon sells a solution to the problem they created: Pets!

Image Oh, right. You're going to need a way to pick up all that stuff… Hey, there's a box in your inventory. Maybe take a look inside?


Image This thing? It doesn't look like any chest I've ever seen…

Image That's the one! Crack it open. It's another present.


Image It's a… snail. Great! I'm so excited to use it..!

Image Aww, I know. It's such a helpful little guy.

New characters will always get a box with a snail in it that lasts for 5 hours of active time, because the first hit is free.

Burning characters will also get a second snail that lasts for 30 days, and that one is the one I've decided to pull out here. In addition to picking up mesos and items for us, this snail can also automatically use HP or MP potions on us whenever we enter "critical" HP/MP. We can set what critical is in our settings by deciding when the HP/MP bar starts flashing at us.

We go ahead and equip this one, which will do for our purposes for now.


The Snail runs around and grabs all the items on the ground. In the top-center of the screen, the game will track our quest progress as we go. We could open a dedicated quest window to do this as well, but… why? :effort:


Image Hiii-yah!

So we begin the time-honored tradition of jumping back and forth spamming our attack skill while everything dies. This is… really the core gameplay of most of MapleStory. We jump and airdash forward, use attack, things die, repeat forever.

Since mobbing is so much of the game, I decided to try doing a kill counter for Magilia. However, there are two problems:

-I forget frequently to pull up my kill counter.
-Even when I do remember, it will shut off randomly at inconvenient times.

I'll still do my best, but know that it's an approximate kill counter based on what I think I saw.


Anyways, it doesn't take us long to get the stalks. Time to head back to town.

Total Kills: 17


On the way to turn in the quest, I use some of my meso to buy Pet Food. Pets will use fullness while they're on the field, and when their fullness hits 0 they'll go away and make us resummon them. Remembering to feed our pet is now a responsibility, but thankfully Pet Food is very cheap.

MapleStory sells an ability for pets that lets them feed themselves, because of course they do.


Keybind update. I usually put Pet Food on ; just so it's out of the way when mobbing but I can press it to feed my pets easily.


Anyways, let's get this quest turned in.

Image Hello? Oh, you must be Angelic Buster.

Image You brought ingredients? Ah, this is exactly what I need. Thank you so much.


Image And now it's helping someone just once..?

Image Ehhh…. Maybe she's really into idol culture?

Image I guess it's possible…

Image Probably best not to question it. Don't look a gift dragon in the mouth, and all that.

Image Ah. While you're here, there's one other thing I could use help with…

Image Shoot! Go ahead.

Image We've had a shortage lately. It seems someone's been stealing from us.

Image At first, I thought I was being paranoid, but no, things have definitely been walking out of here when my back's turned. I suppose I ought to tell the General. Or... would you mind telling him for me?

Image Of course! I don't mind.


Jumping over to the other side of town, this took exactly four flash jumps to accomplish. We get two per normal jump, so… it really wasn't very far at all.

Image You made the delivery? You're tougher than you look.

Image I have a heads-up from Selene.

Image ...Someone's stealing our provisions, huh? That's a problem. We can't spare the people to guard the storehouse.


That IS a problem, given that an army runs on its stomach. The Nova are maybe not the best at war. Thankfully, there's a magical girl around to solve all their problems in a flash♥

Image Hm? You're volunteering? You know the risks.

Image I know I can do it.

Image In that case, I'll post you in front of the storehouse. If you see the thief, call it in. Do NOT engage on your own.

Image I'm serious. You notify me, first thing.

Some quests will instantly move us to the map in question upon accepting. Those quests will warn us when this is the case. Be sure you're ready for a fight before saying Yes, just in case.


The timer in the top-center means that we're on an instanced map. This almost always means that we're going to be fighting something. Sitting around until the timer ends will fail the quest, but the timer is so generous that it's nearly impossible to fail.

Anyways, we wait for people to show up until they do.

Image I recognize their... auras. Those are the same thieves as last time!

Image They have somebody on watch this time.

Image So... should we back off?

Image Nah, it's just some wimpy little girl. Let's take her out and get the job done.

Image I don't think we're going to get a chance to call the General…

Image I think you're right. Let's get 'em, Angelic Buster!


Our quest objective is to beat up a bunch of evil priests to keep them from stealing our supplies.

Image I hope you're ready to taste ground!

Image You'll be eating a bunch of it… when we kill you. And bury you six feet under!

Image Pewpewpew!!

Image What-?!


Image BIFF!

Image BARF!!

Total Kills: 19

We do not even give them the honor of dying to Star Bubble. Anyways, once the fight is over we can leave through the portal on the right to continue the story. It brings us back to town, so let's talk to Cartalion again and tell him all about our glorious and honorable victory.

Image Volunteer, report. Any sign of the thief?

Image Okay, here's what happened…

Image ...Those weren't ordinary thieves, they were Nefarious Priests! Why did you engage?! I specifically ordered you to... *sigh* Are you hurt?

Image I'm fine. I know there's at least two more of them out there. You want me to go track them down?

Image I can't ask you to do that in good conscience. Go on, volunteer. Good work. You‘re dismissed.


Image …Or so he says, but I'm definitely feeling that honor. You did good, kid!

Image Still…


Our next quest is one of those ones that appears over our head. Time to think on things!

Image Why didn't the general think I could handle that?

Image He‘s just worried about you, that's all.

Image But those thieves, or priests, they're still out there. We're gonna get raided again.

Image The general will take care of it.

Image Don't just try to make me feel better. Let's figure out how to fix this.

Image ...I might be able to track their auras. Back to their hideout, if we're lucky.

Image You can do that?

Image If you want me to. Once we find the hideout, we'll call in the general, and he can take it from there.

Image Do it.

Image All right, give me a second... I'm getting some bad vibes out of the East Forest. *sigh* Let's check it out.


And so we go off to the right, which is where the East is.


Aaand up here…


And here we are! Our very first hidden portal. These are indicated by yellow oval outlines that appear only when we get close to them. Some of them warp us around on the same map, acting as shortcuts. Some of them take us to other maps entirely—this portal is one of those.

Image You know, I'm actually pretty full. Do we need to keep stealing food?

Image Is that why you think we're doing this? 'Cause you're hungry?

Image W-was it not?

Image We're doing this to get to the Stone, you idiot!

Image Oh, right. Don't yell at me, man…

Image Now that they know we‘re raiding the storehouse, they're gonna keep more guards there. Then we can hit the Sanctum and grab the Stone before they catch on.

Image I don't know, that one girl was guarding the storehouse pretty well. What if they keep her there, and they don't move the knights?

Image Ah, not a problem. I scoped out the storehouse, and the knights are already there.

Image Sweet!

Image Let‘s go check in real quick. He's gonna want to know what we're up to.

Image Okay. Right behind ya.


The two of them head back inside their base of operations, quite confident. And they should be—this is a pretty good plan! Unfortunately, there's one thing they didn't count on:

Image This is bad. The Sanctum‘s in trouble.

A magical girl, standing just offscreen. I have no idea how they didn't see her.

Image Yeah. We'd better tell the general.


We're given a navigation arrow back to Cartalion. This is a big deal, so we'd better tell him ASAP…

So we do that. :v:


Image Oh… It's you.

Image Angelic Buster? Got something to report?

Image A lot, actually…

Image ...Hmm. They didn't say which Sanctum, did they? ...No. We'll have to cover all three.

A new quest pops up immediately.

Image I want you to help patrol them. You and Kaiser. We'll be spread thin, but you'll have support nearby. You'll take the North Sanctum. Notify the priests on watch if you see anything suspicious.

Image Yes sir! I'll keep an eye out!


Image I'm actually going to help protect everyone, Eskalade… For real, this time!

Image You sure are. Just give it your all, Angelic Buster! And… maybe think of some choreography for when we're fighting.

Image There's no time for that! We have to get going!!

Image Just keep it in the back of your mind, okay? Your fans are going to want awesome dance moves..!

Image Fiiine.

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Ah yes, Nexon's preferred MO of "Invent the problem, sell the solution" rears its head already. Get them while they're still new, huh?

It'd be funny if Cartalion goes from gruff soldier to Angelic Buster's super fan later on. Let him have some fun in his life, man could use a little smiling. :v:

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We rejoin Angelic Buster as she reports to the North Sanctum to protect the Stone from the Bad Guys.

Image Wow, Angelic Buster! I'm a fan.

Image Thanks. Is the Stone safe? The Nefarious Priests are after it.

Image Well, they're going to leave disappointed as long as I'm here.

Image Still, just keep an extra close eye out.

Image Sure thing. But I think the big worry is the South Sanctum. Christina's the only real guard there, and she's... kind of frail.

Image We'd better go there next.

Image (Kyle's there, so it should be okay, but...) We will.

Image Hey-hey-hey, before you go... could I have your autograph?

Image My whatograph?

Image Oh, uh, he wants you to scribble something on a piece of paper and give it to him. People like it when celebrities do that. *shrug"

Image Whoa! Thank you. Christina's going to be so jealous.


Image Again? But he was already a fan…

Image You're a battleground idol now, remember? The better you get at idol stuff, the stronger you'll become too. So, when you signed your first autograph…

Image I got better at accessing my powers?

Image You got it!

Image …I see… Anyways.

Lightbulb over our head, we have another quest already.

Image I don't know about that guy. What do you think, Eskalade?

Image He seems a little... cavalier, but lucky for all of us, it's not just the Stone on the line here, it's his pride. He'll stay on task. Let's leave him to it and head to the South Sanctum.

Image Right. Fast as we can go!


The South Sanctuary is just a short walk from the North one. The area within the shield is actually pretty small, the Nova aren't doing too great for themselves at the moment.

Image Ya-tu-tummm… nyoom-nyoom~!

Image Really getting the hang of those air dashes, huh?

Image They're the fastest way to get from point A to point B! And…

Image I thought they might qualify as "awesome dance moves." If it'll let me help even more… right?

Image That's the spirit. Dash on, Angelic Buster!

Flash Jumping everywhere is as normal in modern day MapleStory as doing dailies. With ours maxed out now, we've got some serious schmovement on our side.


We make it without any complications, of course. Let's make sure that Kyle didn't screw up everything's okay with Christina.

Image You're that idol girl Anor likes, aren't you? It isn't safe here. You should go.

Image I'm Angelic Buster. I'm here to help guard the Stone. What do you mean 'not safe'? Have they attacked already? Where‘s the Stone now?

Image It's still here, thanks to Kyle-- Kaiser, excuse me. He got here just in time. Then he went back to report to the general.

Good work, Kyleser. Seems like everything's okay here too. With two sanctuaries fine and one empty… There's only one place left to look. To the next quest!

Image If Kyle's with the general, the West Sanctum might be shorthanded.

Image That‘s our cue, then.

It's another auto-move prompt… yep, something's definitely going down.


Oh… Looks like the Nefarious Priests decided to GO WEST! as well.

Image How'd it go in the south?

Image Not great.

Image G'ah, we're surrounded by idiots.

Image At least we did OUR job. Should we go straight to Magnus?

Image Nah, he'll come to us. Let's just get the Stone back to the East Forest.

Image (They have the Stone?!) ...You put that back RIGHT now!

Unfortunately for them, these two Nefarious Priests are also vulnerable to a Magical Girl standing just offscreen.


Reacting quickly, one of the Priests summons a shield.


But Angelic Buster fires off a Star Bubble right over it…


…To no avail. The Nefarious Priest readies another spell.


Aaaand, kaboom. We're down.

Image Who the hell was she?

Image Forget her, she's got friends coming.

Image Yeah, let's go.


The Priests run off, taking the Stone with them. We're officially 0-2 for protecting these things. :negative:

Image Tear! Tear, wake up! (Why am I whispering? You're the only one who can hear me!)

We fade to black here, and come back…

Image Tear? Are you all right?

...Back in the infirmary. Dammit.

Image ...Ugh, what happened?

Image You fought with the thieves who took the Stone. Kaiser and the general found you afterwards.

Image They took the Stone? They didn't get away, did they?!


Image Did they?!

Image It's not your fault.

Image Oh, gods... I blew it again…

Image For now, you need to rest.

Image Wait, no… Magnus is coming.

Image Magnus?

Image The general needs to know, right now.


No time to waste. We run off immediately to let General Cartalion know exactly what a big mess this is—with two stones gone, the Shield is down, and with the Shield down, Magnus can pop in. Given that he killed the last Kaiser… Well, it'd be bad.

Image Tear, wait!


Angelic Buster has no time to waste, and we spawn in right next to Cartalion to expedite things.

Image A little soon to be back on your feet, don't you think?

Image I have to tell you something. Those priests? They're going to give the Sacred Stone to Magnus.

Image Magnus? You think he's behind this?

Image I heard them say it. He's coming to meet with them.

Image So that's their plan. This is the second Stone we've lost. The other one attached itself to a girl named Tear. We have two left, only two… That's not enough to power the Shield. It'll fall apart soon, and then Magnus‘s troops will be all over us.

Image This can't be happening... It's my fault…

Image Don't say that. I was the one who clustered the knights around the storehouse instead of the Sanctums.

I agree, this is mostly Cartalion's fault. Angelic Buster was doing just fine guarding the storehouse, she could have just kept doing that.

Image ...l‘m going to get it back.

Image How? We have no idea where they've taken it. The only clue they left at the Sanctum was your unconscious body. And no, it's not in the east woods. Kaiser already swept their base looking for it. You're a civilian volunteer. This is a fight for soldiers. Sing your songs, keep morale up, and leave the rest to us.


Level 26, and a new quest to go with it.

Image If I'd been stronger, I could have stopped them…

Image Blaming yourself is a waste of time at this point. We need to get the Stone back BEFORE the Shield falls.

Image Do you have any idea where to look?

Image Hmm, I don't. ...But you might. You had a connection with my Stone, so… so you might have that same connection with the others! Let's go back to the West Sanctum and see if you can pick up its trail.

Image I don't know how to do that. Can't you read its aura or something?

Image You don't have to know how. You didn't know how when my Stone latched onto you. Just go there and be who you are. That's all you've got to do.

Image Listen, Tear, if you don't believe in yourself, believe in me. When I tell you… you got this.

Eskalade believes in us. But do we got this?

Well, yes, of course we do. A magical girl with incredible hidden powers has to have at least one crisis of faith, and Angelic Buster Magilia is getting hers out of the way as early as possible.

Image All right. I'll give it a shot.

Scene transition once again…

Image There might be some residual energy here. Try to feel it. Imagine what it looks like.

Image Okay.

And it's detective time.


Angelic Buster focuses on locating the artifact, and we get to see our first instance of Nexon's favorite CG cliche: Dramatic eye-opening.


Like so.

Image I... I think I see it!

Image Good. Lead the way.


We head off to go take back the Stone and save the day.

Image Wouldn't it be safer to head back to base? We pretty much just stole their whole defense grid. You know they‘re going to be looking for us still.

The brilliant reason that the East Forest base didn't have the stone? The Nefarious Priests were just standing around somewhere else. Pantheon isn't very big, how did they get away with that? :psyduck:

I'm really starting to suspect Cartalion isn't very good at his job.

Image That pink-haired girl probably heard... ONE of us mention the East Forest. And she was still breathing when we took off. So if she told anybody, that base ain't gonna be there much longer. Too bad her friends showed up before we could finish her off.

Image What was she doing there, anyway? Did she know we were coming?

Image Probably not, considering nobody's talked about the plans outside the base... or have they?

As a reminder:
Last Update wrote:

The two of them head back inside their base of operations, quite confident. And they should be—this is a pretty good plan! Unfortunately, there's one thing they didn't count on:

This is bad. The Sanctum‘s in trouble.

A magical girl, standing just offscreen.
I don't think this quite counts as 'outside the base,' but really if they'd just remember to check offscreen for magical girls before doing nefarious stuff they'd have won twice by now.

Image You think we've got a mole?

Image Or an idiot. A bigger idiot than we thought. Gotta wonder where Magnus finds these guys…

Image We found them. Now what? Jumping out and yelling at 'em didn't work last time.

Meanwhile, Angelic Buster plans her attack from a hiding place so immaculate that she can't even be seen.

Image Yeah, yeah, it did not.

Oh, wait, there she is!

Image Can you go tell the general?

Image Hahaha, I could TELL him, but he wouldn't hear me. Remember?

Image Right. And I can't go back and tell him now. What if they get away? What if the Shield falls before we get there?

Image Both good points.

Image So I'm going to have to fight 'em again.

Image Wait for the right moment. Don't go two against one this time.

Image Okay. I'll wait until they split up or the Shield starts falling, whichever comes first.

Image If the Shield does fall and you rush in, th-they could kill you.

Image I'll just have to make enough of a show out of it that other people come running. The troops love a concert, you know.


Image Fine, not like I have any say.

Image The Shield's still up for now, right?

For now, she focuses back on the Nefarious Priests to watch for her chance to bust in.

Image As far as I can tell.

Image Any word from the south?

Image No word.

Image Guess one of us has to go babysit those morons.

Image I'll do it.

Image Don't be long.


The Nefarious Priest leaves, giving Angelic Buster an opening.

Image This is our chance…

The screen fades out…


And we enter an instanced map against the same Nefarious Priest who defeated us before. This boss fight only has a single enemy instead of the two before, but as we saw earlier these Priests can apparently oneshot us.


Image Angelic Buster, ready!!

Image You again?! Hey, what are you doing??

Image Isn't it obvious?


Image I'm dancing!

Image BARF!

Image That's the way, Angelic Buster! With footwork that fancy, enemies won't be able to touch you!

Total Kills: 20

All of that only applies in cutscenes, though. Like every enemy this early on, this Priest is nothing. That cube there is the Stone, we make sure to pick it up on the way out.

Image Got it! Let's get it back to the general, on the double.

This portal drops us right back into Pantheon, thankfully.


Image General Cartalion!

Image You—what are you doing here?!

Image Magnus has launched a full-scale attack. You ought to be sheltering.

Image I got the Stone back, the one from the west!

Image What-- How?! ...Never mind. You're a lifesaver. I'll have it returned right away. Once it's set in place, the Shield will come back up.

Image What about that full-scale attack? Can we get the Shield up in time?

Image According to Kaiser's recon, Magnus is sending in a smaller wave first. To test our defenses, I'd wager. If we can hold them off, the Shield will do the rest.

Our next action is clear… and we've got another new quest.

Image *puff* This day's actually turning out okay.

Image Hmm…

Image What's wrong?

Image Something's off. You got the Stone back. The enemy doesn't have it. But they're acting as if they do. If they knew -- and they SHOULD know -- we were about to raise the Shield again, they'd go all-out on us before we could do that. And Magnus would probably lead the charge. But they're sending a smaller wave, and he's not in it.

Image You think maybe that wave is a diversion?

Image It could be. Which raises the question: what's their actual plan?

Image ...The south!

Image Go on.

Image That's what the priests were talking about.

Image Any word from the south?

Image Right! They already had enough Stones to drop the Shield! Th-they wouldn't care about the south unless they had something else planned there!

Image Let's go see what they're up to.

Time to go to work.


Four priests are right near the border of the Shield, ominously making some kind of magic circle. Unfortunately, they too are falling for one of the newest and most consistent of Novan gambits:

Image What on Grandis is that?

The offscreen magical girl.

Image It's a summoning circle. They're going to bring in their main forces here and then attack before the Shield comes up, while our guys are looking the other way.

Image We can't stop this on our own. We've got to tell the general.

And sure enough, we're brought right back to Pantheon to tell him.

Image A summoning circle? So it's a two-pronged attack after all. I'll tell Kaiser to fly south and stop the ritual. Thanks to you, we still have a chance... but only a chance.


Image Again..? Wow! It feels like I'm getting close to the limit of what my powers can do, Eskalade.

Image I… may have a couple of tricks up my sleeve saved for when you get that far.

Image Really? So there's even more that I can do…

Image Sure is! Let's worry about that later. Right now, we've got bigger fish to fry.

Image Right!

Image All done, miss Angelic "talks to herself" Buster? There was something I wanted to ask you.

Image lf Kaiser doesn't succeed, we'll be swarmed.

Image Fighting at the Shield's edge is one thing. Fighting in the heart of Pantheon is... something else entirely. As much as I believe in Kaiser, we do need a contingency plan. Stay in Pantheon. Help us keep a fallback position.

Image Can do, general!

Image Thank you. I'll let you know as soon as I hear from Kaiser.

Pause, two, three…

Image Well, that didn't take long. Kaiser came through. He stopped the summoning ritual, and the Shield is now back up.

Image Woo hoo! So... why the long face?

Image We've started discussing our next step. Kaiser's proposed a... certain strategy.

Image Sounds like you're not too happy about it.

Image Heh. Well, I might as well bring you in on this now. By the time Kaiser reached the summoning circle, they'd already called in multiple units. He closed the circle, but they had enough men to push forward, past what would have been the edge of the Shield. Then the Shield came back up, and the enemy troops inside just… vanished. Vaporized, apparently.

Image The Shield can do that? Just to the enemy?

Image Yes, and that's when Kaiser came up with his suggestion to drop the shield, let them all in, and then turn it back on. The idea is to give them the impression that we don't have the Stone back, and we'd only managed to hotwire the Shield for a short time before it flickered out again.

Image IF they take the bait, and IF we can get the Shield back up in time afterwards, we could sweep them all away, just like that. It could work, but only if everything goes our way. If we lose the Stone again, or if they charge in too quickly and overwhelm us, it's over. And there's the actual physical task of uninstalling and reinstalling the Stone. I'm not sure we can leave that to the priests, I'm sorry to say.

Image That's a fair point. The Stones aren't easy to handle at the best of times.

Image I have to keep watch here. Kaiser's busy guarding the west, in case they go for the Sanctum again. And the knights are all busy either guarding the front or running recon.

Image So you need someone to handle the Stone?

Image Before we even consider that, we're going to need Council approval. I can't just drop the Shield on my own.

Image (Should I volunteer?)

This plan is crazy as hell, and as the one person in Pantheon who we know can handle stones there's a roughly 90% chance this will work…

And if it doesn't, hey, second bracelet! :buddy:

Image If you need me, I can take care of the Stone.

Image You're sure? You'd be taking on a massive responsibility, more than you ever have. You're reliable, but think very carefully.

Image I can handle it.

Image ...Good. Full disclosure, you're probably the only one I COULD ask. Aside from Kaiser, and he's busy. Thank you. I'll leave the Stone in your hands -- IF the Council approves.

With the plan all set up, we just have to get the council's approval. One guess what our next quest is.

Image ...And on that note…

Image I‘ve written down Kaiser's plan. Since you're part of it, introduce yourself to Council President Beldar over there and give it to him. Tell me what he says. I'd eavesdrop, but that'd be rude.


We are officially on messenger duty for a guy roughly ten feet to Cartalion's left. Ostensibly this is to introduce us to the Council President…

But politics are a lot of work, and we've been bustin' our rear for a while keeping Pantheon safe. We'll handle this next time.

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Okay, let's talk to Beldar and get the ball rolling on our great plan to… Let me check my notes.

"Let down the shield, let the enemy overwhelm us, and then bug zapper them en masse," apparently? Eh, sure, it's not the worst idea given how outmatched the Nova apparently are.

Image Who are you? What do you want?

Image My name's Angelic Buster. The general needs clearance for his new plan.

Image All right, give me a moment to read this… *sigh* This is... an INCREDIBLY risky plan. And it all depends on YOU? What is Cartalion thinking?

Image It IS risky, but if it goes off, it'll wipe the enemy out.

Image IF, yes. ...Yes, it could. I'll need to speak with the Council. Please wait a moment.

Quest transition.

Image The Council has voted yes. We commend our fate to Kaiser, and to you.

Image Cartalion must see something in you. So I'll defer to his judgment. Good luck. Tell him... he has our approval.

Image Will do, sir!


So we once again walk ten whole steps to deliver some information which could have been conveyed by just Talking Slightly Louder. Eh, it's free EXP.

Image General Cartalion.

Image I know. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop… but it's hard not to when he speaks so loudly.

Image They actually voted yes. Well... *sigh* there it is, then.

Image We'll have to move immediately. Let's just review the plan one more time first.

Quest transition.


Image Woah… so much power!

Image The whole of the Nova are placing their hopes on you and Kaiser. Ain't much more honorable than that.


Image I feel like I've mastered all of my new powers, too!

Image That's because you have. Without a new level of growth, this is the most you'll be able to do.

At level 30, all first job classes have enough SP to max all their skills. This is because our 2nd job advancement comes at level 30. We'd normally get it out of the way now, but…


I get distracted by having two quests overhead instead of just one. The one with [Job Advancement] next to it is for getting to 2nd job, so let's go for the [Skill] quest and see what new power we get.

Image Hey, Tear. You've been putting in some extra effort lately, haven't you?

Image Yeah, I have. The more I practice magic, the better I get with it. Great motivator, huh?

Image It is, yeah. Just remember, you need to practice your singing and dancing too. That's part of it.

Image I'm doing MAGIC now, and you want me to practice my pirouettes? Come on. Priorities.

Image Ah, 'priorities,' nothing. Idols have it rough. You made a good first impression out there, but if you want to keep your fans, you've got to keep stepping it up.

Image I know... but where am I even supposed to practice? If I start singing and dancing in public, someone's going to recognize me.

Image Ah, yeah, I know. So, good news, I found a little studio for you. You want to go check it out now?

Obviously, we do.

Image Okay, I'm not too familiar with your taste, so I gave it an Angelic Buster theme.

Image That's, hmm, not sure how I feel about that.

Image Well, *sniff* don't knock it till you see it. Um, you can use your Day Dreamer skill to get there. Get your practice in, and you'll fly up the charts in no time!


This little conversation adds the Day Dreamer skill to our Beginner repertoire.


Image We're ready anytime, but the longer we wait the more suspicion will…

Using it makes a cool little animation play around us, as we disappear in a flash of pink.


Image …Okay, I guess she can teleport now, too. I'll keep it in mind.


Using Day Dreamer anywhere in the world brings us to the Angelic Buster suite. It's a room used mostly for photo-ops, and as long as we're here the Angel's Room song plays in a 30 second loop. Forever.

This is Fly Away in other versions of the game, but Fly Away is still not implemented in v251, so we'll make due. The most important part of this skill is what happens when we leave.

Image Okay, it's growing on me… but we've still got a lot of work to do.


When we exit, it always drops us off right back in Pantheon. This is great for reasons that we will discuss once we're out of the tutorial. Let's job advance real quick…


Or not, I guess. The game strongly recommends finishing the tutorial before we do that.

Image I mean… do you really want to get used to a whole new set of powers just as Magnus's army is on the rise? It's crunch time, kiddo. Do or die!

Image I guess you have a point… but we're so circling back to this right after we're done.

Image Ah, you're back. Are you ready to go?

Image Ready as I'll ever be.

Image Kaiser is at the Western Border, with Velderoth backing him up.

Image You'll go to the West Sanctum and disable the Shield. If all goes well, the enemy will come rushing in. Kaiser and Velderoth will keep them off you. Once all the enemies have crossed the border, Velderoth will fire off a signal flare. As soon as you see it, reactivate the Shield.

Image Go to the West Sanctum, take out the Stone, wait for the signal flare. Got it.

Image And don't leave your post until the Shield's back up. Protecting that Stone is our top priority. Once that's done, Kaiser and Velderoth will join you at the Sanctum.

Image Now, are you ready?

Accepting automatically sends us to the West Sanctum. It's time to save Pantheon.

Image I'm ready.

Image I wish you the best of luck.

Image All right. Easy does it…

Eskalade's tiny dragon spirit is also here, he's currently hovering behind Angelic Buster's head.


We get our first quick time event now, because of course MapleStory has QTEs in it. For this one we press the Ctrl key when the button is over the yellow area, like it is now. They are all this simple, and you cannot actually miss anything by failing them. You just try until you succeed.


Once we land the button, Angelic Buster removes the Stone and starts walking.

Image Now to wait for the signal flare. ...And wait. ...And wait.

But not far. We've got our orders… even if they're totally boring.

Image Hey. It's all right. Kaiser's got this.

Image Of course he does. Especially with Velderoth right there with him.

Image Hey, right? Just believe in your friends.

Image I do, it's just... They're fighting a whole army. What if there's too many of them? What if they're stronger than we thought?

Image Then we go with Plan B. Take the Stone, sprint over to the North and South Sanctums, grab those Stones, and then head for the Great Temple.

Yes, that's correct: Eskalade's plan B is "Loot all the important stuff and run away." :allears:

Image We take the Stones and run? Why go to the Temple?

Image Oh, I've got it all planned out. Don't, uh, don't worry about it.

Image You are way too chill.


Suddenly, a flare goes off in the sky. The screen even zooms in to make sure we can't miss it.

Image The signal!


One more QTE to put the stone back. This time we push up.

Image Kyle, Velderoth... Please hang in there.

We fade out and then fade back in…

A short while later…

Angelic Buster is pacing back and forth.

Image Why aren't they here yet? The Shield came back up, didn't it?

Image Something must have happened. We should go find out.

Image Yeah, let's go.


It's time to go check on Kyle and Velderoth. What could possibly be holding them up?


Oh. It's Magnus. He'd definitely do it. Thankfully, we've arrived before he's laid everyone out.


Angelic Buster quickly runs in to help her friends.

Image Huh. So you're the new baby Kaiser.

Image (That's Magnus! Even inside the Shield, he's still standing. But it must've weakened him, at least...)

Image Oh, who's that? Are you drafting little girls now? Guess that makes sense. All your men are gone.

Image Did you come here to talk, or did you come here to die?

Image The Shield's made him weak. Let's get him now!


Magnus easily sidesteps Kyle's attack.

Image Ha! Not weak enough for you.

And he teleports behind us, cutting off our escape.




One attack later, and both Angelic Buster and Velderoth are blown clear, with the screen fading into white.

…Knew we should have done that Job Advancement first. :negative:


We come to on a platform a ways away.

Image Tear! Are you okay?

Image Where are we? Did Magnus knock us all the way here? Where's Kyle? Where's Velderoth?

Image I don't know. But if Magnus is still alive, inside the Shield, we need to warn everybody.

Image *groan* Right. Back to Pantheon.


Probably best to tell the General that our worst nightmare is here inside the Shield and that even weakened he kicked our asses, yeah.


Before we talk to him, though… I remember we're level 30.


The Burning Event gave us a present: Free gear!


We get a level 30 Hat, Gloves, Shoes, Weapon, and Outfit. Outfits can be either Top, Bottom, or Overall (which uses both slots at once). This is an Overall.

I quickly equip them all, moving our damage from "Kills everything in one hit" to "Kills everything in one hit but, like, more." Gear upgrades do matter, but not right now for Magilia.


Because all of our equipment is on Tear's model, the only change in gear that we will ever see is our weapon. Our updated Soul Shooter is now on Angelic Buster's arm. This is actually one of the major reasons to play an Angelic Buster: they effectively get free transparency on all normal gear, making it easier to coordinate a cool outfit.

Yes, that matters. The community as a whole agrees that Fashionstory is the true endgame.

I also finally remember to spend my stat points, slapping 105 points into Dex. Yet again, this doesn't actually matter for Magilia. It's still a good habit to get into when leveling.

Anyways we should probably get around to telling the General that Magnus showed up. We can't put it off any longer.

Image Angelic Buster! I'm glad you're safe. The plan couldn't have gone better.

Image *huff* No. Magnus got through the Shield. At the Western Border--

Image We know. Velderoth told us.

Image Velderoth. Was Kyle with him? Are they okay?

Image They're both safe. They hobbled back here together a little while ago.

Image *phew* What about Magnus? Where is he now?

Image No sign of him. He must have retreated. I like to think I scared him off.

Image *huff* So we won? And everyone's okay?

Image That's right. And we couldn't have done it without you. Everyone in Pantheon is grateful.


Image Darn right they are. Feel that power!

Image Speaking of, I should really get on those new abilities…

Image Eh, when the time is right.

At level 35 we can learn about professions and attributes. I'm not dealing with it yet. MapleStory throws a whole lot of stuff at you, and a lot of it doesn't matter until well down the line. Let's just finish up with Pantheon and get going.

Image I was so worried when I saw Kyle take that hit.

Image You've got to remember, he's Kaiser now. He can handle things other people can't.

Image I mean, I GET that, but…

Image Heh, I'm just teasing you. You've gotten pretty strong yourself.

Image I guess the one I AM worried about is Velderoth. He's the only one of us who didn't get powers.

Image Oh, I thought his power was stubbornness. Well, why not pay him a visit? As Tear, I mean. I'm sure he'd love to see a friend, and Tear'd make him feel stronger by comparison.

Image Well, if he is upset, he'll probably go back to the old hideout.

So we head back ourselves, as Tear.


Tear can actually still do the Angelic Buster Flash Jump without transforming—it and the Grappling Hook are the only abilities of hers we have access to. Anything else forces us to transform. I'd question why nobody can see her doing this and put 2+2 together on who Angelic Buster is, but she's high enough to be just offscreen so they clearly can't see us.

Anyways, let's go see how Velderoth's doing.

Image Hey, Tear.

Image Hey, Velderoth. I heard about the battle. Are you okay?

Image Hmph, the 'battle.' Magnus one-shotted me and took my lunch money. You come here to laugh?

Image No, no, of course not. I just thought maybe you could use a kind word.

Image Oh, kind words. Super helpful. What could you possibly say, huh? What do you know about it? You've never been to war. You never will.

Image It's just... You've always been there for me.

Image You know what? An idol -- an IDOL stepped up to fight. Where the hell were you? Hm? What's your excuse?

Uh… funny story, really… :sweatdrop:

Image Ah, forget it. It doesn't matter who else steps up. We're all just Kaiser's cheerleaders now.

Image ...I did the smart thing, back at the East Sanctum. I went for help. I told him, 'if it gets dangerous, retreat.' And then he rushed right in and stumbled face-first into power. Now he gets all the glory, and I get 'kind words.'

Image Velderoth… (I can't tell him anything that matters. Not without giving myself away.)

Image (I should probably give him some space for now.)



We leveled up from dealing with Velderoth's frustration, and also Kyle is here now. Surely everything will go well, right? :ohdear:

Image (Kyle must feel bad too, about losing to Magnus. Maybe I can talk to him.)

Image Tear! Wow, it's been a while. How've you been?

Image I've been good, Ky-- Should I call you Kyle or Kaiser?

Image Use my name, please. No one else does anymore.

Image *smile* Okay. I heard you... fought with Magnus. How are you feeling?

Image Not great. Sore. But I've just gotta take it as a learning experience and get stronger for next time.

Image Right on! I'll be cheering for you.

Image ...Wait, are YOU hurt? What's with that bruise? What happened?

Image (Oh, Magnus must have done that.) Oh, yeah, this is, uh... I tripped.

Image You tripped.

Image Uh-huh. Yeah, I've been a little clumsy lately. I was playing around, and just... tripped.

Image Off a cliff, or what? Here, let me take a look.

Image Of course you were playing around. While we were in the line of fire.

Image Velderoth, why would you say that?

Image Why--? *sigh* You want to go on coddling her, fine. The 'Heliseum Force' is done. I'm out. Next time I see you, Kaiser, I'll be stronger than you. And UNLIKE you, I'll earn it.


And he vanishes, in a puff of anger.

…Anyways, we should probably see how Kyle is taking, uh. That.

Image We need to go after him.

Let's do it.


Velderoth heads out of the Shield and vanishes. We're too late.

Image Velderoth…

Image Should we tell the general?

Image *sigh* You know, he's a grown man. We're not in charge of him. Maybe once he sorts everything out, he'll come back on his own.

Image ...Okay.

We do not see Velderoth again in Angelic Buster's storyline quests.

Velderoth will go on to betray the Nova and join Magnus in order to get the power to defeat Kaiser, becoming one of Magnus's guardians who must be defeated to open the way to his throne room. We will not be seeing him again because this all happens in a level 90 questline to return to Pantheon, which is really long and annoying while giving nowhere near enough EXP to be worth the effort. Just know that it happened, it was all very dramatic, and then we beat him up in one punch because Velderoth kinda sucks.

Really should have gotten around to learning that anti-punching spell, my dude.

Image Well, I guess we can't stay here forever.

Image I'll be right behind you.

Image Don't stray too far. It's probably still dangerous out here.

Image I won't.


Or so we say, but our next quest picks up immediately after this one. Time to talk to ourselves right next to the border.

Image ...Wow. This has been a lot.

You're telling me. Eight updates in and we're not even out of the tutorial yet.

Image Hope you're not regretting teaming up with me.

Image I do have a couple regrets, about losing the Stone, losing to Magnus, hopefully not losing Velderoth... but if it weren't for you, I'd just be sitting around someplace, praying for somebody else to come save us. I'm glad I could be a part of all this.

Image I got the Stone back, I volunteered for Kaiser's mission, we accomplished that mission... People smiled, everyone was smiling at me… If I'd stayed the way I was, none of that would've happened. So... thank you, Eskalade.

Image You've done what you wanted to do. You fought for your people, and you won. What now?

Image Now? Heh, I'm just getting started. I want to keep growing as a person, get strong enough to protect not just MY people, but... I don't know, everybody. Everybody I can. Weak OR strong. Even protectors need protectors sometimes.

Image (Wow, wish I'd thought of all that when I was talking to Velderoth...)

Image Oho, that's... surprisingly grown up of you. Oh, all right, not 'surprisingly.' You've grown up a lot, and you'll keep growing. Not to mention all that fame and honor. Everybody in Pantheon knows your name now -- well, your stage name, anyway. I've heard them call you 'the Nova's new hero.'

Image Oh, really? Never thought anyone would call me that. Wow.

And now we can finally do our first Job Advancement. Let's accept it via the lightbulb.

Image Yep, and on that note, are you ready for more power?

More than anything in the world. :getin:

Image All right. You know the drill. Focus your mind.


We get a flashy Job Change effect, and a new medal to commemorate our new strength. More importantly, we also get new skills. Because we're level 38, we get 4 SP for our first level + 3 more for every level past 30, for a total of 28 SP to work with. Let's take a look at what we can do with them.


Lovely Sting:

Hits up to 8 enemies at once for enough damage to make them die. Has a larger area than Star Bubble. Our main mobbing skill in 2nd Job.
Pink Pummel:

Hits up to 12 enemies at once for enough damage to make them die, but less than Lovely Sting. Can only be used while grounded, and moves us forward a set distance on cast. This is a primary movement skill for endgame, and can also be used to mob on certain maps.
Soul Shooter Mastery: Lowers the variance of shots by increasing our weapon mastery. Your Mastery of a weapon determines what the lowest % of damage you can deal is. The default is 10%, which means we could do anywhere from 10-100% of our damage with each hit. SS Mastery increases it to 50% at its maximum level of 10, giving us much better consistency. Mastery skills are almost always the first ones to max out for this reason.
Beautiful Soul: Raises Dex and Final Damage. Final Damage is a modifier which all damage we deal is multiplied by, and it stacks with itself multiplicatively. More sources of Final Damage are always welcome.
Affinity Heart II: A sequel to Affinity Heart, this one does something completely different. Instead of raising our Speed and Jump, it instead raises our Status Resistance, Elemental Resistance, Damage, and Critical Rate. Critical hits are a big deal, but not until 4th job so this isn't a high priority yet.
Power Transfer: This ability used to be a buff that gave us a useless shield, but this version of the skill is not implemented in v251. Instead, it just decreases damage passively by 5% per level, to a maximum of 50% at level 10. It's much better this way.


This'll do for now. Beautiful Soul maxes at 14, so we'll be focusing on Affinity Heart next, then the rest doesn't really matter.


Lastly I update my keybinds. I like to keep Pink Pummel on Z so that it's close to where I keep my hand in case I need to dash out of something.

Unfortunately this is where the easy part of things end. The game has not told us how to leave Pantheon yet, and if we look at our quest list via the lightbulb on the left side…


There's a lot of options. The correct answer is "Beldar's Call."

Image Angelic Buster, there's something I need to discuss with you. Could you come see me, please?

Accepting this quest would have moved us to Pantheon… Which I wish I'd known before I wandered back myself. :doh:

Let's go see what he wants.

Image Ah, thank you for coming. I apologize for the rudeness earlier. Your, um, your attire didn't sit well with me at first, but you've proven yourself many times over.

Image Haha…

Image Well, you, um, you have my thanks, and the Council's, but that's not why I've called you here. We have a new mission in mind for you. To get straight to the point, I want you to venture beyond the Interdimensional Portal and find us new allies.

I went ahead and skipped a new quest flag, to save ti—wait we just have an Interdimensional Portal?

Image There's an Interdimensional Portal?

And apparently Angelic Buster never heard of it before, either.

Image Indeed there is. If you want to know the history, it first appeared in the Great Temple as a temporal disturbance, when Gerand Darmoor stole the power of Chronica, the Transcendent of Time. At first, we kept our distance, since we had no way of knowing where it led.

Image We do know now that it leads to a new world. Inhabited, and quite possibly dangerous. And, given our urgent need for outside assistance, we're sending an expedition there, with our two most capable candidates: Kaiser the Nova Guardian, and Angelic Buster the Battleground Idol.

Image Back up. 'Urgent need for outside assistance'? Didn't we just wipe out their whole army?

Image One of their armies, yes. Which is why we have a chance to take the fight to them. We're going to assault the Tyrant's Castle and reclaim Heliseum. You and Kaiser forced Magnus to retreat. But out there, on the offensive, we can't bring the Shield along. And even with the two of you leading the charge, we just-- We don't have the numbers yet to take a hardened stronghold. I should mention that Kaiser has already agreed, and has left through the Portal just a short while ago. Will you join him?

Image Sure… I'll go through this Interdimensional Portal that we've apparently always had. Where is it?

Image Oh, you're never going to guess this one.


Image …You're kidding.


Image It was here the whole time?!

By clicking on the Interdimensional Portal, we can travel to Maple World—the main hub of the early game. Obviously, we warp.


Maple World is a very different vibe from Pantheon, and after looking at it, there's really only one thing to say:

Image Wow! We're on a whole different world!


With that expression of wonder, we receive the achievement for completing all the Angelic Buster story quests. There's still a couple more cutscenes to go through before we're really free to do whatever, but we could skip them if I felt like it.

We will not be skipping them. Remaster Eskalade and Angelic Buster's rapport is great and they will be given all the time I can grant them. :colbert:

Still, with us about 90 minutes into my first session with Angelic Buster and us only having gained 38 levels we'll have to look into how to get fans on this new world so we can gain EXP and power up even more.

And hopefully a bit faster than this. We've got 222 levels left to gain, after all.

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Okay! New world to explore, lots of things to do, let's see what the quest over our head is about and we'll get right to work.

Image Don't get too excited. This isn't a vacation.

Image I know, but I've never even been outside of Pantheon before!

Image Well, you better get used to it. This is going to be a long trip. If you want to find allies, you're going to have to be strong enough.

Image What do you mean?

Image I mean not everyone here's as pure-hearted as you, and even the good ones have to be practical. You lend your strength, they lend theirs. Make sense?

Image Yeah, I guess so. So... should we find a place to practice, or what?

Image Well, you could just go out and do push-ups, but, uh, remember something else: you're Angelic Buster. The way YOU get stronger is with honor and recognition. And this world is a whole new audience for you.

Image Ooh, you're right. Okay, let's figure out where we are and go from there.

Image This place is called Maple World. And this is the Six Path Crossway. It's a major thoroughfare.

Image This isn't your first time here, is it?

Image Hehehe, you got me, I've been here before. Sometimes I get to slip away and wander around. This is where I learned about idols, incidentally.

Image Oh, hang on... This is why you picked the Great Temple for 'Plan B'!

Image Ah, got me again. Yeah, my plan was to have you escape to Maple World. Oh, this is what I meant about 'taking the show on the road,' by the way.

Image I guess there aren't enough Nova to bring out your full power, huh? You need a bigger crowd?

Image And a crowd the size of this world should do nicely. All we have to do is get the word out about the 'Battleground Idol Angelic Buster,' and then hold a big concert.

Image H-how big are we talking about?

We'll be fine as long as it isn't a Dome concert. They tend to be…


Well, they're over before they begin. Moving on!

Image Ah, let's worry about that later. First, we need to get your name out there, and the way we'll do that is with good deeds.

Image Okay, yeah. That I can do.

Image Aha, there's someone over there. Maybe they need help, or know somebody who does. Let's ask them.


And so, we go with the brilliant plan of 'ask the first person we see if they need help.'

I'd say this was a silly plan, but given how chaotic Maple World is it's actually not that bad. Anyways, we say hello.

Image You're looking to help somebody? Well, you can always reach out to Athena Pierce. She's the leader of the Explorers. Got an office over in Henesys.

Quest bridge goes here.

Image Great! Henesys it is!

Image ...Um, how do we get there?

Image Oh, I know where it is. You want to go there now?

Image Of course!

It's time for yet another instant-warp to our destination.


That destination being: the inside of Athena Pierce's house in Henesys. She's actually a very important NPC… but mostly to Explorers. Here she's kind of just a footnote.

Image Welcome to the Bowman Instructional School.

Image Hi! My name is... well, call me Angelic Buster.

Image I'm Athena Pierce. I run the Explorers. What brings you here?

Image I, um... Well, I'm interested in helping others. Is there anything I can do to lend a hand?

Image Ah. We love hearing that around here. There are always people who need assistance. I can suggest a few places to start. Let's see... Ellinel Fairy Academy, Gold Beach Resort, Riena Strait, or the Secret Forest of Elodin. Feel free to visit any of them.

Image Where would you like to go first? You're welcome to visit all of them if you like.

This is actually our introduction into the level 30 Theme Dungeons. Each of the four options there is different content, and we can select any of them using our lightbulb menu by just clicking it there on the left and selecting the relevant quest. Each has their ups and downs:

Riena Strait is probably the most plot-important of the four, as it involves the Black Wings. This secret organization of people trying to revive the Black Mage is also trying to melt the icecaps, and we get to help three warring tribes of animal people to get along before beating up the bad guys and winning a prize: a cool bandanna we wear over our nose so we can feel like a bandit.

Ellinel Fairy Academy is a fun little sidestory about helping Fairies learn to realize not all humans want to harm them, and also saving children who went too far in trying to prepare a play about the great heroes of Maplestory. It gives us a low-level cape and eye accessory, but has an annoying sidequest where you need to get a specific random message from a bunch of random drops that can all have one of a number of random messages… and you do a version of this quest twice.

Gold Beach is about going on an island vacation only to be suddenly press-ganged into working for the rich mogul behind everything, which winds up resulting in beating up a submarine that is hanging around polluting the waters. It's mostly notable for being the theme dungeon with the best map setups for grinding levels if you want to just farm.

Lastly, Secret Forest of Elodin exists, I remember doing it exactly once, finding it entirely unremarkable, and if you asked me I can't remember anything about it other than I think we had to feed a bird some stuff.

Image So, which one are we going to do?

Image I'm not sure… I'll take some time to think about it. In the meanwhile…


Image Let's have one of those surprise concerts, to let people know I'm here!

Henesys as a town has the distinction of being one of the hangout spots for players. There's an entire subculture of Maplers (known in the community as 'henihoes') who will hang out in Henesys talking and showing off their cool fashion and chairs. So, if someone hypothetically had the ability to hijack the game's music with a Beginner skill…

…Well, there are worse places it could be deployed, is all I'm saying.

Image Let me sing for you!

Image I really missed you! Enjoy the show!

Now, the way On Stage is supposed to work is simple: Angelic Buster's Shining Heart album has a total of three songs: Shining Heart, Fly Away, and Star Bubble. On Stage is supposed to play a total of five songs selected randomly between the full versions of these three songs. As a result, it lasts roughly 15 minutes if used to completion and has a cooldown of 1 hour.

This is, of course, not implemented in v251. For one, Shining Heart and the Fly Away remix are both still Rooted Out. For two, the Star Bubble full version was not brought over or put into the skill. For three, despite having full EN translated versions of the song in mSEA, those were also not implemented here. As a result, this skill only plays two songs: Angel's Room and a 40 second cut of Star Bubble from a skill we haven't seen yet. They alternate between the two songs, with the first song being chosen entirely at random.

In conclusion: Our 1 hour cooldown 'throw a concert' skill lasts for a maximum of 180 seconds of the same two songs.

What I plan to do is keep track of how well the AB songs are implemented throughout our skillset, and to that end I'll start with On Stage. First off: Angel's Room is not an Angelic Buster song and is worth no points. As for Star Bubble, we do get 40 seconds of the KR version of the song, which has an actual runtime of 2:57. This would be a total of ~22.59% of an Angelic Buster song. We'll round up to 23%, and use that for our answer.

Total Songs: 0.23 of 3


Anyways, I take my couple of minutes to do a little bit of account maintenance. Finishing Angelic Buster's story gave us 500 special experience towards our Union Artifacts… which doesn't do anything for us now but hey, more UA experience is nice.


I also pick up our level 30 Angelic Buster levelup gift, which gives us equipment that we already have and more importantly 4 Inventory Expansion coupons. These let us add more room to our paltry starter inventory space. In the earlygame, these should generally be used on Equip slots, with Use and then Etc being the priority after that. Lastly, I head into the cash shop.


In a rare moment of something cool being added to GO WEST!, there was a massive expansion of the Reward Point section of the shop. Reward Points are something that players get from fighting bosses or doing some other niche content, to a maximum of 50k/month, and the new update has us now able to get things like Transparent equipment (which hides what's being worn), Hair and Face slot coupons for the salon (saves fashion for later), and even unlimited Pet revival potions—previously we could only get 1/month, and they lasted for 90 days, meaning only one character's pets could be maintained for free if we had 3 of them.

Speaking of, we want that Pet Snack. It allows us to equip 3 pets on a single character after a very quick quest which I will not be covering here. It's like, two textboxes. Not even worth mentioning.


Image So, you figure out what you want to do yet?

Image Well… The concert was great, of course, but none of the options Athena Pierce gave us seem very… Idol-y.

Image Ah, well, whatcha' gonna do? Oh… hey, you got a message just now. Maybe we should check it out?


While the theme dungeons are great fun once or twice, we won't be doing any of them today. That's because the GO WEST! update has implemented something known as Tera Blink. To get it started, we just select its quest from our Star menu. We could have done this as soon as we were level 10, but then we would have missed Angelic Buster's story, and that's a fate worse than death. :colbert:

Image Oh. just in time! You're just the kind of adventuring sort I've been looking for!

This is Spiegelmann, one of MapleStory's recurring event characters. He is… Spiegelmann.

Image What kind of adventuring sort?

Image The kind that needs powering up inside my magic hat. I saw your concert, you have a load of potential!

Image Wait. So… You have a magic hat, and you want me to go into it?

Image Of course! In order to gain UNBRIDLED POWER.

Image Um… I don't think I can get any honor or glory from inside a hat.

Image Don't you worry about that. We can record it and put it online. You'll go double, no, triple viral!

Image *whistle* Triple viral… That's a lot of power.

Image …Ah, what the hey. I'm in!

Image Then take a look into my hat…


As we do, we're drawn into another world…


Welcome to the Tera Blink world. We'll be spending most of our next half hour of play here on this one screen. Let's chat with Spiegelmann and get the ball rolling.

Image Welcome to the world I've prepared!

Image Now that you're inside the world of my hat, we're going to do some missions. Their purpose is to power you up. Complete them all, and you'll become a worthy warrior! Ready?

Image Ready!

Image Good! Then talk to me to start!

So we do that, talking to him again, and…

Image I didn't do anything, but my HP decreased!

This is our first instance of our Sprite Portrait. This is what's usually used for events where any class could be the speaker. It's a neat shortcut to avoid having to spend a lot of space putting every class's portrait over every cutscene… and it lets you see your own fashion to boot.

Image I reduced your HP slightly to give you my mission! Don't worry too much!

He says "slightly" but we are at half health now. :what:

Image I shoved some Power Elixers in your bag. Use one to fix yourself!


A stack of 1000 Power Elixers is pretty good for the start of the game—these items are effectively a full HP and MP heal, and are used in endgame bossing. Bosses drop enough that at this point I have around 30-40k of the things at this point, but… hey, free potions. We down one and continue.

Image Good job! You drank it.

Image Yeah, it tasted pretty good.

Image You heard her! Spiegelmann potions available soon, somewhere near you. Naturally sourced from the finest Zakum Fists! Just remember to look out for getting Potion Locked! Hahah!

Image Um… so what's next?

Image A second hat!!

Image Spiegelmannl What is this hat?

We're given a Dazzling Hat alongside this line, to continue the quest.

Image It's one of my most cherished hats. Not only is it a real charmer, it makes delightful rustling sounds! Use it as a pet! It can pick up items and mesos, and-

Image Oh, we know that already. I have a cute little snail.

Image Ah. I'll skip ahead a bit. Equip it, and its equipment, get it all ready, and we'll continue!


Pets do more than just pick up items and mesos for us. For one, they can equip Pet gear. On Heroic servers, this is purely cosmetic. On the regular servers, however, they can be scrolled to give us more Attack power. They can also equip two other things. First off, a Pet who has the Pet Skill ability can equip up to two timed buffs to act as automatic buffs. We have none of those yet, but Spiegelmann gives us a temporary one to use while we're inside the hat.

We can also equip potions to automatically activate when our HP or MP gets too low. To do this, we set a potion into the correct spot on the pet menu here, and then we go into options and select when our HP begins to flash low. The default is 50%, but it can be brought as low or as high as we like. That threshold is when our Pet will automatically give us whatever Potion we've selected. It's very handy.


I keep mine at ~60% for HP and closer to 15% for MP, but this can be whatever you like.


There we go, all set.

Image Good job on equipping the pet. Also, you'll need food if it gets hungry.

Image I know that, I have 30 of them, so-

Image Here's 500 Pet Food.

Image …Sweet!

Image Now then… You've already reached level 30. Let's move on to the next step!

Image What's the… next step?

Image Your second job advancement!

Image Oh… uh, we did that already.

Image Did you?

Image Uh-huh! There was a cool light show and everything.

Image Congratulations! Then… the NEXT next step it is!

Image How do you feel after completing your 2nd Job Advancement? This is only the first advancement of many, and its usefulness should not be underestimated.

Image I do feel more powerful! What's next?

Image Hunting!!

Image …Hunting?

Image Yes! Using your new skills, it's time to defeat monsters until you're level 60.

Image But… it took me forever to even get this far.

Image True! But you weren't livestreaming to thousands of people back then, were you?

Image …I was not. Alright, let's do this! Battleground Idol Angelic Buster, ready!!

Image That's the spirit!


Right on cue, a number of Slimes and Orange Mushrooms appear, but they're different from the usual sort: They have top hats.

This means they are worth way more experience than normal, obviously. Top hats denote unknowable wisdom, after all.

Image Pew pew!

So we get to work. Angelic Buster's mobbing skills all have voice lines, and depending on your taste they are either charming or annoying. Surprising no one, I like them.

Image Feel the love!

Around 28 kills later, we hit level 44. This causes an explosion which clears all surrounding enemies, bringing the total up to 40 seconds later.

Image It's working already! I can feel the power!

Image And I can feel the people cheering you on. Go, Angelic Buster! Show them what for!


Directly after this level, I realize that we're on a flat surface with no platforms and switch to the superior Pink Pummel. It'll move us and attack the enemy, letting us be more efficient.


We blaze right through the next several levels in a similar manner, aiming to get past 60…


And after 152 kills, I finally remember to use the Battle Analysis feature. This lets us see how much damage we deal, how much exp we're gaining, and most importantly: how many kills we get. This saves me a lot of effort in my estimations.


So all that's left is the grinding. It's thankfully short, because these Top Hat enemies give a ton of EXP.


It's not a real grind session, not really. This is because we're still in the honeymoon phase of MapleStory. Games like this want to addict the player, so they take their time boiling the frog so they never notice the heat. Progression for any new player will feel quick for a good while.


And just like that, we're level 62.

Total Kills: 254

We've also duodecupled our total kills. :getin:

Anyways, let's talk to Spiegelmann and see what's next on the agenda.

Image Did you get used to your 2nd Job Advancement skills on the way to Lv. 60? At Lv. 60, you can receive your 3rd Job Advancement!

Image I feel like I'm advancing through jobs without a break!

Image That's the beauty of the World Inside the Hat, isn't it? Hehe!

Image Go do your 3rd Job Advancement and come right back. Here's 100,000 Mesos for pocket money if you need it to get around!

Image Eskalade, I'm going to level with you: this was the best idea ever.

Image Yeah, I'm sure thousands of people have seen those sweet new moves you keep bustin' out! At this rate, you'll be a real star in no time!

Image I can't wait~!

And so, within five minutes we have already gained more levels than we did in our first hour and a half of game time.

~Tera Blink!~

Anyways, we have a job (advancement) to do. Let's get on that.

Image Eskalade?

Image ...Eskalade, where are you?

Image ...Yo, I'm here. What's up?

Image I've been getting a lot of attention lately. People keep asking me for autographs.

Image Of course. You've got the best producer ever. And you've been putting in a lot of work. *ahem*

Image Well... yeah. Yeah, I have been working hard. And you're a great producer. So... how's that next power coming along?

Image Actually, I might be able to free it up for you right now. You've gained a lot of new fans in Maple World.

Image Seriously? All right, yeah! Let's do it!

Image Well... Okay, um, there's just one little hurdle in the way.

Image What's that?

Image It's, uh, you know, kind of embarrassing, um…

Image I didn't know you could get embarrassed. It just never occurred to me.

Image Yeah, I'm... I'm tired. Like, low on vitality. Not 'sweepy.' It's just... it's too much so(sic) to unlock the power right now, so... yeah, didn't mean to tease you. Sony.

Image Well, we can fix that, right? How do you get your vitality back?

Image I MUST CONSUME ESSENCE STONES. In Grandis, I knew exactly where to find them, so it wasn't a problem, but in Maple World, though...

Image Well, that explains where you keep disappearing to. If you tell me what they look like, I could help you find 'em.

Image I did find some, I just ran out of gas before I could get there and eat them. So yeah, if you want to help me, I can tell you where to go.

Image Of course! Let's do it, Eskalade!

Image Okay, so: in the Initial Excavation Site, there are these creatures called 'Wooden Masks' that carry Essence Stones. Uh, want me to send you there now?

Next time, we'll hunt some monsters that aren't wearing top hats, get a stone, and go through the entirety of our 3rd job career.

Yes, really.

User avatar

Okay, time to go beat up a Wooden Mask for their Essence Stone!

Image I don't think I can do that from here. I should try again from somewhere else.

Or not. We can't teleport anywhere from inside of the hat! It's easy to leave (Just talk to the Spiegelmann), but not knowing this means having to watch the cutscene again right after before warping. It's a tiny inconvenience to the whole affair. Still, we leave and we can—oh hold on another quest popped up.


Image For you, Angelic Buster. A little something for working so hard.

Image Gee, thanks! I'll treasure it always!

Eskalade gifts us an Emblem. Every character class gets two, one at 60 and one at 100, and they're considered important for reasons we will get into later.

(There is a third Emblem that all classes can get as well, but it is beyond the scope of this Let's Play.)


Anyways, we do the warp and exactly four kills later we get the stone we need. This is a random drop, but the rate is pretty high.

Total Kills: 258

Image All right, just in time! I was starting to get hangry. And I'm a dragon. Eating people is not out of the question.

Image Mmm, oh, they taste like, uh, like a foreign delicacy. Oh, very nice. Aw yeah, there's my energy, comin' right back. Okay, let's give you the power. Focus your mind and all that.


Image Angelic Buster, blast off!

Quick as a flash, we've unlocked our 3rd Job skills.


First I max out all Magilia's 2nd Job skills—I frequently slack on this when doing insane earlygame leveling sprees like this, since time spent upping skills is time spent not mobbing. Now, let's take a look at our new toys.


Soul Seeker:

Creates 2 balls that each hit 1 nearby enemy for 320% damage for 1 attack each. On each hit, the ball has an 85% chance to respawn and target another (or the same) nearby enemy, to a maximum of 7 times. Gets real stats because it's the first attack we've ever had that matters past level 100 or so. As a point of reference, Lovely Sting did 160% damage with 4 Attacks, so these balls are pretty weak, the selling point is that you don't have to aim and they can wipe a map for you if you can oneshot with them.

Back when AB was first released, these could also be spawned to a point where it would crash the client for you if you used too many of them, which is both very funny and thankfully not implemented in v251.
Star Crash:

Hits up to 8 enemies for enough damage to make them die. The main mobbing skill in 3rd Job if you can't oneshot with SS. High vertical tolerance means it's better for hitting platforms just above us than Lovely Sting.
Blossoming Star: Provides a flat bonus to Dexterity, a Final Damage bonus, and up to 40% Knockback Resistance. Normally, when characters are hit by enemies in MapleStory they are knocked around slightly. Knockback Resistance is a stat that maxes out at 100% and removes this issue entirely.
Dragon Whistle: Provides bonus Attack, Critical Damage, and Ignore Enemy Defense (IED for short). Critical Damage raises our damage on critical hits, which we want to always be doing so it's basically a straight damage increase. IED, meanwhile, lets us ignore a portion of enemy damage reduction. I'm not going to delve too deep into this for now, but we want our base IED to be around 90+% by the time we get into later game bossing, so any source we can get for free is nice.
Love Me Heart: Gives bonus Max HP, MP, and Defense. Also provides the other 60% Knockback Resistance to get to 100%. :getin:
Affinity Heart III: More Dex, more Damage, more Final Damage.
Center Stage: Raises Critical Rate and Critical Damage.

Back in the day, there was one other skill that went here known as Heavenly Crash. This skill had the Angelic Buster using a hammer to knock the enemy into the air. Because it stunned enemies, it was very useful for newer players back when we couldn't oneshot everything.


The hammer was so iconic to the Angelic Buster's design that the NEW AGE animated trailer, released only two months before Angelic Buster's remaster happened, had her using it in her only scene to smash a poor gargoyle.

Heavenly Crash, and the hammer that accompanies it, are sadly not implemented in v251. I have a pet theory that this was done so that the Angelic Mallet could return in a skill that would actually see use past level 100, but since 6th Job has only recently been released and is missing 5 new Job-exclusive skills it remains only a theory.


This'll do nicely. Time to head back into the hat.


Image Does your 3rd Job Advancement feel different from the 2nd? Even if you feel stronger, there's always room for improvement. Of course, the 3rd Job Advancement isn‘t the end either... hehe.

Now that we're over level 60, it's time to learn about portals. This is around when they'd start showing up in natural progression, so Tera Blink is kind enough to quickly explain them to us.


Portals appear while we're mobbing, and give us a chance to get fabulous EXP and prizes. Going from right to left because that's the order they'll usually appear in, there are four kinds of portals.

The furthest right is a Friito portal, which brings us to a minigame that is played for EXP and Hunter's Bags. These bags are random loot bags that give us a variety of things that are all kind of "okay." If we're mobbing using EXP bonuses in any form, it's not really worthwhile to do these past level 200—we'd get more EXP and level faster by simply continuing to attack monsters like normal.

Its identical twin brother next to it is a Pollo portal. These portals give us hunting opportunities with monsters that are generally worth more EXP than the mobs we would otherwise hunt. EXP bonuses do apply in these portals, making them lucrative if you're not worried about losing your map. (Several maps in MapleStory have a fairly high rate of usage, meaning sometimes there's competition. It's considered rude to try and kill mobs on a map where someone else is actively training, so losing a map is sometimes a concern.)

Next to it is the Inferno Wolf portal. In this portal, we're teleported off to fight a horrible wolf for 20 seconds. We want to deal as much damage to it as we can, and we're rewarded EXP for how much damage we do. Additionally, when the monster finally dies (its HP is shared across the server so multiple players beat on it together) we are given a Hunter's Pouch based on our contribution. Its EXP is very good and it's short content, so I usually take these portals.

The last one is the fancy purple portal. It belongs to Especia, and one of these will appear in place of every fourth yellow portal you'd see. These are a quick minigame where we break down a totem pole. Each pole section counts as a mob, all our EXP bonuses apply, and the rates they give are massive. In conclusion: do every portal except for Friito, who can be ignored if you're busy mobbing.

And maybe do Friito because his minigames are fun. :3:


By listening to all of this, Magilia has gained 12 levels.

Image So… we're viral?

Image Yes, and nearly double viral! Just a little more and we'll be ready for the next step!!

Image Awesome! …Anyways, for no reason I feel like a break.

Image Oh sure sure, no rush! I'm a man of magnanimous patience!

We have a lightbulb over our head that gives us a quest unique to our storyline… so once more we leave the hat.

Image (Oh hey, is that Kyle?)

Image (Wow, I haven't seen him in forever. Let's go talk to him.)


We approach the Kaiser.

Image Kyyy... ser!


Image Oh, Angelic Buster? Nice to see you. I've heard a lot about you lately. How've you been?

Image Hmm? Heard what, exactly?

Image Oh, just stories about you going all over the place, helping people out. Like you do. You look good!

Reminder: We have been in a hat ever since leaving Pantheon. :v:

Image Thanks, you too. How're you holding up?

Image Eh, you know, same old.

Image You're always so chill.

Image 'Always,' huh? ...How long have we known each other again?

Image Oh well, you know, just... saying, um… Hey, you found any allies yet?

Image I've been working on it. We just made friends with the Cygnus Knights.

Image Oh, nice! I've heard of them! They're supposed to be the strongest good guys in Maple World. Great job breaking the ice!

Image I was lucky. They approached me first. ...Turns out we have the same enemy. Well, their MAIN enemy is a guy called the Black Mage, but apparently HE'S got Magnus on his payroll. And Magnus knew about Maple World before we did. So I'm going to work together with the knights. We're going to share information. Win-win.

Image For sure. I've been looking for allies too, but honestly, I don't even know WHERE to look. You've gotten in good with the knights already. I'm kinda jealous.

Image Hey, don't get jealous 'cause I got lucky. That's Velderoth's thing. I am lucky, though. Even before I was Kaiser, I had Tear back home. She always told me I was special. I'm not, but she wouldn't let me say that.

Image You are special, Kaiser. You're amazing. You put other people first, you sacrifice for them... Not everyone can do that, you know.

Image Heh. That's just what she would have said. If she were here. ...Thanks.

Image ...Hey, listen, I... um… Oh, no, it's just... It's good to see another Nova all the way out here. I should get going. I've got a lot of work to do if I'm gonna catch up with you, right?

Image Heh. If you say so. Take care.


Completing this quest gives us a new level 75 quest as well, and the real reason I left: Alliance Invitation. This quest is supposed to give us something really nice.

Image Hey… Eskalade. Do you think that the Alliance would accept some help from the Battleground Idol, Angelic Buster?

Image Eh, probably. Wanna go ask?

Image Do I!


And so we teleport to Ereve, and find ourselves in front of the most important NPC in the entire game.

Image Hello. I am Cygnus. Thank you for coming on such short notice. I was eager to meet you after I heard about your accomplishments in Maple World.

Image …Wow! We really DID go viral!

Image Shh! Focus, Tear.

Image Tell me... What do you know about the Black Mage?

Image He is an evil Transendent, who destroyed Maple World hundreds of years ago. Great heroes, and a multitude of their supporters, risked their lives to stand up to him, but even together, they couldn't kill him. The best they could do was seal him away.

Image And now, the seal has been undone. Perhaps you can already sense it. His followers are on the move, and the danger is close--closer than most people know. Under my banner, the Cygnus Knights are working against him, but our numbers are too few. Thus, we search for those with strength, courage, and righteousness in their hearts.

Image Yes, someone like you. Explorers and the Resistance have already joined us in establishing this Alliance. Please do everything you can to aid the Alliance…

Lot of terminology thrown out here, most of it beyond the scope of the LP: We don't know anything about Transendents, or about the Resistance. Explorers are those guys who are the base classes, Athena Pierce mentioned them once (and it's one of their fault that the Black Mage's seal came undone). The Resistance joining in particular was a Big Deal in both the Resistance and Cygnus Knight class stories, as this required them to overcome a long-held grudge against the Cygnus Knights in order to actually work with them again. It's actually not a bad story…

But it's got nothing to do with magical idol dragons, so do we really even care?

Of course not. :colbert:


For completing this quest, we get two things: a medal called 'A Member of the Maple Alliance' and the Alliance Inspiration beginner skill. The medal isn't worth much of anything, but the skill is great: It's a free 5 to all stats, and 5 in both Attack and Magic Attack. It's a straight +5 to everything.


Just one problem: Where is it?!

Well! It turns out this quest is bugged post-remaster, and despite finishing it we don't get the skill. For Angelic Busters, Will of the Alliance is not implemented in v251.

…Let's just get back to the hat.


Image Hey, Spiegelmann. I'm back.

Image Welcome back! Are you ready for the next mission?

Image Sure am! What's the plan?

Image More hunting!! Make sure to use those third job skills, and glam it up!

Image Alright! Will do!


Image Twinkle twinkle, little STAR!

So we get to work. In such a compact area Soul Seeker isn't significantly different than Star Crash, so I use the latter.


Image With the starlight of hope!

It really doesn't take very long.


Only 223 kills later, we're at level 101 and ready to go.

Total Kills: 481

Image Now, my virally marketed Idol friend: it's time for the next step! You're ready!

Image Ready for what?

Image To advance your job a fourth time!

Image Wha-Already?!

Image Don't you think you'll feel complete after your 4th Job Advancement? It's like a fresh start!

The 4th job advancement is the most important one by far: most of the skills we'll be using for the rest of the game are here. It's a very big deal, so we'll get it done ASAP.

…Right after we leave the hat again, just in case.


Unfortunately, I am an MMO player and I get distracted during the "exit" cutscene. Now that we're over level 100, we can participate in all the events of the game. First and foremost, the Angelic Buster Comeback event gives me access to the bottom track, and with it something truly important.


Image Eskalade? What's this?

Image Oh, it's another one of those pet dolls. It says it's supposed to be a cute li'l me. Go ahead, equip it!


Image It doesn't look very much like you…

Image Eh, they must have taken some liberties. But look how cute I am. Ah, I could just pinch my cheeks! If I could… you know. Touch things.

Okay, now let's see about that Advancement quest.

Image *sigh* You know, Eskalade, I used to think Magnus was the worst of the worst, except for Darmoor. But the more I go around and talk to people, the more I think there's worse out there.

Image Hey, why the serious talk all of a sudden?

Image Well, I was thinking, if there ARE bigger threats, I'm going to need to get stronger.

Image Yeah, all right. We'll train harder.

Image That's what I've been doing. ...All right, let me spell it out: how many more fans do I need to unlock the next power? Did you say ten thousand?

Image Uh, did I?

Image Yeah, something like that. You said ten first, then a hundred, then a thousand, then ten thousand. Hmm, I'll need a bigger concert venue for that.

Image You don't need concerts now. You're already strong enough to help people, earn your honor that way. Also, we're not on Grandis; you can be yourself here.

Image You mean Tear? Could I GAIN honor as Tear? Would that work?

Image Well, the reason I said you shouldn't back in Pantheon is because everybody there knew you couldn't do magic. I should've mentioned it sooner. That's my fault.

Image Hmm. I had been wondering if I could just be Tear out here, when I wanted to be.

Image So how come you've been Angelic Buster the whole time, then?

Image Well, there's Kyle. He'd be worried if he knew I was here. Plus, you know, I like to sing. People really seem to enjoy my songs. They light up when they hear them. I love that. Even the outfit's grown on me, believe it or not. And I didn't always love pink.

Image Well, to tell you the truth, the reason I didn't say anything sooner is because... because I like your songs too. *cough* I like your Tear side AND your Angelic Buster side. And I worried if! told you, you wouldn't want to be Angelic Buster anymore. ON that note, um... I have one last power to give you, and it's yours now if you want it.

Image Wait, you were holding out on me?!

Image People recognize you everywhere. You've made it, on two different worlds. All the honor, fame, and glory anyone could ever want. So yeah, if you're ready, go ahead and focus your mind.

We do. But unfortunately…


Image I'm gonna be the strongest!!

The freaking Maple Boys photobomb Magilia's job-up animation. :nallears:

99 levels remain until the end of Tera Blink.

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With 4th job unlocked, it's time to look at the most important part of any new job: the skills!


Our 4th Job advancement has a lot more skills than previous jobs, with many of them going all the way up to level 30. This is because we were originally supposed to spend the entirety of levels 120-200 slowly leveling up a whole lot of skills. In addition, back in the day skills started with a maximum level of 10. In order to get them to level up beyond that, we required a thing called Mastery Books. These dropped randomly from various mobs or bosses, with each skil having their own unique book type and a drop rate so low that you would never really see the one you wanted—encouraging trade, in theory. In practice, it was another obstacle to getting anywhere. As time went on and 5th Job was released, specific Mastery Books were phased out in favor of a universal Mastery Book buyable from an NPC for mesos, usable to immediately power up our 4th Job Skills to maximum level.

This was later determined to be completely pointless some time later, and Mastery Books are not implemented in v251. Hooray! :woop:

On to the actual skills. We'll be listing Actual Numbers here, since these skills will all be sticking with us until the end of the Let's Play.

Celestial Roar:

Fires a sparkly magical cannon that hits 8 enemies for 4 attacks that deal 580% damage each. The attack has a 90% chance of stunning any enemy it hits for 3 seconds. We used to backflip every time this skill was cast, but this was not implemented in v251 to allow the skill to come out faster. Our main mobbing skill for the rest of the game until we get really overpowered (at which point we swap to Soul Seeker).

Hits up to 3 enemies with fucking dragons that deal 6 attacks of 630% damage. The attack gives us a 30 second buff that increases the damage and IED of bonus of Trinity (and Trinity Fusion, but that's 5th Job) by 15%. This buff stacks up to twice. Our main bossing skill, and the highest damaging ability we have that doesn't have some kind of cooldown.
Finale Ribbon:

The ribbons of love and justice hit up to 10 enemies for 10 400% damage attacks each. Inflicts a debuff on all enemies hit that give a very very small damage over time effect and increase the damage of any non-Angelic Buster party member who attacks them by 20%. The debuff lasts 60 seconds, the attack has a cooldown of 30 seconds. It's objectively worse damage than just hitting Trinity more in solo bossing, but in a party it's free damage for everyone else and worth one press every minute for that reason.
Soul Seeker Expert:
A toggle skill, which means we can turn it either on or off at will. While on, any attack skill (excluding Soul Buster, Soul Seeker, and Superstar Spotlight) we hit with has a 35% chance of creating a free Soul Seeker. Celestial Roar and Trinity get an additional +25% chance for a total of 60% odds for these two skills. Any Soul Seekers spawned through SSE do only 75% of the damage of a normal Soul Seeker. This skill is turned on at all times no matter what content we are doing, as when mobbing it'll create balls that fly off and kill enemies for us, and when bossing the free balls it makes account for ~12% of our total damage, which is a lot of damage.
Soul Resonance:

Our first keydown skill, a skill which will remain active as long as we hold the button down. While held down, normal mobs around us will be drawn into the tornado, which will continually attack 10 enemies for 5 hits of 146% damage each. If the key is held down for at least 8 seconds (it can be continued for a total of 10), then the skill will end with a final blow that deals up to 600% damage 5 times based on the time held. The entire skill also has a bonus of 50% Boss Damage, but even with that these numbers are anemic versus just Hitting Trinity More.

However, this skill is an important part of our kit because it's our first iframe! Short for 'Invulnerability frames,' this is shorthand for any skill that lets us dodge enemy attacks by Being Invincible. Soul Resonance's iframe lasts for the first 2 seconds of the skill, and for the remaining duration of it we reduce any damage we would take by 35%—this includes % max HP damage, which makes it incredibly strong as a defensive tool for bossing. It has a cooldown of 60 seconds, making it a very short cooldown for an iframe, so this skill is actually awesome. Just not for damage.
Star Gazer:

A buff skill that lasts up to 180 seconds and gives +20% Critical Damage. We always want this active, so it's taking up a slot of our pet's Auto Buff from now on.
Nova Warrior:

Increases the AP put into all stats by 15% for 900 seconds. Another buff skill that we put into our pet's Auto Buff, in KMS this has been turned into a passive as of the update ~6 months after DREAMER. This change is, of course, not implemented in v251.
Nova Temperance:

Renders us immune to most status effects for 3 seconds, preventing them from affecting us. Can also purge some status effects from us if they're currently ongoing, but the purge ability never works on anything that we'd really want it to so it's only good for the immunity. It's basically another defensive tool against things like being chain-stunned or skill locked and rendered helpless in bossing. 300 second cooldown.
Soul Shooter Expert:
A passive that raises our Soul Shooter Mastery to 70%, and grants bonus Attack and Final Damage.
Affinity Heart IV:
A passive that makes it so whenever we use a skill, for the next 30 seconds our damage for all skills (aside Soul Seekers spawned by SSE and Cheer Balloons, which you'll forget that I ever mentioned long before we get to them) by +25%. Lasts for 30 seconds, so realistically this is always on when we're fighting.


With only five skill points, I grab what I deem most important. It shouldn't matter, these days all of these skills will be maxed out by level 140. There's a whole special formula for how 4th Job skill points are given out, with some levels being worth double and the base amount increasing every 10 levels or so, but I've never bothered learning it because the first part of 4th Job goes by in a blink even without Tera Blink.

With that done, it's time to do some character maintenance.


Because events are turned on for Magilia now that she's level 101 or higher, I also go ahead and activate the main event of the update, Lucid's Dream Festival. In this event, Lucid has decided to use her absolute control over dreams to throw a party, and we're able to participate to get cool rewards using the three gem types that are now stuck on the bottom of my interface.

We will have no frame of reference for any part of this until level 220, so don't worry about it. I just wanted to be able to do gems and get the perks of the event for the next while.


Most important, I want access to the Dream Messenger, a Jewelry Box that can never close, but does grant us a number of useful perks, most importantly to our EXP rates. This will be increasing passively throughout the duration of the event, and by the time we've maxed things out will be granting us 15% bonus EXP.

Image Oh right, while we're here… I got you another emblem. It's a better one.

Image Oh, thanks Eskalade! I'll wear it well!

Image No problem, Tear. Enjoy it!


Level 100 also gives us the Angel Emblem, which is slightly better than its Lesser version. We'll be using this until the end of the LP, as it's the best we can get until we start doing some really hard stuff.


There's also new equipment available from our Burning rewards now that we're level 100, so I crack open the Legendary Cryptic Chest.


…as well as our second LCC from the new Angelic Buster event, and our first Title. Titles give descriptors that appear over our character's head, like Medals give a title that goes beneath us. This title will give us a fairly decent number of stats for 30 days, and also gives us a bonus to Star Force number.

Our Star Force number only matters for a very specific period of time between levels 100 and 200, is tied to the worst mechanic in the game, is ultimately pointless beyond that, and is not worth talking about because we're skipping it entirely. :v:


The chest gives us the five items in the Frozen set, a set of special level 100 gear that is stronger than anything beneath the level 140 normal set. We get a Weapon, Hat, Cape, Overall, and Secondary to equip, so I quickly go through and equip the best of each of the two. Our Medal has also upgraded to 'Battleground Idol,' and you could see our new title here if the Maple Boys weren't blocking part of it!! :argh:


Next, we go to our storage. Because I have a high leveled main and have been playing for much longer than any normal person should, I have a massive stockpile of useful things from previous events or grinding. Some of it has been earmarked for Magilia to make her life easier.


For now, I take only two items: A box with a third pet in it (completing our collection without using the Snail), and a Trait potion. Traits are associated with the Job system, a system that I do not feel like touching on Magilia. Thankfully, this is what potions are for—drinking them can raise one of our six trait attributes.


I prioritize getting Charm to 30 ASAP so that we can get access to the Pocket slot—it can take a while and I want full access to all of my equippable gear asap. Insight is my second highest priority afterwards, because it's the only source of "Ignore Elemental Resistance" in the game for most classes—because every enemy has ER, and "Punch" is considered an Element, it's a much larger bonus to our damage than any of the rest of these.

Ah, and Diligence doesn't matter on Reboot Heroic.


Anyways, back into the hat.

Image With your 4th Job Advancement, you look like quite the hero!

Image Now let's teach you how to REALLY get stronger.

Image You mean levels don't do it?

Image Bahahahahahaaaa!!! No. No they do not. Your equipment is where your power REALLY comes from. Let me teach you about Star Force!

Image Star force..?

Image I gave you a shiny new pendant. Go ahead and Star Force it to 8. Don't worry, it's free!

Image …This time.


It's time to learn about Advancement Casino #1. By clicking on the Ominous Red Hammer Button (or pressing a hotkey, I like setting mine to 'O'), we bring up the equipment enhance menu. Then, we can drag any piece of equipment into it…


Which gives us the ability to Star Force it. Star Forcing has a random chance of powering up our item by a little bit, and a random chance of failure (which either leads to Nothing, Bad Stuff, or Bad Stuff with a chance of Even Worse Stuff). It costs mesos to do, and the costs are based on the level of the equipment that's being Star Forced—level 200+ items get really really expensive.

Now, I'm going to tell you the most important thing you will ever hear about Star Forcing:


You want to manually move the window to right about here, and if you aren't in a place that automatically does the Star Catch for you (A minigame that gives a 5% multiplicative bonus to odds), disable it.


This will line your mouse up to immediately click OK after hitting Enhance…


As well as the confirmation button of success or failure.

For new players, you're welcome: I have just saved you dozens of hours spent solely on mouse movement, because MapleStory hates you personally for engaging with its upgrade mechanics. Please note that the timesave is in addition to the upgrade animation going from ~2 seconds per attempt to around half a second.

Star Force does not respect your time or your mesos, and I will talk more about it later when we're forced to actually engage with it. For now, there are only two things to know about Star Force:

-Most of your actual, tangible power on Reboot Heroic servers come from Star Force stars beyond 15, as the power of stars goes up dramatically from stars 16 to 22.

-The generally-accepted popular meta about how to Star Force gear is likely to drive most players to quit long before they get anywhere near endgame. This is because MapleStory players are generally terrible at working within a system that actively hates them.

I will expand on both of these points once I decide to write up a massive post about Star Forcing, currently planned to come shortly after I burn several billion mesos on nothing.

Anyways, Spiegelmann wants us to Star Force his necklace to 8, so we do that.


Four failures on a 65% chance of success later, the fifth try finishes maxing out the last level on the Necklace. As soon as we equip it, Spiegelmann will be ready to continue.

Unless you get hit by the bug, that is. Every character in MapleStory has two possible pendant slots they can equip items to. One of them used to require us to spend mesos (Real money on regular servers!) in order to unlock for 30 days at a time, but that feature is not implemented in v251 and everyone has both of them at all times. The problem is, Spiegelmann is looking at the Pendant 1 slot to determine if your powered up Pendant is equipped. Players who already had equipped a pendant from another source would put this Pendant on and be stuck confused as Spiegelmann refuses to allow the quest to continue on until you swap the position of your pendants.

Thankfully we don't have a Pendant yet, so we don't have to worry about that.

Image You've reached 8-star Star Force! How d'ya like them apples? Er, stars?

Image The Star Force enhancement limit is determined by the level of the equipment. As you go for higher levels, the Meso cost increases. Also, your item might explode. Literally. But hey, as your adventures take you further, you‘ll find a wider variety of equipment to enhance!

Spiegelmann then teaches us about Star Force maps.

We do not care about Star Force maps, there are none of them after we hit level 200.


He does make us kill 30 more mushrooms to ensure we understand how they work, though.

Total Kills: 511

Image In your travels, you'll encounter hunting zones that have other requirements besides the Star Force Hunting Zones.

He also hints at the actually important field rules for later in the game, but no real information is given at this time.

…Oh, but he does make us kill 5 more slimes with a higher Star Force requirement, just to make sure we understand how it works. Let's just. Offscreen that.

Total Kills: 516

Image Now for the next part. It's HAMMER TIME!

Image Do I need to dance side to side? I've been working on my shuffle.

Image No, no! You'll be hammering your old necklace into a newer, higher level necklace!

Image Oh… I can do that!


Spiegelmann's next lesson is all about the Transfer Hammer. This hammer lets us transfer the Star Force of one item into another item 10 levels higher (It can also be done with items 20 levels higher at lower levels, but this is never relevant in regular gameplay). If used correctly, it can save a LOT of mesos on Star Forcing by getting an item to a high Star Force, then transferring it to a more expensive to star item—most frequently this is done with endgame rings, pendants, earrings and belts, but even before endgame there's some armors it's possible to Transfer Hammer to as well.

Anyways, to use the Transfer Hammer we first select the equipment we will be transferring from. In this case, that's the necklace.


We then select an item to transfer it to. In this case, that's the slightly shinier necklace.


We get to see the result, and when we hit Transfer it'll send over both the Stars (minus 1) and the current Potential on the item.

We haven't covered Potential (AKA Progression Casino #2) yet, but the important part for now is to know that it's pretty dang important and comes in for tiers of strength: Rare, Epic, Unique, and Legendary. When using the Transfer Hammer, the potential carries over, but it is lowered down to Epic tier at the highest, meaning the equipment would have to be sent back up to Unique or Legendary again if it was higher.

That will make more sense when we cover Potentials, which will also be talked about in full later when they become more relevant. We're still in "Battleground Idol One-Shots Everything" land, after all.

Anyways, we transfer the pendant, equip it, and move on. There's really no point in having us equip the thing, since it'll disappear once Tera Blink is over… but eh, I guess they want to make sure we know how to equip stuff.

Image Alright. I've used the Stars Still not sure how that works, or why it's so expensive, honestly, and the Hammer. Now what's next, Mr. Spiegelmann?

Image Please, Mr. Spiegelmann was my father! Anyways, it's time for everyone's favorite activity…

Image More hunting?!

Image MORE HUNTING!! I'll see you at 140, Angelic Buster!


Image Feel it in your heart!!

What transpires is the usual for Angelic Buster training. Back and forth we go, spamming Celestial Roar while Soul Seeker Expert handles some extra enemies.


It takes approximately 30 seconds for us to hit our next milestone.

Total Kills: 771

As I mentioned earlier, upon hitting 140 we're given all of the SP we need to max out all of our 4th Job Skills.


So we do that. Additionally, the little green button in the bottom left corner that says 'Hyper' is flashing. This is because we've unlocked our Hyper Skills—well, some of them, anyways. Clicking on the arrow will open the Hyper Skill section of our Skills window.


There are two kinds of Hyper Skills: Passive and Active. Between levels 140 and 200, we'll unlock a total of 9 Passive skills and 3 Active skills, while also getting a total of 5 Passive SP and 3 Active SP. For right now, we have a choice between Soul Seeker - Reinforce and Finale Ribbon - Reinforce, both of which increase the damage of the skill in question by 20%.

Because we don't use Finale Ribbon ever and Soul Seekers are 12% of our overall damage, we obviously go with Soul Seeker - Reinforce.


As for Active skills, we get those SP at the same time as the skill would unlock. For right now, we can only choose Pretty Exaltation… and that's just fine, because Pretty Exaltation is our first 'Burst' skill.

Pretty Exaltation:

Pretty Exaltation is a buff that comes out immediately on keypress with 0 endlag, and gives a number of effects for 20 seconds. First, it raises our Final Damage by 5%, period. Additionally, it gives our Soul Seeker Expert +15% chance to create Soul Seekers, making most skills into 50% and Trinity into 75% chance per cast. Our Soul Seeker Respawn chance is increased by +5% as well, raising it from 85% to 90%, and the Soul Seekers created by either using the skill or through SSE are both increased by 2, meaning SSE now spawns 3 every activation. To balance this it applies a 45% Final Damage penalty on all Soul Seekers, which stacks multiplicatively with SSE's 75% Final Damage. This still means we make a kajillion more Seekers than normal, which do a ton of damage. It has a cooldown of 60 seconds, meaning we can do this up to once a minute.

These are all changes from what it used to do before the remaster, where it was a middling-at-best buff that could arguably be skipped entirely.


The full patch notes are listed here, and as you can see the skill has gotten a complete overhau—wait.




Unlike On Stage, which can only be used in towns, Pretty Exaltation allows us to hijack the BGM of any map in the game and turn it into one of our own songs.

…Unfortunately, the song that it's supposed to play is Shining Heart.

Shining Heart is not implemented in v251.

The patch notes lied to us. Using Pretty Exaltation gives us absolutely nothing.

Total Songs: 0.23 of 4

Next time we'll get into Hyper Stats and work our way towards the end of Tera Blink.

60 levels remain.

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So this week I'm actually on vacation in Texas, meaning my usual updates are on pause. That doesn't mean there's nothing to talk about, however:

After all, MapleStory basically had a Space Texan!

This is Jett. Originally released in the Renegades update (making her slightly older than Angelic Buster), she was one of a small pool of classes unique to a specific region or regions. Jett herself was introduced to both GMS and Japanese MapleStory, or JMS, as an altered version of a class called Zen—itself a unique class to Chinese MapleStory (CMS) and Taiwan MapleStory (TMS).

Jett herself was a Space Bounty Hunter, whose class story is entirely about wanting to grow up to be a Royal Guard before the king was murdered and she was blamed for it. She went on the run to the most boonies planet available, which is Maple World because of course it is. Her class was never the most popular, in part because it was neglected by every design team. While the JMS-exclusive Sengoku classes received updates necessary to work with new content, Jett would occasionally wind up broken for a short time after each new content release pending a patch to actually add in her ability to play cutscenes after the fact—they just kept forgetting she existed.

This was exacerbated in the Awake update, which removed Zen from the game entirely to change them out for a new class called Mo Xuan. Between this, the JMS devs' focus on their Sengoku classes, and the complete lack of a proper GMS dev team, Jett was lost in the lurch and occasional breaks became inevitable with each new area added on. So she kept in this holding pattern for a long while, until DREAMER was announced in KMS and everyone heard about 6th Job and the cool animations that come with it. The fate of Jett (and one other class known as Beast Tamer), who would need entirely new assets and work to become 6th Job, was up in the air.

A few weeks after the debut, we got our answer: Neither Jett or Beast Tamer would be able to advance to 6th Job. We were promised that Beast Tamer would receive a complete overhaul (and she went on to become the new class, Lynn), but Jett… As of GMS v240, Jett was removed from the Character Creation menu. Three months later an event was created which would allow all existing Jetts to change into any Maple Explorer type class, and by February 2024 every Jett in the game was removed.

Actually retiring your Jett would give you a relatively short cutscene where she received a letter from the son of the king Jett was framed for murdering. He told Jett that he knew she didn't do it, and the real culprit had anonymously promised they'd turn themselves in—making her a former fugitive. He then mentioned that her services were needed to fight the instability caused by the king's murder back on her home planet, and after giving a heartfelt goodbye to every important NPC in her storyline Jett went back into space to return to her home planet and fight Space Pirates.

All of this is to say,

Jett is not implemented in v251.


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Okay, where were we..?


Right. We randomly grew to 146 from doing tutorials that I skipped—

Image We're skipping tutorials now?

Image Have to roll an ad break sometime if I want to get my investment back!

Image Huh. Fair enough.

—because I was just going to cover them anyways. We ended on Hyper Skills last time, so let's quickly cover Hyper Stats (And while I am here, invest those 225 AP I've been sitting on into my DEX).


From level 140 onward, we will get points for our Hyper Stats. Hyper Stats are a special group of lines that we increase with these points that can give us most of the things tracked on our stat sheet. For Angelic Busters, the important ones are DEX, STR, Critical Rate, Critical Damage, Boss Damage, Damage, Ignore Defense, and Attack Power & Magic Attack.

…Except I lied to you, because this character is being leveled up.


Everything will be going straight into an EXP bonus. As the levels of our Hyper Stats increase, the point costs increase as well. We also get more Hyper Stat points per level as we gain levels, but as long as we're leveling up the only thing that matters is this—and maybe Normal Damage or Critical Rate if we need help getting 100% crit or to oneshot mobs.

Image So what now?

Image Wanna fight a giant monster?

Image Woah! Monsters come in giant size?!

Image They sure do. They're called Elite Monsters. Beat up these regular ones and you'll see one of them!


Image From three to a million!!

Elite Monsters are a thing that show up every so often while training on a map. Like Spiegelmann says, they're basically just big monsters. They give a little more EXP, have a good amount more HP, and also drop bonus prizes.


Elite Monsters show up in a dark orb like this. Each one has some kind of modifier, in this case 'Sticky.' I don't know what any of these modifiers do, because none of them matter.


Anyways, here is a giant Orange Mushroom in a top hat.


It dies in one hit, like everything else. :v:

Total Kills: 802

Image They may be powerful, but did you see the rewards? I'm sure your excitement will overcome any fears!

Image I'm not sure powerful is the word I would use… Anyways, what's next?

Image Next up, we'll deal with some stronger monsters. Because they're so strong, you should use that box burning a hole in your pocket first.

Image Box..? Was this another gift, Eskalade?

Image Ahaha, ya caught me. It's part of the whole Burning Experience.


The Root Abyss Set Box gives us a set of temporary Root Abyss gear—this is equipment that drops from bosses we are nowhere near powerful enough to clear yet.


Each one of the Hat, Top, and Bottom come with 15 stars already on it, as well as (New in v251!) guaranteed Epic potential for our main stat—this means 6/3/3 DEX for each of them.


The weapon, meanwhile, gets a guaranteed potential of Weapon Attack +6% (the line we always want on weapons), alongside Damage +3% and Critical Rate +4% (lines that we don't want, but hey free Fafnir weapon).


We also get an additional reward from the New Angelic Buster exclusive event, which consists of a Trait Potion (That I put into Charm again since I want to hit 30 ASAP), a pair of 30 minute triple EXP coupons, and a second Fafnir equipment box.


Our second Fafnir weapon has slightly better attack than the one we already had, so I trade that out… but the three regular equipments are all worse.


This is because the Epic potential on each one of these three pieces of gear needs to be randomly rolled, instead of a guaranteed Epic tier 3line. There is no reason to bother rolling these.

Additionally, it means that a feature that was implemented brand new in v251 is also not implemented in v251.

Image Okay. I've got the equipment on. What now?

Image Well, there are two other types of big monsters you can fight: Elite Champions and Elite Bosses.

Image The creature you‘ll face this time is an Elite Boss.

Elite Bosses are superenemies who are considered minibosses, and they appear after a number of Elite Monsters and Champions are defeated. They drop treasure chests which give items that are great for new players, but I do not need anymore.


So we blow the monsters away…


And a warning sign appears, accompanied by an alarm. The screen wipes to black here as the boss spawns in.


The Elite Bosses from levels 1-260 are all the same five enemies, one of each of the main class archetypes. This is the Warrior variant. Once we get past level 260 we'll start seeing new Elite Bosses, for reasons that we'll get into once we hit Limina at level 255.

It will be a while.


Anyways, this guy dies in one hit too and we can move on with our quest.

Total Kills: 833

Image That was a bit of a challenge, wasn't it? But I knew you had it under control.

Image Yeah, it was really easy. I just hit him once and he fell over! …Am I actually kind of amazing?

Image Good spirit, kid! Keep it up, you'll need it. The real things are way stronger than that one.

This quest advances us all the way up to level 170, meaning we've only got 30 to go until we're done with Tera Blink.

Image My footage must have gone super viral by now… I can feel the power coming from all over Maple World!

Image You sure have come a long way in the past, uh… fourty minutes? Wait, seriously?

Image Haha, this hat is incredible!

After a little more SP and AP and Hyper Stat allocations, our next goal is at 190. You get one guess how we're going to get there.

Image Is it hunting?

Image It's HUNTIIIING!!!

Image Alright, let's do it!


It's a slightly longer farming session than we've had thus far, as the experience per level in MapleStory scales much faster than the EXP you get per monster.


So we wind up having to jump back and forth pressing the same two buttons over and over again for a couple minutes straight this time. The distilled, pure MapleStory experience.


On a flat map like this one, we don't even need to look at the screen. I pull up Magilia's stats to see where she's at compared to before. The new gear got us ~180k combat power, which is pretty good for now.


It takes a total of 2 minutes and 878 kills to hit level 191, and trigger the next phase of Tera Blink.

Total Kills: 1,711

This also more than doubles our kill count so far.

Image Perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier, but once you reach Lv. 140, you'll not only have access to the Hyper Stats I told you about, but also to Hyper Skills.

It's here that the game actually tells us about Hyper Skills… but we covered that earlier so let's skip ahead a bit. At level 190, we can unlock and apply all our Hyper Skill points.

For Passive skills, I take the following:

Soul Seeker - Make-Up: Increases odds of Soul Seekers reforming by 10%.
Finale Ribbon - Armorbreak: As long as we have a point in Finale Ribbon, increases our passive IED by 15%. We still do not have to use Finale Ribbon.
Trinity - Reinforce: Bonus damage on Trinity. Always a plus.
Trinity - Extra Strike: Gives Trinity an extra line of damage on each cast, raising its damage accordingly.

There's also the two remaining Active skills as well.

Supreme Supernova:

Places a damaging zone onto the field which will stay active for 12 seconds, periodically hitting up to 15 enemies for 3 hits of 600% damage each. 60 second cooldown.

Useful for both mobbing (to automatically kill a group of enemies) or bossing (the hits happen while we're doing other things, making it good for background damage—and they can spawn Seekers). Requires level 160.

Final Contract:

For 30 seconds, grants us a bonus to our Attack Power, Damage, IED, Boss Damage, Critical Rate, Abnormal Status Resistance, and Elemental Resistance. This means we take a bit less damage (which doesn't matter in most bosses—they deal a % of our max HP with each hit), recover from Status effects faster (This usually doesn't matter—bosses shouldn't be able to hit us while this is up), and increases both our damage and IED by a sizable margin (This DOES matter. More damage good). Has a 120 second cooldown, and requires level 190.

This is our second Burst skill, and it has a cooldown twice as long as our other Hyper skills. This is because Angelic Buster has two different Burst windows. We have a particularly large Burst window every 120 seconds where we can cast everything we have, and a second shorter window every minute to pile more damage onto the boss.

It's important for an Idol to keep rotating her setlist, after all.

Looking at the cooldowns so far, we can see that both Supernova and Pretty Exaltation fall under the 60s miniburst, while Final Contract is for the full 120s burst. We'll have to keep this in mind as we get more skills from our later jobs.

Image And now… are you ready for your next task?

Image Sure am. Is it more hun-

Image It's more hunting!!! You're incredibly popular now. Only a little longer and we'll have achieved our dream of going triple viral! I‘m on the verge of tears, considering this adventure of ours is nearly over. But hey, can't live in a hat forever, so let's get your level up to Lv. 200!

Image Alright! I'm going to get psyched up and go for it!


Magilia is an old hand at this now, and with the quest getting us to level 194 we're only two levels away from our ultimate goal. For normal players, levels 180-190 and especially 190-199 are the most painful part of trying to hit 5th job. Monsters are tanky at 2-5 shots to kill, the Star Force requirements for maps are expensive to get to, you don't have gear that's worth anything yet, and it can take quite a while to get through. Level 199 to 200 is free because there's a quest that will get you enough experience to skip the level entirely… but only if you know about it.

(For those of you crazy enough to try playing this game, it's called [Haven] A New Home and it's in your lightbulb menu. Take it at 199 and not before. You're welcome.)


We have Tera Blink, though, so it takes us around 49 seconds.

Total Kills: 2,047

Image All we set out to do here has been done!

Image Triple viral?

Image TRIPLE VIRAL!!! Now there's just one thing to do: break down the doorway to the outside world!

Image Can't I just leave and enter as I want?

Image It doesn't matter. It's provocative! It gets the people going!


The door appears before us.


We punch it twice…


Image We did it…

Image Good job, Angelic Buster! I'm proud of you. Now come on, let's go get the adventure started!

Image Right… I guess it would be silly to spend any longer inside a video producing hat.


And so, Tera Blink comes to an end. Total time: 47 minutes, 6 seconds.


We're dropped off in a map inside the Temple of Time, a place we've never been to or heard of. It's tied to the Black Mage's storyline, but all we need to know is that he blew open the Door to the Present and this is very bad somehow.

Image So uh… what do we do?

Image Talk to the old guy, I figure. Oh, but first things first. That weird guy slipped something in our pocket.


Completing Tera Blink gives us a special Hat-based chair, which alternates between Magilia and Spiegelmann popping out of the open top.


It also unlocks another event, which gives us a checklist of things to do in return for fabulous prizes. I don't care much about the final prize (a cosmetic that I feel very :geno: about), so I'll just be doing whatever parts of it seem convenient.

Image Got that squared away. Anything else?

Image Yeah, one more thing.

Also, for hitting level 200 we get another prize.

Image Tear, you look stronger.

Image You think so too? I‘ve been feeling it lately. I've got this confidence now.

Image You've been training really hard. Full throttle. And it's been paying off.

Image Thanks. It's good to hear you say that.

Image Well, it just means I've taught you well.

Image Hehe, true enough. I couldn't have done it without you.

Image Aw, if I could blush, I would.

Image I just need to keep pushing myself harder! You've given me all the power you can, right? So now it's up to me.

Image That's a very mature attitude. You deserve a reward: MORE POWER!

Image Wait, I thought the LAST power was your last power. Did you... what, were you lying?

Image No, no-no-no, I was NOT lying! You've just gone so amazingly far above and beyond that I discovered a whole new power to give to you!

Image So how about it? You want it, or what?

Image Of course I want it! It's MORE POWER, you know?!

Agreeing to this gives us the beginner skill Exclusive Spell.

Exclusive Spell:

Gives +4% Attack and Magic Attack power to all nearby players for 40 minutes. 120 minute cooldown. This is a pre-boss buff, and one that every class gains access to in some form at level 200. As a vague nod towards quality of life features, KMS has recently decided to cut its cooldown time down to 5 minutes since skipping the cooldown timer is incredibly trivial and the buff is used in almost every boss.

Because we don't have a time machine, this is not implemented in v251. Anyways, it's currently used just for bossing but after the change also can be used for mobbing as well—4% extra attack is a lot of power as our levels go up, and can turn a 2shot into a 1shot.

We also gain one other beginner skill.

True Heart Inheritance: Increases Soul Seeker Mastery by 10%. :toot:

So at last, having cleared the entire 1-200 level curve in a little over two hours, it's time to get out of the tutorial and into the real meat of the game.


It's time to begin our 5th job advancement.

But before that, next time we'll look at what we missed. There's a handful of questlines that are worth doing on a new character for either gear, boss access, or ~the experience~, and I'll dedicate a bit of time to talking about those.

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So, MapleStory has been out for 19, going on 20 years over here. In that time, a lot of content has been released, and most of the quest lines are in the period between level 30 and level 200. This is because once we hit 200, the questlines all converge into a single straight line, with a new quest chain coming every 5 levels until we hit 285—the current end of the game.

Because we spent our entire grinding experience in a hat, today we'll take a look at some of the more notable quest lines, arranged in no particular order.


First off, let's talk about Mushroom Kingdom… TWO!

The sequel to a questline that is not implemented in v251, we're summoned to the Mushroom Kingdom (not that one) in order to help resolve a grand contest. The beautiful princess Violetta (pictured above) has lost her ability to smile, resulting in a contest. The one who can make her laugh will win her hand in marriage!

This questline has nothing decent in terms of rewards (only giving a cape and a pendant that are quickly rendered obsolete), but the EXP is pretty okay and the sheer :wtc: of it makes it worth a playthrough. It features characters such as…


Gamma and Omega

And Ghostie.

These are all parodies of existing characters (Magnus, Alpha and Beta, and Phantom), and there are a couple of others… though there is no Angelic Mushter. This is for balance purposes, because she would have won the contest instantly and there would be no reason for us to be there.

Many things happen, and Violetta is kidnapped by viking pelicans and used as a power source as she runs on a treadmill. In the end, we beat up the Viking Ruler, promise not to tell anyone about his collection of plushies, and the contest continues unabated. Violetta reveals at the end that she's "always smiling," meaning all of this is completely pointless.

I will not explain further. :colbert:


Silent Crusade is a questline that was originally created in JMS. It was later adapted for KMS and then ported to the rest of the servers, making it a rarity as content on KMS that originated elsewhere. In it, we join a secret society of Boss Hunters who are investigating mysterious gates around the world. Each gate holds a miniboss that takes around two punches to defeat maximum, making it a very short questline to do.

It's worth it, because doing the questline will give a decent early game Ring, a Title with some okay stats when starting out (titles being somewhat rare unless you get an event one), and access to the daily boss Arkarium, who drops a rare and incredibly important Pendant called the Dominator Pendant, alongside its blue cousin the Machinator Pendant. Doing this quest once will unlock him for everyone, but the rewards and the short timeframe of the quest make it worthwhile on any character who needs a ring and title. We do not.

Speaking of rings…


New Leaf City! NLC is a questline that is a sequel to the Masteria questline—which I have never done because the rewards are bad—and it is worth dipping into to do the first three quests.

This is for two reasons. The first is that NLC has some of the best out of context dialogue in all of MapleStory.
Lita Lawless, NPC wrote: As you probably know, Boomers are a danger to everyone. I need you to clear them out, quickly and quietly, before they explode and make a huge mess everywhere.

I think taking out somewhere around 100 Boomers ought to make things better around here. Are you ready?
It's beautiful. :allears:

Anyways, after murdering 100 Boomers we get a coin we can use at the NLC special shop. This can be used to buy Treasure Hunter John's Ring, a level 125 Ring that is able to be given a Potential. Because many of the early game rings either can't get a potential or have weaker stats than it, this ring is a mainstay on any Boss Mule or Main that's working their way up through the gearing up process. It's not worth doing any more than the first three quests, but the reward for the third is great.

What's the plot about? IDK, I just hold "continue." I think there's a conspiracy or something? It doesn't matter, we're not going to finish it anyways.


Omega Sector should be done once for two reasons: The first is because you are helping the Power Ranger Clones known as the M-Force in their fight against their arch nemesis and his army of alien invaders, and once you are done you become the White M-Forcer.


The other reason is because it unlocks access on all characters to a daily boss called OMNI-CLN. It doesn't drop anything particularly useful… but hey, daily bosses mean more money. We'll get into that eventually, I'm sure.


The Temple of Time, our current location, is also a questline everyone needs to do once. It introduces us to a couple of things, like that this temple has a door to the Past, Present, and Future. The main line of quests itself is all about exploring the Door of the Past, and we have to beat up a bunch of monsters and meet the Record Keeper, a guy who we'll be seeing soon about getting 5th Job. At the end of this questline we gain access to Pink Bean, a boss who I will be murdering with Magilia at some point—like other bosses, we only need to do this once as well.

During this sidequest we also meet Kao.


Kao has the same face and characteristics as we do, meaning that for Magilia she is a magical girl of love and justice who presumably also has her own Eskalade.

Her deal is a mystery, but there is another questline called Ellin Forest which takes place in the past where everyone calls us Kao. This is probably expanded upon, but I missed all of it and we'll find out what Kao's deal is soon enough when we start going down the Arcane River.


Root Abyss is another important one. Starting at level 125, we can take this quest on to put the Maple Alliance to work helping a mysterious girl trapped underneath the town of Sleepywood.


Her name is Alicia, she's trapped here, and also she's the incarnation of the World Tree. To save her, we have to beat up each of the four Root Abyss bosses. We need to do this quest to access those bosses, and we need to do this on every character we want to gear up because the Chaos difficulty versions of these fights are what drops the level 150 Root Abyss set. To access the Chaos fights, we have to defeat the bosses on normal 5 times each. At once a day, that means it's a minimum of 5 days to get to the bosses we actually care about.

I'll be doing this in the background.


The Dimensional Library is content that gives a lot of backstory for characters in the game. It covers the reasons behind things such as:
-The Black Mage's motivation
-The events leading to the falling out between the Resistance and the Cygnus Knights
-How Cygnus became the Empress
-Some of the backstory of Von Leon, a boss who is barely worth mentioning (Oh right his quest should be done too, just look for [Lion King's Castle], it's pretty good for money if nothing else.)
-Backstory for Zero, the Player Character, prior to the start of their story

I have never bothered looking at it, but this is where a lot of the lore is.


Commerci is a short questline that gives you the ability to do trade routes and save up a special boats-only currency to spend on level 160 accessories that used to be best in slot for the endgame until the special transfer ability they got was deemed a bug and removed.

Nowadays it's good if you want to do boats forever in order to get level 160 accessories that are at best a slight upgrade over what you'll likely get through regular gameplay.

But the gameplay is repetitive and the amount you have to run both daily solo and party content to get even one accessory (That will probably explode) is high, so… Skip Commerci.


Scrapyard and the Dark World Tree. These both have very short questlines, with Scrapyard's being notable for giving enough EXP to go from level 199 straight to 200. These two areas are ones that new players will get familiar with, because they hand out weekly quests that are required to get AbsoLab gear—level 160 equipment that's a tier above the Root Abyss stuff. If you want to get anywhere near endgame bosses, you're going to be wearing AbsoLab stuff at some point, so you'll eventually be doing things around here.


Mushroom Shrine Tales is JMS content that came over to GMS. In it, you help a shrine maiden out with her troubles, make friends, and do some kind of dating sim style quest thing to gain relationship points to get bonuses to a cool cape you get. This content is actually considered pretty great, as it gives access to a buff known as 'Tengu's Blessing' which is used extensively in endgame bossing for a boost to attack power, and also gives access to a bunch of herb bags for endgame alchemy.

I have never done it because I am lazy.


The Afterlands is important content that gives Totems (an equipment slot that are nigh unfindable elsewhere) to characters in exchange for completing its main storyline of finding a bunch of keys to open a door.

It is also stupidly frustrating to try and beat without a guide, so just look one up if you're going to do Afterlands. Even doing everything perfectly, it still takes around an hour to finish. Notably, this also gives you an opportunity to change the color of the headstone that falls when you die. It's the only place you can change it.

I… don't think I remember to do it with Magilia, actually. :sweatdrop:


Stellar Detectives is another one I didn't do with Magilia, but it's very important for any character you're wanting to go to actual Endgame with. This is because it unlocks a daily mini-dungeon that gives access to a number of unique rings—the important one of which being the Krrr ring.

This ring gives an extra iframe every 3 minutes, which is valuable in late bosses, particularly if you don't know the pattern yet. Do it until a Krrr ring drops. Do the achievements until you get 3 of the upgrade modules. Upgrade Krrr ring to full. Never touch it again.


The Gate to the Future has two main quests, one for Henesys and one for Perio. The plotline here is that Maple Islanders have been getting prophetic dreams of a future where the Cygnus Knights and Resistance go evil and enslave the people of Maple World to help the Black Mage… so it's our job to go through the Temple of Time's Gate to the Future to see what's up.

We find out that these dreams—and the entire world where we're fighting—are the creation of someone called Lucid (yes, the one from the event), who is acting as one of the Black Mage's commanders. In the end, we break off the dreams from connecting with reality and stop everyone's nightmares.


Next is Tower of Oz.

Nothing important happens here. There is no reason to do this content. It is the worst content in the entire game. If any of your friends has ever told you you should do Tower of Oz, they are not your friend and they want to watch you suffer.

Fuck Tower of Oz.

Also apparently the World Tree has a second half of herself that wasn't sealed but made a tower underwater because something something humans bad. :iiam:


Lastly for normal quests, there's Detective Rave's Case Notes. This has us helping a famed detective in solving a crime, and is the introduction of the Angler Company. They'll only come up one more time in passing in the entirety of the story we'll be covering in this thread, but there is a very important reason that Detective Rave needs to be mentioned:


Her name is Senya, she's an android who tries to advance the company business by boiling an entire planet alive to make profit margins go up by 1%, and her ship is blown up by her own WMD with her on it.

We see her again on Grandis, but she's kind of amazing so I feel like her introductory storyline is worth a look, even if the rest of it is kind of samey and lacking in good rewards. This is also, if my memory serves me right, the first mention of the Angler Company at all—they go on to become major villains and are the subject of an recent Epic Dungeon that is not implemented in v251 because it's coming January 15th for us.

In addition to standard questlines, there are two pieces of content known as Maple Blockbusters. These are longer quests with multiple parts, varied gameplay, and involved storylines. They take literal hours to play through in full, there are two of them, and everyone needs to do all of one of them once, and act 4 of the other, because the two bosses associated with AbsoLab gear are locked behind them.


Black Heaven is the climax of the Resistance Storyline, and has our character dealing with the completion of the Black Wings's plans. During this blockbuster:
-Orchid, the current leader of the Black Wings, is betrayed by her mad scientist Dr. Gelimer.
-Gelimer reveals she's been using Orchid's brother Lotus as a power source for his ultimate weapon.
-The Resistance takes her in to recover, and finds out about the ultimate weapon.
-We meet some free-willed androids who escaped from Dr. Gelimer's army.
-There's a giant ship called the Black Heaven, and we go to fight it.
-Dr. Gelimer begins releasing a hideously poisonous gas over the Resistance's hometown to kill everyone there.
-In the end, we have to defeat Lotus in order to stop the Black Heaven
-He murders Gelimer as well. The only survivor of the major NPCs here is Orchid.
-At some point there is an imposter who uses an ultimate technique to defeat Neinhart, our PC, and all of the Cygnus Knights. The ultimate technique:


Is turning into Cygnus and making puppy dog eyes. Yes, really. You cannot prevent this from working. The power is unstoppable.

As for Angelic Buster, she has two unique plot points as well:
-Kaiser realizes she talks a lot like Tear, and concludes that… they know each other in real life! She calls him a moron.
-And, of course, Angelic Buster throws a concert.


They even updated the art for the remaster… though we don't get any special songs during the credits or anything like that. :effort:

Anyways, in the end our character is barely alive and Cygnus has to choose between letting us die or sacrificing the last Seal Stone—implied to be the key to stopping the Black Mage and saving the world—to revive us using the power of will.

It's a good thing we're the protagonist, because she makes that deal in a second and the world no longer has a Seal Stone to stop the big bad with. Oh well! :shrug:


Lastly, there's Heroes of Maple.

I'm sure it's a very involved storyline but all I know is "Black Mage tells Damien to corrupt the World Tree or something, and the five Heroes of Maple have to stop him."

You get to play as Aran, Mercedes, Evan, Luminous, and Phantom (the five main Hero classes) as you do a bunch of stuff and nobody actually plays all of this one because to unlock Damien you just have to beat part 4, which has you play as Evan, do a bit of platforming, and then beat up the guy himself at the end.

These two quests also circle back into their respective areas—the Scrapyard has the wrecked Black Heaven there to explore and take care of, while the Dark World Tree is, well… the Dark World Tree.

There are even more quest lines than what I've covered here, of course. Each main town in Maple World has its own questline to do, and there are other mini areas where you can go to a haunted theme park, or fight monsters in a gigantic shopping center to help a new pop idol group take off, or help uncorrupt a giant (who isn't Gollux, but oh we'll get to Gollux…), or even a High School AU called Friendstory. There are also involved storylines built around defeating the major bosses Princess No and Akechi Mitsuhide that both take quite a while to complete… but aren't included here because you need to do each questline once to unlock the relevant boss for everyone, and it's been so long I actually forgot which questlines they are.

They're marked in the lightbulb menu, it's fine, no big deal.

The point is that MapleStory has an absolutely absurd amount of content spanning levels 1-200, and you will never see most of it because the most optimal way to get to your 5th job is to level up on the same 15 or so maps before going through the same 200+ content that every character gets in the same order, one area per 5 levels.

Thanks to the power of a really sweet hat, Magilia no longer even needs to do that much. We're leaving the past behind us—next time we'll be grabbing our 5th job.
Last edited by TeeQueue on Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Fifth job fifth job!!! :dance:

Anyways our first quest just teleports us to the room we're already standing in so let's skip to the actual plot, shall we?


This is the Memory Keeper. He predates fancy sprites.

Image Magilia... Your reputation precedes you. I have reached out to you to share what I have discovered. There is something... odd... occurring in our world.

Daily reminder: We have never left the hat before just now.

Image Something… odd? With a dramatic pause, like that?

Image Indeed. Have you ever heard of Erdas?

Image Erdas..?

Image I shall take that as a no, then. Erdas are like living energy, undergoing a constant cycle of creation and destruction. They are the link between Maple World and other worlds, being the most basic building block of reality.

Erdas are incredibly important in that they're the justification for basically everything that happens from here on. As the building blocks of the universe, if you need a reason why x is happening, the answer is "Because they used Erdas."

Image That sounds really important.

Image Indeed. Without the Erdas, nothing would exist. And that is why we were terribly concerned to discover that Erdas seem to be slowly… disappearing.

Image Wait, what? Disappearing?

Image This is something you must see for yourself. Once you do, your entire perception of our world will change. Allow me to teach you the art of observing Erdas. Please, close your eyes…

Image Focus really hard to see the magical spirit dragon. I got it.

Image I'm not Erdas, Tear. I'm just made of 'em.

Image Same difference. Just focus my mind…

Image Hey, um, anybody? Can anybody hear me?

Image Yes, Eskalade. I can still hear you.

Image Cool, cool… but uh, that wasn't me.

Image Huh? Then whose voice..?


The next conversation takes place over this wispy rivery background, indicative of the 'feel' of Erdas.

Image Oh, yay! It's somebody! So... hi! I'm the... er, we're the Erdas! Me and my friends make up everything in the whole wide world. Isn't that neat? We used to flow through the World Tree like syrup... But now that the World Tree is kinda gone, the Black Mage has been stealing us away, little by little.

Image It's super scary! There's like, this big hand that comes out of a giant door, and it's all RAR IMMA TAKE YOU AWAY! I mean, it doesn't say that… 'cause it's a hand. That's just the vibe I get.


Then, we have a chance to ask the Maple equivalent of quarks a few questions. They claim they're out of time.

They're not, this is a cutscene.

Image So… Why is the Black Mage trying to take you?

Image I'm pretty sure he's trying to make a whole new world. I dunno for how long, but if he keeps going we'll all be gone soon. And that means your world goes bye-bye, too!

Image So what exactly ARE you, then?

Image Energy! Everything comes from us, and everything returns to us when it, you know… ends.

Image Okay… now the important one: How do I accept your power?

Image Just believe in yourself! Think happy thoughts! And talk to the goddess of your world. She's super helpful.

Image …I think that's everything, then.

Image Okay, well, I'd better get back to… um, existing. Good talking to you! Remember, the fate of all existence lies in your hands. So don't mess this up!

Image No pressure… ahaha…

Image From livestreaming to protecting the fate of all existence. I'm so proud!!

Image Either way, we should talk to the Memory Keeper again.


And just like that, we're back where we started. Let's see what the Keeper has to say about this.

Image Do you see the importance of Erdas now?!

Image I, uh. Talked to them.

Image You spoke to them?! Can this be true? I've been observing them my entire life, but I've never communicated with them.

Image That's me. Angelic "Talks to things nobody else can" Buster.

Image It's worked out so far, I'd say!

Image If the Erdas spoke to you... Then you have a grander fate than I suspected. The Erdas wish to give you their power, so that you can protect them.

Image That sounds sweet! How does it work?

Image You're going to have to meet the goddess… es.

Image …es?

Image Indeed. Legend says the goddesses used Erda to sculpt souls. Some also say they could pass down this ability.


Image The Goddess of Maple World is located at the Bowman Instructional School in Henesys… The Goddess of Tynerum, the camp at the base of the Dark World Tree. And the Goddess of Grandis…

Image The Great Temple?

Image The Great Temple.

Image If it's all the same to you, can I stay home for that one? I uh… MAY owe a certain goddess a few hundred thousand mesos.

Image …What did you do?

Image She's very good at bridge, it turns out!

Image …Uhh-huh. Alright, I'll do it. Let's say hi to some Goddesses!

So begins the next phase of our quest. It's our job to track down three Goddesses and get their help. Thankfully, we know exactly where they are… but it's a bit of a walk.

Image Huh. Come to think of it, how AM I going to get to Henesys? Let alone Pantheon again!

Image About that… I have an idea. Hold on.

One of the biggest ways modern-day MapleStory differs from the old school fare is that it requires a lot of running around to do dailies and the like. Because of this, fast travel is actually very simple as long as we have mesos.


To get what we need, we'll have to go to the Cash Shop. This is because… I dunno, they want to make us look at the deals? Anyways I click the search bar and type in 'tele,' which will give us only three options.


Behold: the Hyper Teleport Rock. The prices listed are for 7 days, 3 days, and 1 day respectively—I always want to go for the 7 day/25 million meso option. This might sound like a lot of money, but uh… it really isn't. By even midgame, a price tag of 1b is considered relatively affordable. Something like 25 million is nothing.


Once we have our HTR, we can bring up our world map and double click on (almost) any node in the game to go there. Our first trip is to Henesys… where I do a little bit of accounting.


First off, the level 200 questline gave us Superstar, a new medal that denotes our Triple Viral Magical Girl Idol status. It's an attack up, it goes on.


Next, the Eternal Flame Ring. This is another of our bonuses from Burning, and it's what's known as an "Event Ring."

Event Rings are a set of rings that can be Potentialed, but never Star Forced. There are two general tiers of Event Rings, though any event in the last year or two has only given the higher tier—40 to all stats, and 25 Attack/Magic Attack. These rings are as good or better than any ring in the game through Star Force ratings of 17+, and with four ring slots to fill they're a very good pickup for any new character or boss mule to be.

Anyways, what was I doing?

Image Getting me MORE POWER!

Right, 5th Job. TO THE BOWMAN SCHOOL! :black101:


Image Oh hey… Angelic Buster, right? I saw your stream… you're pretty great, you know that?

Image Yes thanks, I'm going to go through this mysterious portal now, see you in a bit byeeee~!

Image Haha, there's that energy everyone's captivated by!

In each of the three areas there's a shiny new portal that we can go through.


Each one takes us through that Erda flow background for ~10 seconds to arrive at our destination.


That destination is her realm, at the edge of the universe.

Image I can't help but notice that a fan made it here, too.

Image Eh, that's popularity for you. Fans always find a way.

Time to talk to the goddess…


Okay, one more quick pause to open my level 200 New Angelic Buster prize.


…And to equip our new title, it's a straight upgrade over the other one as Arcane Power is much more important than Star Force.

Okay, NOW we talk to the Goddess.

Image You have done well. I and my sisters exist to safeguard this world and guide its heroes, but few ever come far enough to meet us.

The Maple Goddess herself had a relatively recent redesign back when they retooled the Explorer classes and their starter questline. I like the rework entirely because her hairdo got 80% cooler—and honestly, rewriting your entire story to give yourself a cooler design is not the most absurd thing a character in Maple has done to win at FashionStory.

Image You want to control the Erdas, yes? It is natural, for you are made of Erdas the same as any of us. I shall aid you in releasing your inner Erdas.

Image Thanks!

Image But first… a question.

Image What is it that you cherish most in this world?

We have to choose between Kyle and everyone we help as Angelic Buster. We have helped almost no one as Angelic Buster, we just ran around a hat for an hour.

…They still win over Kyle. Sorry, Kyle.

Image I had many adventures after I received my power. Oh Goddess, it is most important for me to serve the people as Angelic Buster!

Image Yes, I saw your livestream. Even the Goddess of Grandis would be proud of what you've done.

Image So do I get the power?

Image You do. Have this magic rock.

Image Sweet!


For our efforts we're given the Arcane Stone of Maple World. There are no wrong answers here, the Goddess only wants to know where our priorities lie.

Image So uh… was I never an option, then?

Image Oh, geez! (I completely forgot about Eskalade!) Don't worry… you're special, too!

Image Don't I know it.


Our next target is the Deserted Camp. This is the entry town for the Dark World Tree content that I talked about earlier, and our second portal location.


While I'm here, I stop by the Storage. I mentioned Event Rings earlier, but there's two more wrinkles to deal with as far as they're concerned: The first is that you can't have more than one of the same type of Event Ring, so I can't equip two Eternal Flame rings for instance. The second is that these rings have recently been given out via Ring Selector coupons. While equipment itself cannot be transferred between characters on Heroic servers like this one, it's entirely possible for a sufficiently crafty Mapler to happen to have saved a ring ticket from the event just before this one to further jumpstart the career of an aspiring idol.


I brought two. We add the Awake ring and the Tenebris Exploration ring to our kit, after some messing about with their Potentials.


Speaking of Potentials, I also go ahead and use some Potential scrolls I had sitting in storage to give my Emblem and my Secondary weapon Epic Potentials. This is generally good enough for the early game as long as I can hit a +6% Attack main line on them both.

I hit it on neither one, and remember I have other things to do. Cubing to reroll potentials will have to wait for later. This is the problem with making a new MapleStory character, I always have a checklist of, like, fifteen or sixteen different things that need doing at some point, and I just haphazardly bounce back and forth between them until I get done with it all—even right in the middle of doing other things. Every plate must be spun.


For instance: Rather than get back to doing the 5th Job things I need to do, I decide to mess with Magilia's Inner Ability. This unlocks at level 55 or so, and lets us save up Honor (gained from monster drops, bossing, and on level up) in order to reroll random lines that will give us powerups. Like Potentials, Inner Abilities go from Rare to Epic, Unique, and then Legendary. Higher potentials cost more honor to reroll, and we can lock specific lines in place, but doing so makes the cost go up even higher.


Some rolling gets us to a Unique main ability and a pair of Rare secondary abilities. None of these really matter, but I decide to put this off for until I can ensure hitting a Legendary IA to begin rolling in earnest.


Enough talk, time to speak to the next goddess.

Image Finally.


One trip through the 10-second-erda-river later, and we're face to face with the Tynerum Goddess.

Image If Maple World is a world of rules and order, Tynerum is a world of chaos and uncertainty. We played as shadows do in candlelight for a very long time. In truth, I have no interest in the affairs of Maple World. But the balance between their world and ours must be preserved. The Black Mage must be stopped.

Image So you're going to help me, right?

Image I never said that.

Image Aww…. c'moooon..!

Image ………Fine, but only if you pass the test.

Image Test?

Image I've seen the livestreams. You should know what it is by now.

Image Oh man! Is it hunting?!

Image It's hunting.



This Goddess's quest is very simple: we have to go through three areas and defeat every mob in each of them along the way, within 5 minutes.


Each mob, as usual, dies in one hit.

Total Kills: 791


The 5th Job questline has changed a lot since its release, and this is probably one of the biggest alterations. It wasn't always a quick little huntfest. It used to be Hide and go Seek. Back in the day, the Tynerum Goddess would hide her portal somewhere at one of the top three maps on the Dark World Tree, and we had 5-10 minutes or so to find it.


The problem with this was that the DWT enemies were level 216-217, to our 200. On Heroic servers specifically, this meant that we couldn't deal much more than scratch damage to them, and the weaker classes had a high possibility of being outright oneshot by these guys. It made doing this part of the quest a real ordeal.

Total Kills: 811


This was compounded by DWT being a new player's first experience with something called "AFK Mobs," or flying enemies that home in on you and always deal 10% of your HP while locking out your items for a short time. The theory behind why these guys exist is to kill off AFKing players on high-level maps. Item locking prevents pets from potioning us back up, and 10% flat HP damage means that any player who doesn't move will die.

But of course, if you're underleveled and need 12-13 hits to kill the damn things…

You couldn't run. You couldn't fight. You were on a short timer. You could only pray to get lucky and find the thing fast while dodging the flying assholes and trying not to get killed by the normal mobs, and that's assuming you knew she was only in the top three maps. She didn't actually say this, so from her wording it would be possible for newbies to search most of the World Tree before getting there.


Image Aww yeah. Bustin' makes me feel good!

Anyways, that version of the quest is not implemented in v251, and thank goodness that's the case. We oneshot the mobs easily and move on.

Total Kills: 831


Image I didn't honestly think you'd make it back.

Image ………

Image I'm joking. Seriously. Have your magic rock.

Image Thank you.


Two down, and one to go. And for that last one…

Image It's time to head to the Great Temple, right?

Image Uh… yeah. Sure is. Just remember: No talky about Eskalade. It's for the best, trust me.


Image Don't worry… I've got it, for sure.


Image Tear? I saw your stream… are you doing well? It looked quite exhausting.

Image Hi Fenelle, I'm doing fine, just have to go talk to the Goddess of our people so I can use the source of everything to beat up bad guys better, see you later byeeee!


The Grandis Goddess is interesting because she has three different forms. Most Maple classes see the dragon Goddess we have here, but if you're playing as a Flora or an Anima class you get a different appearance.

I'm not going to show them here, but for the record they're a High Flora and a Bunny Lady.

Image It's good to see you. Angelic Buster. I've been watching your progress intently. You have done well to protect and grow your power.

Image You liked the stream?

Image I liked the stream. But enough about that… If you want my aid, there's something I need you to do. Something to prove your strength and courage.

Image Just name it.

Image I need you to defeat Magnus.

Image Youwha?

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Image Umm… Miss Goddess of all Grandis, ma'am, I'm really very flattered that you think I have that kind of power… But even a weakened Magnus just beat up the Kaiser like. An hour ago?

Image Oh! Don't worry about that. The true Magnus might still be out of your reach… but you can defeat the idea of Magnus, at the very least.


Back in the day, we had to fight the actual Magnus boss, necessitating going through the level 90 Pantheon storyline long enough to unlock the boss fight. This was actually particularly bad for Kaisers and Angelic Busters, who had a longer storyline to go through. Additionally, Magnus could only be cleared once a day (or 1/week for Hard mode), meaning it was entirely possible that the clear had already been done prior to getting this far into the job advancement. This would mean we'd be stuck until the following day.


Image It's the grand hall…

Image It's a facsimile, created by my powers. Go within, and face your opponent.

Thankfully, that issue is not implemented in v251, letting us fight a Story difficulty Magnus instead.


Image The dancing girl… Didn't I blow you away already?

Image I got better!

This is a good chance to look at the Boss Fight interface, so let's cover the important bits. In any important boss fight, there are three things we'll see at the top of the screen.


At the very top is the boss's health bar. It comes complete with an exact percentage remaining of the current boss's HP. Some bosses have multiple phases, and in this case it will show the % HP of the current phase. Our opening Trinity dealt 12.9% of Mind Magnus's HP, so this fight will be relatively short.

Beneath it is the main HUD. It shows the time left (out of a maximum 30 minutes) and our Death Count. The Death Count is just our lives left. We could die up to four times without failing, but the fifth time we are killed we fail the fight and are booted out. Five is the most common number of lives for bosses these days, but it does vary based on bosses—the most recent two in current day MapleStory don't even use a conventional Death Count at all.


Magnus himself is actually an interesting boss fight, but because he has curled up in a tiny ball over our head and will die before he gets a single attack off, we'll cover him later.

Image Please, stop..! I don't break into your house and beat you up!

Image Um, except for the part where YOU LITERALLY DID THAT?!


Image Ghh…ughh… dying… dying… and death.

Image Huh. Let's hope the real thing is this easy.

(It won't be.)

Once the fight is over, we have 5 minutes to pick up any loot that drops and leave. Since there are no drops from this story mode fight, we just leave.


Image Okay, it's done. I beat him up.

Image That was quick. I knew your strength was extraordinary. Just make sure to bring the real thing to justice sometime as well, alright?

Image Of course. May I please have my magic rock now, miss Goddess?

Image Of course. And when you see Eskalade again, let him know I'm thinking about charging interest.

Image (Gulp.)


With this, we have our third rock… and this is where the biggest difference between the MapleStory of now and the MapleStory of old lies.

To preface this, Job advancements have changed a lot throughout MapleStory's history. While the 1st and 2nd Job advancement has remained more or less the same for Explorers from back in the day to now, the 3rd and 4th job advancements…

When they came out, they were a way for level 60 and 120 characters to feel truly special. Because of this, they were much more difficult than they are nowadays. For 3rd Job, we used to have to gather 10 of a rare ore that dropped from monsters and have it smithed into a Dark Crystal, then find our way to a hidden area in El Nath (a place that is full of slippery ice physics and a permanent Damage over Time effect if you don't eat warming soup).

Once we found the hidden area, we had to talk to an NPC and hand over the Dark Crystal. It would then ask the aspiring Explorer a series of 5 random questions from a list, which could be as easy as "In MapleStory, what EXP needed to level up from Lv1 to Lv2?" (15 EXP, of course) or as hard as "How many feather are on the hat of Dances with Balrog?" (13, take my word for it because he's not showing up in this Let's Play). If at any point our intrepid Explorer got the question wrong, they would have to start over—and this would require a new Dark Crystal. Oh, and they'd better bring either a chair or soup to keep the El Nath DoT from killing them because it did not turn off even in the dialogue sequence. Once this was complete, our explorer would just have to return to El Nath and turn in the quest in order to be 3rd Job.

Yes, this DOES mean that back in my day we had to trade highly expensive crystals for a chance at a job advancement after walking a mile in the snow, uphill both ways. This game. :allears:

For the 4th job things were easier: either get a drop from both of two minibosses that were farmed fairly heavily and only spawned once every ten minutes, or buy a 10 million meso scroll back when 10 million was a lot of mesos.

When 5th Job was first released, Nexon again wished to make the job unlock feel meaningful and special, so they wanted to add one more hurdle to making our advancement now that we have our three magic rocks. Their idea was prescient, a look forward into free games of the future.

They added timegates.

Originally we would have to attune with each of our new magic rocks. This was done by double-clicking the stone and then waiting online for 2 hours. It only counted online time towards this, but it didn't reset the timer if we crashed after an hour or whatever. Because we could only attune one magic rock at a time, this would mean 6 total hours in order to finish unlocking 5th Job.

Except not, because Nexon also added a cooldown of 8 hours between finishing one stone and beginning to attune to the next stone. Because of this, the actual time to unlock 5th Job was 22 hours at a minimum.


Guides created at the time even included advice on how to spend the time necessary to unlock 5th Job. Nowadays, however, 5th Job is an incredibly basic thing to achieve. Because of this, all of the timegates are not implemented in v251.

Thank god.


Instead, we're able to quickly return to the Memory Keeper and finish the quest immediately.

Image So you have met with the three goddesses?

Image Yep! They gave me these magic rocks!

Image Perfect. These three stones will guide you to awaken the new power.


We're offered power. We hit yes.


Cascades of light rush around us, as rocks hover up before flying towards the top of the screen.


The rocks blast up, and light floods the screen…


Aaaand the Memory Keeper blocks the Job Advancement effect with his text box. :argh:

It's nothing to worry about, just telling us that we can now use the magic stones while we're farming EXP. They'll track how much we gather, and then eventually turn into an EXP potion.

Once we clear through the text boxes, we get our first look at our 5th Job skills.


Behold, the V Matrix: our one-stop shop for everything 5th Job! Unlike the first four job advancements, we don't get Skill Points and our job page starts off completely empty. We have to get skills ourselves, and then equip them to this V Matrix.

We'll deal with it later, Magilia is strong enough that I don't have to touch this yet. :v:

Due to the sudden increase in complexity, this is also around when new players get completely lost on how to progress their character.

Unfortunately for those players, this is also where the Black Mage plot picks up properly.


This used to require doing the entirety of the Temple of Time questline… but we can ignore this entire text box, we don't have to do it anymore. :v:

Image Angelic Buster Magilia, do you remember Kao?

Image Oh yeah! From the quests we heard about a little while ago. She looks just like me, right?

Image Indeed. It seems that when we sent temple keepers through the Door of the Present in order to investigate the Erda's flow, that child went with them. By the time I noticed, it was too late to stop them…

Image You're investigating? Oh, right, you couldn't talk with them… Uh, they're being stolen by the Black Mage, if that helps anything!

Image I'll pass the information along. Thank you. As for you…

Image I'll go looking for Kao!


Now it's time for us to learn about the New Map Mechanic: Arcane Force.

It's basically the same thing as Star Force maps, but it's not attached to the stars on our gear.

Image What's the big deal about Arcane Force..?

Image Seeing is believing. Go and hunt some of the monsters there. Return when you've had enough.

Our quest is to defeat one enemy from beyond the Gate of the Present, then come back to talk to the Memory Keeper. It used to be ten, but uh… That was a high bar. For the first (and only) time in MapleStory, the monsters are actually somewhat threatening.


Anyways, because there's an animated cutscene the first time we enter the main town I simply Hyper Teleport Rock my way past the entire thing to get to the Happy Erdas. This could be a problem, because our 0 Arcane Force means that the enemies here will only take 10% of my normal damage. The Erdas, on the other hand, will deal us 2.8x the damage they normally would. Angelic Buster actually has a fairly easy time of this particular quest, because Celestial Roar can Stun the enemy—this prevents them from attacking, letting us pump more damage into them until we get the one kill we need.


It takes me 12 seconds to finish the quest not because we're overwhelmingly strong, but because someone left some already-damaged enemies behind. This happens from time to time. The spot that we're hanging from the rope is very precise—it's too high for the lower Happy Erda to target, and too low for the upper one. It's a safe spot that'll let me teleport away.

Total Kills: 834


Image Pheew..! They were a little bit tougher, for sure.

Image You got grazed once, and it lopped off a third of your health. Are they all going to be like this?

Image Well, maybe once we get some of that Arcane Force it'll be better?


Image So how was it?

Image Really… really hard. Nothing like hunting in a hat.

Image Of course… The power of the body and the power of the soul are different. Without Arcane Power, you stand no chance against the threats that lie ahead. And only one tapped into the Erda Flow can wield true Arcane Power. But there is a way. You can forge the Erda within you into the shape of an Arcane Symbol.

Image Arcane Symbol?

Image They protect your soul from the flow of Erdas. Think of them like a diving suit.

Image …Diving?

Image Going deep underwater. It takes specialized equipment, or else the pressure makes you into gooey, bite-sized bits.

Image Geez, that sounds dangerous!

Image I happen to have the most basic of all Arcane Symbols here. I'll gift it to you, but know that it's incomplete. As you gain experience, it'll take form. Then you'll be able to power it up. Don't rush the process… it'll happen when it happens.

Image Why did you not give me this before I went in?

Image Kids today don't appreciate things before they're shown why they're important!

Image Of course…


With our quest done, we get our hands on a generic Arcane Symbol. This first Symbol gives us 50 ARC, or Arcane Force, as well as 300 DEX. We're getting another 20 from our Shining Idol title, which puts us in a strong position for the start of the Arcane River.


We're as ready as I care to be. It's time to go through the Door of the Present for real, and see what Kao's gotten herself into.

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Image Giant door… I'm kind of nervous.

Image Technically, you've already seen what's past it.

Image Yeah, but that was teleporting. It's different when you're going through the door, y'know? More… ominous.


Image I'm gonna open these things first!

Nodestones. The most important part of the 5th Job… their beating heart, it could be said. Everything to do with the V Matrix has to do with these things, which are gained from events or random drops from enemies. The v251 update gives us the new ability to mass-open Nodestones. Prior to this update, we had to either double click each one individually, or assign them to a key and hold it down until they were all opened.


But now, it takes like two clicks to open an entire stack of the things. We just wait for a single opening animation as the rock breaks open and…


BAM! We get 105 different nodes.

We're still not doing anything with this yet, I really don't know why I did this here. Just checking it off the list for later, like usual.

I also open a special level 200 title for Burning characters called "Eternal Flame." It has the same stats as Shining Idol, which is an Angelic Buster title so we stick with Shining Idol.


Image You uh, you all good over there, Tear?

Image …I guess so. I can't just put this off forever, at any rate. Let's go, Eskalade!


The other side of the door is a short corridor without enemies. The area is absolutely decimated, and contains some callbacks to other parts of Maple World slowly being eaten away by some kind of erosion. This first area is known as Vanishing Journey, and it's going to introduce us to the play cycle that lasts through the remainder of the game with very little deviation.

But for now, we have to head through the portal to the right…

And when we do, we get our very first fully animated cutscene.


Cutscenes are nested into the MapleStory game via YouTube embeds, and the videos themselves are hidden on Maple Global's official YT account. This would make them difficult to link, but Spadow has been cataloging all of the cutscenes that play in MapleStory for years. I'll be linking to their video for each relevant cutscene, but none of them really matter because Angelic Buster isn't in them.


We come back to a sweeping set of screenshots setting the mood of the area, called Nameless Town.


It was much more dramatic before Nameless Town became an event hub area, but just pretend the balloons and butterflies and Maple Boys aren't there and I promise it'll have its intended effect.

Anyways, Magilia walks through the town.


It seems there's some trouble, involving a Tree of Memories.


And also, it seems that it's our fault. :psyduck:


The Chief here seems to know that something's different about us… and Kao's over there, standing ominously.

Image Seems kinda' weird, doesn't it?

Image Something's definitely going on. Let's ask around and see what's happening.


Image Yeah… I can see how he'd think I might have done something, though. We're everywhere, lately!

Image We must have been more popular than I thought. But let's start with the ominous masked one. Seems the most… ah. Suspicious.


Speaking to Kao begins the Vanishing Journey questline. Because I've done it before, we're given the opportunity here to skip it. Doing so saves us a load of time, and still shows us the story in a summary format.

Although it is a terrible idea… We will not be skipping the prequests in this Let's Play.

Image The people's resentment... Their cold attitude... The uncomfortable silence... It wasn't like that in the beginning.

Image They were delicate, but they lived in peace with their few remaining memories… It's all my fault. I ruined everything.


Time to get our plotdump.

Image Um… hey, stranger. What's happened here?

Image There's something I have to warn you about. Have you seen the large lake at the outskirts of town? The townspeople call it the Lake of Oblivion. If you fall in, you'll forget everything. Every last memory.

Image And... maybe it's due to living so close to the lake, but the people around here have been gradually losing their memory every day. That why this Tree of Memory was created. Precious memories are hung on this tree. The townspeople can come by to look at them every day until the memories wither and vanish...

Image When I heard about the tree from the townspeople, my heart started racing. I thought there might be memories related to me there, so I came to investigate. But…

Image I don't know why. The moment I touched the tree…


Image …Something crazy happened?


Image Something crazy happened.

Image Wow… we really are alike.


Image All those memories... The precious memories of the townspeople... They all scattered. Everyone was heartbroken. Their daily routines came to a halt. Even the boat that sails across Lake of Oblivion stopped running.

Image …That's rough, buddy.

Image Oh, but we do have to go down the Arcane River if we want to get anywhere… and that means we're going to have to get that boat running.

Image What if I flashed jumped over it?!

Image I don't think it'll get far enough.

Image It wouldn't. There's nothing that can be done. I've ruined everything…

Image Well… Let's fix the tree, then?

Image But… how? Maybe if you speak with the person in charge, they'll have an idea. If they're willing to speak with someone who has our face…


And so we have our first main objective: fixing the tree of memories that Kao broke. To fix it, let's talk to Legato, the Chief around these parts.

Image Oh, aren't you the one from before...? Wait, no... You only look alike. Ah… Anyways, what business do you have with me?

Image The tree… can it be fixed?

Image If you want to fix the tree, you'll need the memories that were on it. You'll have to find them first…

Image Just tell me what to do!

Image They were gobbled up by powerful Erdas… Much stronger than those who dwell here.

Image Those monsters, then..? Okay, I can handle them.

Image Indeed… you look much stronger than the other one. Very well.

Image There were four types of memories hanging from the Tree of Memory. Happy, Raging, Sad, and Joyful memories… You must recover these four types. Gather them in that order, and bring them to me.

Image Starting with Happy memories… there were 50 hanging on the tree. Be careful.

Image I will!

Image Let's go, Angelic Buster! Our first non-hat-based mission in Maple World!

Image …Hey, Eskalade?


Image IS this even Maple World, still?

Image Eh… technically, I think. It's made of Maple World's erdas, at least. Same thing.

Now that we have Arcane Force, this map is going to be much easier for us to deal with. This is because we have 70, and the map only requires 30. If at any point our AF is more than 1.5x as high as the map's required AF we get two powerful abilities. The first is that we deal 1.5x damage to enemy mobs.


The second is that enemies lose their ability to damage us completely, every hit dealing only 1 damage. As long as we have the Arcane Force, mobbing in the Arcane River is always completely free.


Image That's fifty of them. Let's get back to the chief.

With stakes like that, it doesn't take too long to finish up. I also have to deal in estimates this time, as I didn't start my enemy kill counter until I'd gotten 31 of the things. Since 19 took ~65 enemies, I can assume about 3.5 enemies per drop. This means 50 took us about 175 kills to acquire.

Total Kills: 1009

Four digits, baby!! :dance:

This screenshot also shows me activating one of the Arcane Stones. I mentioned last time that they turn into EXP potions while we farm… but you have to activate them first, and I forgot until just now. Whoops.


Image I'm back! I brought the Happy Memories!

Image I'll add them to the tree. Thank you, traveler.

After turning this quest in, we get our next one. This is the shape of the first leg of our journey, which takes us through…


Raging Erdas (plus one Epic Boss encounter).

Total Kills: 1188


Sad Erdas (plus one Black Crescendo Slime, which gets bigger as we beat it up until it explodes and leaves behind EXP orbs).

Total Kills: 1365


And Joy Erdas (plus an Event skill activation from the ongoing DREAMER event, which hits all enemies on the screen several times in a row while also granting us a chunk of EXP).

Total Kills: 1537


Image Back again! This should be the last batch of them.

The tree actually has the memories hanging off of them as we bring more back, in a nice attention to detail.

Image Thank you, Angelic Buster. Now, hang the memories on the tree alongside the others.


Image Everything has returned to normal thanks to you. Everyone has resumed their daily routines… Oh, you said you wanted to cross the Lake of Oblivion, right? Kima, our oarsman should be in a good enough mood to ferry you across. Everything is as it was… Although…

Image The traveler who looks like you... The one without memory. What they said troubled me… They touched the Tree of Memory hoping to recover those lost memories, thus beginning our crisis.

Image Do you have a lead?

Image I may. Memories of that one are not held within the tree… but there's said to be a fountain beyond the town whose waters reflect one's past.

Image That sounds like exactly what we're looking for, then!

Image Everything within the Vanishing Journey fades with time… but if it exists it should be beyond the lake. Would you inform the traveler of this?

Image Sure thing.

Once again, we get to act as a messenger for two characters less than ten feet apart.

Image Kao! Kao! I have some important news!


Image A fountain… Maybe I can find my missing memories. Okay. I'll cross the Lake of Oblivion with you, alright?

Image Of course it's alright.

Image Then I'll grab my stuff and meet you at the edge of town.


To progress, we take the lower portal here on the end of town. This takes us to the Lake of Oblivion.


And to Kima, the Oarsman. We take the quest, Kima gestures for us to board, and we just hop on the boat.

Image ...Sailing this boat is one of the few joys in my life…

Image Perfect. Because we need to get across!


Image ...Then let us depart…


This intermission is us traveling along on the water steering a boat. As we progress from left to right, Kima will chime in with various things about what lies ahead.


The old MapleStory had a lot more of this kind of feeling. Getting from point A to point B was a much more complicated back then. You were on an adventure, navigating maps to get around in a world that felt big. Sometimes you'd even find hidden maps, and get murdered by an overleveled pig in a suit of armor put there as a sick joke by the developers.

The streamlining of the game experience, however, meant that had to change. Outside of very specific moments, we don't really get a sense of "traveling" anymore. Just Hyper Teleport Rock it, it's faster.

Sometimes, I think I might miss it. Then I remember trying to platform to reach a portal in this game, and I stop. Moments like this are fine, but only if they stay as moments.


Anyways it ends after two quotes and a single screen of rowing.

Image It's just a cliff… There's no other way forward. Want to climb it?

Image Sure do!

Image Look out for falling boulders.

Image Of course!

Image I will.


We get another unique screen. We can climb around this whole cliff, but our goal is to go "up."

Image …Hey, uh. Angelic Buster?

Image What's up, Eskalade?

Image Something's funny about that Kao. Be careful, okay?

Image Huh? Why should I be careful?

Image I tried it again just now, to be sure… and I'm pretty sure they can hear what I say.

Image Oh…

Image …Wait, that IS weird! What the goodness-?!

Image I know. Just keep it in mind, okay?

Image Huh. We just took a short boat ride, but the view here is completely different from the one in the Nameless Town.

Kao's right. Everything is on fire here, all of a sudden.

Image So where do we go from here..?


Image Well… we could try that bridge.

Image How did I not notice that…?

Image Eh, it was just offscreen.

Image Let's give it a try.

Image Wait!

A new character appears!

Image You must not cross that bridge!

Image This place is called the Extinction Zone... That bridge is an illusion created by the blue flames of extinction to trick you! If you try to cross it, you'll be swallowed up by the flames in an instant.

Image Not knowing that… you must be new. Why are you here?

Image Because I have to get to the end of the Arcane River.

Image You don't know nearly enough about this place to do that. Wandering around here blindly like that will just get you killed! Just touching that flame will make your body vanish forever. You have to be careful!

Image Then what do we need to do to get across?

Image I'll tell you…


Image Fiiine, I promise.

Image Alright then. I'll tell you.

Image But what about the Fountain of Reflections…?

Image I know where that is, too. I'll help you get there, but one of us is going to need the stuff we'll have to grab to call a Flame Bird.

Image Flame Bird..?

Image It's our way over the flames. You'll have to gather some materials to make it work, though… I don't have enough for you.

Image I can do it. What do I need?


Image You can find the Stone Erdas that drop them in the Rock Area.

Image Alright. I'll grab them and be right back.


And so Angelic Buster Magilia runs off… to do another set of fetch quests.

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Image Huh… Hey, Eskalade?

Image Yeah?

Image These things are… different than the other Erdas.

Image Oh, yeah. It's called carcinization. Ever heard of it?

Image I have not.

Image Basically, every living thing will turn into a crab over time. I think that's because the Erdas like them or something? But here we are: crabs.

Image …That sounds fake.

Image It's totally real! Trust me.


Image They're kind of… weak, though.

Image Or you're just that strong. I bet someday you'll become more crablike, too.

Image No way, that'll never happen.


Apropos of nothing, here is a picture of Angelic Buster's ultimate weapon.

Anyways, the kill total in the bottom left is incorrect again as I forgot to turn on the counter until after I was halfway through the mission. If ever Kill Count updates from here forward don't exactly match, assume something like that happened. I do this a lot. :sweatdrop:

Total Kills: 1691


Image I'm back with bird snacks! What am I hunting next?!

Image You brought the Solid Claws! Excellent, I'll hold on to them for you. The next thing you'll need is some Sticky Oil from Blazing Erdas. You slather it on the back of the Flame Bird so you don't fall off. It has the added benefit of being fire-retardant. Let me know when you're ready to proceed to the next step.

Image So she's getting fire-retardant from… erdas that are on fire?

Image Mmmhm!

Image It's about as out there as anything else, I guess… Is it 40 again?

Image You catch on fast!


Teleport one map further out than we just were.


Defeat the next tier of enemies until 40 items drop.


Trigger an event attack for bonus exp.

Image I still have no idea where this dream explosion comes from, you know?

Image Maybe it's a fan from the stream?

Image Maybe… The food's good, so I'm not going to complain.


Finish the quest.

Total Kills: 1827


And turn it in.

Image Ah, the oil. I'll hold on to that for you.

Image Alright then, what's next?

Image Next, you'll need Hard Shells to make a whistle. It has to be exactly the right shape, so it resonates at the right frequency. I think 40 should be enough to choose from. You can find them on Soulful Erdas in the Spirit Zone and Fire Spirit Zone.

Image Got it.

Image This is... Taking a bit longer than I expected. I'm going to go ahead and escort Kao to the Fountain of Reflection while you gather those shells. I'll see you when we get back.


And she's off, with Kao in tow. We're on our own for this one.

Image …I guess we should get to it, huh?

Image Heck yeah. Angelic Buster… Farm on!

Image Isn't it "Angelic Buster, dress-up!"?


So, we pull up the map and go one more area out.


And we start killing the new mob for their drops, which—oh hey. Burning. Have I talked about Burning yet? When you're busing farming it's easy for your mind to just kind of zone out, and every now and then I kind of enter a fugue state where my mind wanders. It makes it easy to forget what I've already covered. Lemme check.

Let's see… hyper burning, burning rewards… nope, I haven't. Okay! Burning maps! So, MapleStory is an MMO and this means that there are some maps that are optimal to farm on. These maps see a lot of traffic, which leads to congestion. During peak hours this can get so bad that endgame players on optimal endgame maps can find that all 40 instances of that map are completely full. To counteract this, Nexon set their maps on fire.

If a normal mobbing map with level 100 or higher enemies on it is abandoned for long enough (anecdotally it's around an hour, but there's no specific data regarding this), that map gains 10% Burning, to a maximum of 100%. This increases the base EXP of every enemy killed on that map by the amount of the map's Burning. If it gets all the way full, that's double EXP. The Burning itself goes down by 10% for every 15 minutes that a character is actively farming on that map, so it's not a very long-lived bonus. It's mostly viewed as a nice-to-have, most players don't take it into consideration when farming.


Image Oh hey, that explanation lasted exactly as long as it took me to gather the materials I needed! How convenient~

Total Kills: 1962

Because Rino and Kao are away right now, our quest ends via the book-over-the-head method.


Image Let's get back to the others.

Image Right.

Open map. Warp to spot.


Advance questline.

Image So Kao, what'd you find out?

Image I only saw pieces of my past in the fountain's waters… But, new memories are beginning to surface thanks to what I saw.

Image Well well, looks like something good happened to the kid after all.

Image I've accomplished what I set out do, but I should at least escort you to your destination.

Image He still seems so sad… what happened, Rino?

Image Iunno. She didn't react well to whatever she saw in that fountain. Not all memories are good, you know.

Image The beholder can only see their own memories reflected in the fountain‘s waters... I'm afraid I have no idea what Kao saw. Oh, did you get those Hard Shells?

Image Sure did.

Image Perfect. Just blow on one to call the Flame Birds.

Image Blow with all your might on this hard shell…

Image The Flame Bird answered your call. You should be able to reach the end of Vanishing Journey on its back.

Image Oh, is Kao turning back?

As the scene continues, the Flame Bird flies in from the right.

Image So you're heading to the end of the Vanishing Journey? We'll escort you, it's on our way. Here are those Solid Claws and Sticky Oils you gathered. If you try and ride a Flame Bird without them, you‘re gonna have a bad time.

This dialogue predates :dunkedon: by several years, so it turns out that Undertale was inspired by MapleStory. :pseudo:

Anyways, we get on the birds and fly onward.

Image Kao wants to turn back, right? We should turn around when we reach that peak over there.


Image ...Kao?


Kao turns her Flame Bird back towards us.

(Kao's Fire Bird swoops towards Rino.)

Image What are you doing? That's dangerous...l

Image Stop that or we're going to fall! Why are you doing this?

Image … I saw it... in the Fountain of Reflection. I saw my past... and... your past, Magilia...

Image Huh? What do you mean!?

Image … ls there really room for two of the same souls?

(Kao's Fire Bird attacks!)

Image What's she talking about?!

Image I dunno!!

Image Arrrgghh!


Due in part to a Magical Girl's ability to fall gracefully and in part to MapleStory having a maximum fall damage of around 10 HP, we land safely on the ground a good ways from our destination. Thankfully, no one is seriously injured… But this does leave us with one important question:

We've just been betrayed by… uh, ourselves, apparently. Now what?

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Previously, on Magical Idol Raising Project: Angelic Buster MAGILIA…


…Yeah, basically that. Anyways, let's get to work figuring out a way out of here. As usual, Rino has a quest for us.

Image Magilia.you're awake! It's a good thing we landed on this soft sand…

Image Yeah. Wouldn't want to take the ten whole damage it would have done otherwise.

Image Oh hush! Not everyone has ten HP, you know?

Image My ankle's injured… but don't worry about that now. We need to get out of this cave.

Image Right. Step one: Where are we?

Image This is the Cave of Repose. Traveling through it should get us where you're trying to go.

Image That's convenient.

Image Not exactly. It's a maze in here… But I happen to know a shortcut.

Image That's also convenient.

When we accept the quest, Rino vanishes and we're told to go through the portal deeper into the cave.


On the next screen we get to deal with three things. The first is a Rune Curse. Runes are a form of anti-botter mechanism on all MapleStory mobbing maps above level 100. As we run around killing monsters, very early into a grinding spree (and around every 15 minutes after that) a Rune will form with one of a few various bonus abilities. To activate the rune we just have to walk up to it, press the NPC interact button, and then hit a randomly-generated four arrow pattern.

If we do it, we get a +100% bonus to EXP for 2 minutes, with a bonus from the Evan Link I put on several updates ago. If we fail, we can try again in five seconds. Only one rune can be activated every 15 minutes, and if we just ignore it a curse will descend on the map. This curse lowers EXP and drop rate depending on how long the Rune is ignored, to a maximum of 100% at curse stage 4. Just hit Runes, there's no reason not to.

The second thing is that monsters can harm us now. This is because we're dealing with opponents who have 60 base Arcane Force—the highest in this area. Each main map of Vanishing Journey has 3 different tiers of required AF, and the highest one here outstrips us by enough that we're no longer immune to damage.

The third thing is an on-field questline. These quests (which later maps give their own dedicated platform free of enemies) do not give us invincibility while chatting, so it's vitally important to make sure we've killed the anti-AFK mob before starting them. They can and will kill you while you're reading. Related note,

Total Kills: 1967

Image Here's where things get a little complicated. It looks like the tunnel is thick with Slaws... They‘re blocking our only way forward.

Image I have a plan, but my leg…

Image Say no more. What do I farm?

Image The Tranquil Erdas and Lantern Erdas around here can drop Tranquil Solvent. About 30 of them should be enough to clear the Slaws out of the way forward.

Image Alright. Wait here and rest. I'll take care of things.


While Magilia solves the captcha on the Rune, I'll explain what's up with the enemies here. Tranquil Erdas all carry around a Lantern Erda on the end of their stick. They're the only kind of Erda that naturally spawns on this map. The Lantern Erda, meanwhile, will spawn when a Tranquil Erda is defeated. This means every mob needs to be killed twice, but it also means twice the drops and EXP from each one.


Anyways, we get to work. It doesn't take very long for us to accomplish our goal, thanks to the lower quota.


Image Huh… Do we really have to sprinkle this stuff on them? They're kind of cute.

Image They're cute, but they're in the way: They've gotta' go.

Image Alas. I knew them well, Eskalade.

Once we complete the quest…


The Slaws disappear, and we can move on.

Total Kills: 2145


Unfortunately, every quest in Vanishing Journey comes in 3 waves… meaning we're about to do the same thing two more times.

Image There's more Slaws to deal with… Another 30 of the Tranquil Solvent should do it.

Image No problem. These guys still aren't all that tough!


Jump around… Murder enemies… Pick up solvent…


And melt the next set of Slaws.

Image Hey, Angelic Buster… you think this might be busywork?

Image Hmm? Howso?

Image …Eh, it might be nothing, but I feel like her ankle might not be as busted up as she says it is.

Image Oh… like how sometimes the little kids would pretend they were hurt to get out of practicing?

Image Yeah, something like that.

Image Mmm… probably. Still, Rino doesn't seem like a fighter, and I love hunting.

Image Alright. Just be careful, okay?

Total Kills: 2276


Image We're nearly out of here. Just one more set of Slaws to handle, and we should be able to leave.

Image Thirty more solvent, then?

Image Yeah. I'll follow as soon as the path is clear.


Image One, two, three!!!

To change things up, I decide to try Trinity mobbing. This is objectively worse than Celestial Roar if we can oneshot with both skills, but I like punching things with dragons.


It still doesn't take very long.

Total Kills: 2385

Going through the portal triggers the next part of the story immediately.

Image Here's the exit! And look, there are no Slaws blocking this path.

Image This way, go on--

Image ...Stop!


Image How did she sneak up on us?

Image …She was just offscreen. Of course.

Image Hey… she looks hurt. What happened?

Image ...You can't go that way!

Image Magilia, you have to believe me. Rino's leading you into a trap.

Image The Fountain of Reflection... That's where I found my missing memories, and learned the truth about Rino.

Image ...And learned how I lost my memories in the first place!

We immediately get a flashback.


Image Here's the fountain, just like you wanted. Go ahead, look deep into its waters.

Image Argh... ugh... My head feels like it's going to burst…

Image ...The Black Mage? Waiting... at the end of Arcane River... A crucial power... The future…

Image I... I remember… The future I came back to prevent... Magilia... fought against the Black Mage at the end of Arcane River, and lost… You... didn't have that crucial power... Couldn't destroy Black Mage completely...

Image You stumbled because you were tricked... By Rino, Arma's follower!


Image That's it! The reason I used every ounce of my power to travel back in time... It was to prevent my past self from making the same mistake...

Image Rino... Arma... History is repeating itself!

Image ...I won't let it all happen again!

Image Hmph. I knew I shouldn't have let you live... You barely have any power left for my master to absorb.


Image Argh... I won't let it happen again…

Image Hehe, don't get any funny ideas. You can't even take care of yourself in the state you‘re in. That friend of yours will be nourishment for Arma. As for you... It seems you've served your purpose once again. It's time you disappeared. Of course, I don't want your friend to suspect anything's amiss. I'd better summon up a doppelganger.

Image You know, in a way, you'll get to be there when your precious Magilia meets their end. Hahaha. Goodbye.


Image …and that leads us to now.

Image So I… didn't betray myself?

Image No. It was all her.

Image So you survived... It was careless of me not to check... But that doesn't matter now.

Image Neither of you will be leaving this place... Hehe…

Image Arma! Take their power as your own!

Image Okay, we DEFINITELY should have seen that one.

Image I dunno… it was just offscreen.

Image As someone from the future: it really is the best place to hide.

Image Enough talk! Get them!!

Image N-no... Magilia!


Arma rears back, preparing to strike…


But Kao heroically sacrifices herself, taking the shot before it can hit Magilia.

Image Magilia!


Image Don't worry, Kao. I've got this.

Suddenly, we're thrown into a boss fight. Arma has three or four different attack patterns it can choose from, each of which will deal us a fixed amount of—


—and it's dead.

Total Kills: 2386

Image Let's check on Kao.


We're dropped right into a map with Kao, who has… seen better days. The quest this time doesn't involve any talking.


Instead, we pick Kao up and carry her to the right.

Image You're going to be okay… Just hold on. We beat Arma. You'll be fine…


Image *cough*

Image I'm sorry, it's all my fault…

Image No, I didn't have enough power…


Image Are you okay?

Image I can't believe I'm in this state even though I fought the Black Mage… Do you remember when you awoke with the power of the Seal Stone?

Image Um… I just got here? Before this I was in a hat, so…

Image You know that. I know that. But please… I need this.

Image I remember.

Image When I shouldered the responsibility to save another dimension instead of my own… I didn't show it, but it must have weighed on me. And for good reason. It was someone else's world and not my own. That may have been the case, but I took my responsibilities seriously. I want to tell you that my heart was true, but…

Image I‘m not sure anymore. Maybe there's someone better than me… Someone who can actually save this world.

Image Like Kaiser?

Image No… no, Kaiser got beat even worse than I did. Without the power we had… it wasn't even a fight.

Image …Oh snap. Even KAISER couldn't do anything? I'm even feeling MY faith waver.

Image Don't let it.

Image Maybe I lost my worthiness the moment my faith wavered. I could no longer be me. I had no right anymore. I'm a failure… An Amnesiac Temple Keeper… I‘m just Kao.

Image No… No, you're still Angelic Buster, same as me! Angelic Buster Kao!



We have to walk a little more to trigger the next conversation.

Image *cough, cough*

…She's starting to break apart.

Image Are you going to be okay?

Image Uh, I'd be lying if I said I am…

Image You... your body…

Image My body will lose its form and scatter into Erda.

Image Kao... I'm sorry, it's all my fault…

Image Don't say that, Magilia. The regret has faded away because of you. I'm actually happy.

Image Kao…


We have to walk a little more to get to the next cutscene.

Image Maybe if we find Eskalade… you can untransform, and—

Image That won't work. Eskalade is… …

Image …Is what? Am I…? Gulp.

Image … … … Hey, Eskalade? Even if you're a spirit, as our producer you still have to pay taxes.

Image …Ah. Yeah. Got it.

Image *cough, cough*

Image I guess this is the end. If I could do as l pleased, I'd want to pinpoint the exact moment when I lost. I want to go with you. I want to see the future with my own eyes. But there's nothing more I can do since I lost my power. I'm sure there are more mistakes I made and not just with Arma... but I can't remember anymore.

Image My memories are fading away, getting cloudier by the minute. I'm sure I made even more fatal mistakes... I'm sorry I can't warn you about them anymore.

Image There's a waterfall up ahead. Take me there…


…So we do that.

Image Kao! Kao, wake up!

Image Ugh…

Image ...Looks like I haven't completely vanished yet. I'm glad. I have one last thing to tell you, and it's important.

Image Kao…

Image I will probably disappear after this. But… Don't be sad.

Image E-easy for you to say..! *sniffle*

Image My sacrifice... It was something I had to do... It was the reason I came here.

Image ...I need you to remember everything I'm about to tell you. We won't get another chance. We have changed things. You survived Arma with your power intact. You will be able to do what I never could. You are strong enough to receive the power of the Arcane Symbols. You will encounter Erdas of all shapes and sizes as you make your way along the Arcane River. Gather the Arcane Symbols, and grow stronger. Many threats will be lurking in the shadows. But as many enemies await you on the road to come, you will find even more allies.

Image When I disappear, you must take my Arcane Symbol and jump down the waterfall. After that...

Image Ugh… I don't have much time. Our future is in your hands now. I told you not to feel sorry.

Image I shouldn't even exist anymore, but I was given a chance. A chance to right my wrongs and change the future. It's all thanks to you.

Image Kao…

Image Don't feel sad about my death. This is my destiny.


Image You might not accept it... I know what you're thinking because I am you. But I have a request. Will you listen to me one more time?

Image Of course.

Image The hopes and dreams I couldn't accomplish... carry them out for me.

Image Bring peace to Maple World.


Image Leave it to me. I will succeed in realizing your dream... I mean, our dream.

Image Thank you. l entrust this stone to you. It's all I can do for you now. Goodbye Magilia. Please... Stop the Black Mage. Protect this world…


She is an unexpected hope that emerged in a time of crisis. An idol without peer, thrust into the center of a conflict she couldn't hope to win. Betrayed right at the start of her vanishing journey, unable to defeat even a stepping stone on the way to her real enemy. Then, a returnee who risked everything in hopes of undoing her fate. A nameless wanderer who lost all that she was. A protector who would throw her own existence away in order to give the world another chance.

She is a failure to the end, but a failure who managed to grasp at the keys to victory and thrust them into the hands of someone who can carry them to a new future.

She is Angelic Buster Kao.


And then… she simply was.


Leaving behind a singular stone in her wake: the Arcane Symbol of the Vanishing Journey.


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With Kao dead, Rino gone and the Vanishing Journey Arcane Symbol in our possession… it's actually not time to jump down the waterfall like we were told to. We can't jump off that cliff until we hit level 210, so we need something to do until then. Instead, we need to head back to town.

Image Oh, Angelic Buster! You're here!

Image Yes! And you're… I wanna say, with the Temple of Time?

Image Yes. We're temple guardians, and we're here to research how Erda works. We'd like you to do some things for us to help out, if you want.

Image Oh, sure thing. What do you need?

Rona here is our portal into the wonderful world of MapleStory dailies. Every single day we can talk to her and be given a quest to do in return for more Vanishing Journey Arcane Symbols. These quests were things like defeating a specific enemy or searching for drops (both common or semi-rare) from certain enemies. However, this is not implemented in v251 as the daily system was recently simplified on all levels.


Image If you could defeat 600 monsters from anywhere in this area, we'd appreciate it.

Image So I hunt 600 monsters, and you give me more of the stones that appeared when my alternate-future-self died…

Image Yeah, they just recently started washing up all over the place. Weirdest thing.


We accept of course, but there's something else to grab as well as my MapleStory "ooh, shiny!" kicks back in fully.


For reaching level 200, we've gained two bonuses from our Hyper Burning track. One of them is 50 Nodestones. We are not talking about Nodestones right now.

The other is a level 5 Vanishing Journey Arcane Symbol—because they have levels. This actually gives me a great reason to talk about how they work.

Image I'm glad for you. I'll be over here wrapping my mind around how my future self's leftover essence stone somehow managed to wind up in a box I already had, but couldn't open until now.

Image Iunno, time travel?


Examining our level 5 Arcane Symbol, we can see that it gives us 700 DEX and 70 ARC—all Symbols follow the same growth rate, starting at 300 mainstat and 30 ARC and gaining 100/10 per level. This means that the fake Symbol we were using up until this point was the equivalent of a level 3 Arcane symbol. Anyways, we equip the level 5 symbol…


And then we examine the other one. It only has a growth level of 2, making it a level 2 Arcane Symbol. By doubleclicking it, we're asked if we want to merge it with our existing equipped symbol. By saying yes…


…Uh, then I equip some new gloves…


Open some nodestones… still not using them yet…


And I… open character select? Ok, because past me (who I am very disappointed in) apparently forgot to show off what happens when you merge symbols. All of the symbols that were used in creating the level 2 symbol are put into the level 5 symbol, advancing its growth value (that 0/36 in the first image). Once it's maxed out, we can pay mesos to advance the Symbol by 1 level, to a maximum of 20. This is the main way of raising Arcane Force… but our Hyper Stats have a second option now that we're level 200.


We can use our Hyper Stat points to directly increase our Arcane Force. I spend every point I can getting us to level 12 (of a possible 15), giving us an extra 70 AF to deal with enemies right now. This will keep us well ahead of the curve and make us functionally untouchable for a good portion of the Arcane River.


Now we too return to crab.

What follows is more mobbing—our longest session yet, having to defeat 600 enemies in one sitting.


This is really most of MapleStory, you know? Moment to moment doing the same rote actions over and over again to complete the same dailies in order to incrementally power up the same symbols you've incrementally powered up a hundred times before. Gaining EXP bit by bit as you strive to go as far as you can in a game where the EXP requirements scale so exponentially that the midpoint between level 1 and 300 puts you somewhere around midway into level 296.

There's bossing, we'll GET to the bossing, but even that quickly becomes rote as their patterns are mastered. As your numbers get bigger. MapleStory is a game of repetition… and repeating a joke makes it unfunny. How, then, can I say I play this game as a joke?

To what end is it a joke. Is it one? If so, certainly it must be unfunny by now. Stale, like a crab left too long in the sun.

Because it always returns to crab, in the end.

There is nothing profound to be found here. Only a single magical girl, screaming over and over again into the void.

Image With endless power!!


Total Kills: 2996

It doesn't take us long, though I accidentally go a little over.

Image Phew. Okay! Six hundred enemies down!

Image Thank you very much, Angelic Buster. I'll be looking forward to more help tomorrow.


Daily quests give a large chunk of EXP, as well as 10 symbols.


Putting everything together puts us at 23/36 symbols towards the next level. But enough of that, we've got more work to do.


The GO WEST! update came with a particularly strong mini-event for leveling up, called Midnight Dreamcatcher. Characters below level 260 can enter it once a day, up to 3 times in a week.

And wouldn't you know it, Magilia is below level 260!


Image …Huh? Did I fall asleep..?

Image Maybe. Now Angelic Bust these masquerade guys before they bonk us a good one!

Image Oh! Uh, right!

In Midnight Dreamcatcher, our job is to defeat 1000 enemies within 15 minutes. On this map we are given a special buff that gives us a massive bonus to our EXP, and the monsters themselves also give a massively boosted amount of experience compared to normal monsters of their level.


Every 200 kills, a special giant mob shows up. It gives even MORE experience, and when we defeat it it'll also explode and instantly kill any mobs nearby. It does not change the plan here, which is literally just "Jump and use Celestial Roar."


In 300 and change enemies, we've hit level 206.

Image Even in dreams, we're gaining power?

Image Nothing's more viral than an idol who lives in your head rent-free!

Image Huh! Then let's put on a real show, Eskalade!

Image That's my girl!!


Around 400 enemies later, we hit level 209…


Total Kills: 4001

And we exit at roughly 55% of the way to our next level. These little bonus events are great for leveling anyone below 220 up, and while it slows down after that it's not exactly terrible.

After we leave, I handle a few more minor things—mostly grabbing the level 205 Angelic Buster support box and setting up some bonus EXP gains for later. Nothing that important, since it's time to wrap up for the evening. It's been about 3 hours and change at this point, and while I could go on to the next story area… I really don't want to right now.

Image Man… it seems like just yesterday that I was a normal girl who couldn't use any magic.

Image And since then you've contracted with a grand and all-powerful old dragon—

Image I did? Where?

Image Alright, alright, I guess I walked into that one.

Image Heehee~

Image Anyways, you helped save the Nova, went triple viral, unlocked the power of Erdas, promised to fulfill the wish of your future self, AND beat up masked guys in a dream. Yep, it's really been a crazy 24 hours.

Image So, what do you wanna do now?

Image Ah, well, I think that'd be obvious.


Image With so many fans around here, it's high time I threw another guerilla concert!

Image Oh, I love this song! Finish with ya feta cheese yet~?!

Angelic Buster Magilia's come a long way, and seen quite a lot already… but there's still much more to do and take care of before her journey is over.

For now, though, she'll just sing her 0.23 songs with all of her heart, in hopes that she can inspire people to carry on no matter what may come.


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After a long first day with a total playtime of ~3 hours and 15 minutes, we log back in to the middle of a Maple Boys party. Unfortunately, it's Boss Reset day today, meaning that I'm going to be spending most of my time tonight on my main, killing the same twenty or so bosses as always to make money. This takes up a lot of time, meaning that I'm not spending that much time on Magilia as a result.

Maple is a balancing act if you expect to have any kind of reasonable balance in your life, and it's important to be able to prioritize what to do in a day. We could press onward with our journey by doing the level 205 area now, but there's nothing particularly noteworthy down that road so there's no real reason to.

Image Wait, so we're not going to keep running down the Arcane River?

Image Well, I mean, we'll do it eventually, but: hear me out. You ever heard of 'cultivation?'

Image Cultivation..? We're growing plants now?

Image Not that. Self cultivation. We're focusing on our mind and soul to train for the journey ahead. From a… let's say, from a 'Reverse City' level of cultivation to the 'Chu Chu' level.

Image Those are just arbitrary names, aren't they?

Image Eh, everything's an arbitrary name if you think about it enough. And it's that kind of wisdom we'll be pursuing.

Image Why not? A day off can't possibly hurt.

With a shorter time period than normal, efficiency is key. Thankfully, Nexon has our back.

Yes, that confused me a little to say, too. But seriously! It's time for more of that GO WEST! quality of life tech.


To start with, we're able to accept all of our Arcane River dailies in one place by selecting the Batch Accept Arcane River Daily/Weekly Quests option at the top of our quest list. Doing so will automatically have us accept every single Daily we qualify for at once.

…Yes, there is only one for right now. Still, believe me when I say that this is actually an amazing feature.


Next I pull up Spiegelmann's Diary, a leftover event from the Tera Blink. To grant additional guidance to people who are just starting out, it gives a number of things we can do to gain additional bonuses. Vanishing Journey Research is our daily, of course, and the Daily Gift is just the daily gift from the DREAMER event. The others are slightly more interesting.


Anyways, it's time to get to work grinding out some kills… and with something particularly nice appearing: A Rune of Giants.

The Rune of Giants is both a completely worthless Rune for farming and also my favorite Rune in the game for farming.


When activated, it gives us the +100% EXP buff that all runes do, and leaves a potion behind. This potion is completely worthless to any character trying to maximize their gains, as it'll actually slow down their kill rate.

We will be grabbing the potion, because it's not about gains.


It's about sending a message. :colbert:

Image Wooah! Now I'M burly!!

Image Go get 'em, Angelic Buster Magilia EX!

The potion turns us into a giant who can run into enemies to damage them, but this isn't the best attack in our arsenal. Instead, we want to jump. Our jumps release a shockwave on landing that will instantly kill any mob around us.


By holding down the up key and jumping, we also can jump extra high to get to platforms that'd otherwise be out of our reach—our skills are sealed off while we're gigantamaxed, so this is the only way to get around. This up+jump combo also does not work if playing on a controller using Maple's own inbuilt controller support, so if it's not working that's why.


After a short while I realize that I still can't oneshot these enemies outside of giant form, so as all things do…


We return to crab. Alternatively I could have set up my nodestones and we'd be fine, but I didn't want to do that because I was in a hurry and nodestones take a while. I'll probably give them a whole update or something when we get there, they're that important to 5thjob.


Anyways, we return to the grind. Our rotation is a simple circle, moving clockwise as if to swim through life at a regular pace. Monster spawns happen ~once every seven seconds or so, so any rotation is considered optimal if it kills all the mobs on the screen in a seven second period. On smallish maps like this one that's pretty easy, but as we go maps get bigger and I stop caring enough to do the optimal strats.

As long as you're doing something, you're moving forward. Whether it's killing all the mobs but one every rotation, or writing something that turns out to be a mistake, or wasting ten years in a dead end job that throws you away because your shoulder gave out from working too quickly in their poorly designed POS system while they promised time and again to promote you and time and again went for people whose numbers were worse but were more willing to hobnob with the top brass, passing you over for even the interview process… nothing is worthless.

So long as you are acting, you are doing something. The doing is enough, and anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you something. What lessons you'll need from what you've done, it's impossible to really know half the time.

Everything comes back to gaining experience. The bar go up. The number get bigger. As long as you can move, there's something more to learn. To apply. To become.


Image Uhh…. I'm done over here!

We stop at 1000 kills because that's when we get our bonus reward for killing 1000 enemies as an Angelic Buster from the related event… and then some random extra soul seekers take out another two just for good measure.

Total Kills: 5003

We've also acquired a VIP booster, a special item dropping in this event that will give us 100 seconds of bonus enemy spawns that give increased experience. I don't actually remember if I used this or not, but these were a rare drop throughout the event so finding one is pretty lucky.


Anyhoo, we turn in the quest for 10 Vanishing Journey Stones. This is also our second time doing the Vanishing Journey daily this week, meaning we qualify for diligent research rewards.


Image I've heard that these stones contain a great deal of power. None of us can use them, though, since it's raw Erda energy… so we'll give them to you for a job well done.

Image So uh, a thought: If you know you can't use them, why can't I just have the entire stock?

Image Well… We do really need your help as the only person who can effectively harm these enemies.

Image Aha! So it's a bribe, then.

Image I guess that works for me.

This gives us three Nodestones so that we can get some more nodes for our V Matrix.

We're still not messing with those yet, but it's nice to have them.


Next up, we need to do Ursus. Ursus, or "welfbear" as some people call it, is a powerful source of mesos in the early game if you happen to be able to play between specific time windows. It being removed is one of the things that GO WEST! prevented, making Ursus now a GMS exclusive boss. Before we can enter, we have to have killed at least 300 mobs.


Inside, we meet Masarayu. He's an eccentric multi-billionaire who gives out a lot of money for people who get into a fight with a bear so powerful that he calls it "Ursus the Mighty."

What we want to do here is go to Quick Play. This will automatically create a party of 18 people to fight the Bear with.


We wait for the party to fill, hit OK, and wait for everyone else to hit OK. At that point the battle will start… kind of.


See, MapleStory is designed around parties of six. Slapping three of them together and throwing them into a blender makes the game's framerate go to pot for a while and puts us on a black screen that lags for a while. We can hit a skill here and it'll go off when the fight starts (which you can hear using the sound, it's a very distinctive drumming noise), so as an Angelic Buster we always hit Soul Seeker Expertise.


Ursus has a lot of various attacks, but our job here is simply to mash Trinity and deal as much damage as we can as the other 17 people in the raid whittle the bear's HP down to nothing in under a minute.

Image We're fighting a bear?!

Image Now your life's in grave danger… and you don't even care.


At the end of the fight we get a dramatic zoom-in on Magilia, and we've been given an A rank. Mesos gained are based on our ranking, and at our current level A is the best we'll do—it can go all the way up to SSS, but that doesn't matter much. Because we've done this at 2x meso time, we get ~26m mesos just from this one fight, and we're allowed to engage Ursus three times a day.

So we do that, raking in ~78m mesos with a very small amount of effort.

Total Kills: 5006

Ursus is a technological marvel for MapleStory, being a full scale raid boss that allows up to 18 players and utilizing a new-at-the-time technology to track movement and damage. Also, Ursus's name used to be Veronica—something that one of the random tips is always happy to remind us.


Image That was… a little bit crazy. I can't believe there's just some guy out there who's letting us do bear fights for cash!

Image Yeah, uh, I think that's what's called a "fortunate encounter" in cultivation. Pretty sure.

Image Huuh… Does that mean I'm attaining enlightenment without even thinking about it?

Image Supposedly, not thinking about it is the entire point.

Image Woow..!


Our next target is through the Dimensional Mirror. Every town has a Dimensional Mirror that doesn't transport us to Maple World (That's the Dimensional Portal and there's only one of those!), but instead takes us to a number of useful places. We want to go to the Monster Park.


Image Wait a second, is that..?

Image Ah, my little superstar! How's it going, hero?

Image Spiegelmann?! What are you doing here?!

Image Business!!


Every day we get two free clears of Monster Park, and can use mesos to buy more tickets in order to get to a maximum of seven total clears. There are various prize boxes for doing Monster Park every day of the week, but none of the things in the boxes really matter aside from the Spiegelmann coins, which can be exchanged for special potions that are vital for bossing.

Image He has his own coins?! How is he so cooool..?!

Image Give it time, champ. You'll get your own coins. They'll be pink and glittery.

Image Alright, but I get to finalize the design.


Monster Park itself is relatively simple. We select an area (Vanishing Journey being the highest level one we can currently get to) and go through a series of six stages set within that area, complete with monsters from it. The Arcane Force requirement for Arcane River areas is always locked to the minimum required, so we're functionally invincible here as well.


Each of the areas has a number of enemies inside of it that give a tremendously boosted amount of EXP.


…And it all returns to crab, of course.


Most Monster Park runs are done inside of 2 minutes. Here, we've done one minute and are already over halfway finished with the stages.


The fifth stage here can waste our time a little as the Tranquil Erdas still drop Lantern Erdas when they die, but it's only a few seconds.


The final stage also comes with a boss monster, for a total of 241 kills per run. In Vanishing Journey, that boss is Arma.


Image Oh, that's the same one! I promised it a rematch if it'd just sneak on into the cage, and here it is!

Image Well… if it's a butt-kicking it wants!


Image Get Busted!

Image Gooooooal!!!

Once we're done, we head to the exit portal and get our prize.


That prize is ~3% of a level, which is considered very good EXP. Nowadays Monster Park has been remastered to give double the EXP per clear but only have one freebie instead of two, so this would be 6%. However, this change was not implemented in v251 yet, meaning we get the slower leveling rate.

That's honestly fine, we're a snowball's throw away from 212 anyways.


Because I'm in a hurry, I only do the two free runs and head out.

Total Kills: 5448

Image Thanks for the free publicity, Spiegelmann!

Image Eh? What do you mean?

Image You were streaming it again, right? The footage?

Image Hahaha… you catch on quick, don't you? I've gotta' make my money somehow, after all.

Image It's a win-win, so of course I'd hope you'd televise my exploits.

Image Hey, you know, there's a medal in it for you if you should clear the park 77 times for each day of the week…

Image …I'll think about it, Spiegelmann.

Seven Day Monster Parker, one of the best medals in the entire game, is available here as well if we do MP consistently for eleven weeks.

I have never gotten it on any of my characters, and I probably never will because it's annoying and not THAT much better than another medal you'll get for just doing weekly bosses.

Image So now what? More hunting?

Image Yep! But not just any kind of hunting…


Image Dream hunting!!

Image Aww yeah! Eat, sleep and breathe your powers in, Tear. That's the best way to get attached to them.

A new day means more dream enemies to take out, and just like before they're worth a lot of experience.


Enough to gain a level not just once…


But twice!


We clear the last enemy at around 20% into our next level, a sizable chunk for the mid-210s.

Total Kills: 6453

And with that there's really only one last thing on the Diary list to do: Normal Zakum.


It's time to fight our first Actual Boss.


When we warp to any major boss, we appear at the room outside where they're entered. This is so that parties can join up, but Zakum is unique in that people will hang out in here sitting on chairs that give out buffs to other players. It's a good hotspot to meet up and get buffed before heading into harder bosses.

…Not that we're doing that today. Instead, we go into this portal and select normal difficulty.


As Zakum was the first true boss MapleStory ever had, there was a long quest involved in getting the item originally required to summon it. Because this is no longer 2004, we're just given the item in question on entry instead.


Upon entry, we're placed in front of an ominous altar.


Image So I just drop this here, and…



Zakum spawns forth a moment after the Eye of Fire is placed down. This fight has multiple phases and a number of instant kill attacks. In the first phase, his arms will swing down on the floor in telegraphed areas, and we have to dodge them or they'll oneshot us.


…Oh. Or we kill it in one punch. That's good too.

Image What the heck was that?!

Image Zakum, apparently. Ancient evil tree thing.

Image But it looked like a statue! What's that about?!

Image Iunno, I was busy doing ~important spirit stuff~ when this guy was created.


Normal Zakum's drop table includes the first decent Eye and Face accessories we can get our hands on in the game, but neither one dropped here. The only other thing of importance is that giant blue thing, which is a Condensed Power Crystal. These give a set amount of money per boss, which is split evenly among everyone who clears a boss. This means that soloing a boss is important to maximizing our meso gains, and also is why boss mules are a huge thing in MapleStory—the more times we can clear a high-value boss, the more money our account gains per week. With mesos being freely transferrable between characters, this is a huge way to speed up progression.

Total Kills: 6454


With Zakum dead, the rest of the play session is some quick accounting. We unlock the level 210 and 215 bonus boxes, alongside a special chair for our 1000 kills as Magilia.

Chairs are a unique cosmetic item that we can sit on in order to increase our HP and MP recovery, and they have a truly massive number of designs to choose from. They're considered as much a part of fashion as anything else in MapleStory, and some of them are tremendously rare.

Anyways, I crack open the boxes…


Which completes my set of four event rings…


Open another 200 Nodestones (which we still aren't talking about)...


And also five Experience Nodestones! These give a special node that's used to power up other nodes more quickly—yes, you can power them up. It'll make sense at some point, when I start needing their power.


We're also given a slightly better Soul Ring, giving us more damage for the trials ahead (It's just a little more number coming mostly from a higher tier Potential, there's nothing nuts here).


And I finally end the day by testing out Magilia's new chair.

Image …Wow… It feels like a lot of things happened in just the blink of an eye.

Image I'll say. I was hoping you'd ascend to the Chu Chu level, but you're definitely at least a Yum Yum now.

Image You're just making those words up, Eskalade. They don't mean anything.

Image Wha-no, no! I will have you know that this is all very legitimate! I read it online.

Image I thought you couldn't believe everything you read online?

Image Ahh, well, you know! D-don't you worry about it champ! Just do your thing, and fight for great justice!

Image Alright… if my head ever stops spinning. We got so much money and resources just kind of poured onto us… and it barely makes any sense, you know?

Image I do indeed know. That's why I'll give you a real pro tip. From me to you.

Image And that is..?

Image Don't think about it!

Image …Ahh… I can probably do that.


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At the start of day 3 I have much more time available, and so it's time to move on with the plot.

The level 205 area is called Reverse City, and it is one in a handful of areas added after the main Black Mage storyline. Because the initial Arcane River had some level leaps from 200>210 and then again from 210>220, the initial story progression felt incredibly slow in places. These new storylines were added in to compensate for this, and each of them is a self-contained sidestory which has some ties to the Grandis plot later on.

Because we're stopping at Grandis and therefore these don't matter, I will be skipping them.


Of course, skipping content doesn't mean we just skip the content and get the rewards. We're given a full written summary of the story.

…Ignore the popups, there's an event.


That event is called Double Miracle Time, and it was a doozy for the Heroic servers in the past. What it does is simple: It doubles the chance of tiering up your Potential, with a small chance of tiering up two full levels at once (from Epic directly to Legendary). This makes it the optimal time for people to work on getting the potentials of their gear up to Legendary, so everyone does it. Every time a cube is used, it has to ping the server to ensure it can't be artificially forced to succeed.


The first DMT was universal, with three slots of ~2 hours or so each spread throughout the day for the DMT power to work. The servers became completely unplayable for each of these three periods. The event caused a bit more server pressure than Nexon was expecting. They reinforced their server-side equipment and tried a second one a few months later.


The servers became completely unplayable and lucky players managed to get as many as three cube rolls done in the two hour period. Again. GMS did not see another DMT for over a year after that.


When we did finally get a repeat, Nexon had changed the formula up: for the next two or three DMTs people were given a coin to redeem for a ticket that turned on the power for them for a few hours out of a specific day out of an entire week. This served to lower the overall load on the system, so clearly that would fix everything, right?


There were still a couple of problems with DMT even then. First off, the tickets were sold in blocks, each set of tickets opening up at regular intervals that were pre-announced in the announcements. Naturally, this meant nobody could get the good days (weekends, mostly) aside the very lucky few to get into the map immediately. Moreover, if the only day you could manage to get had you being busy during the three 2-hour slots that DMT was available? Too bad, you don't get an event. The entire server still ran so it was an improvement, but there were still definitely some kinks to iron out.


That leads us to current day, where DMT has been broken up into sections. Every week for a couple of months, each Saturday a specific type of equipment is given the DMT power. This lasts for the entire day, and these two changes have spread the load out enough that the servers no longer chug when that DMT popup is on the screen. There's still an annoying scrolling notification at the top and the little popup telling us that it's going on, but they disappear quickly enough.

Double Miracle Time: It actually kind of works now! :buddy:


Image Wow! That was sure interesting.

Image Do you think his new book will sell?

Image I'm sure of it… But why did we come here instead of jumping off the waterfall like Kao said to?

Image Reasons! Very good ones!

Clearing Reverse City makes the Vanishing Journey dailies give us twice as many Arcane Symbols a day. We could have done this immediately in order to get more of them from day one, but… :effort:

Image Huh, that is a good reason!

Image Y-yeah. 'Course it is! Now, what say you we go diving down a waterfall?

Image Heck yeah!


With that done, we can take the level 210 quest [Chu Chu Island] Beneath the Falls. We'll finally fulfill Kao's wish.


Image The wish to jump off a waterfall!


Image …Wait this was a terrible idea.

As we jump off the waterfall into the area below, we get our YouTube video for the area.


…is this a not implemented in v251? It feels like it should be. Whatever, let's move on.

Image AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! How did I get so high up!?

Image W-what?!

Image OOF!

Image Wha? I'm... alive?! Wait... am I riding a f-flying fish?! You know what? It doesn't even matter. Flying Fish, you're my best friend right now.

This is Flying Fish. Flying Fish goes on to become one of if not the single most important NPC in all of the Arcane River. We love Flying Fish in this house. :colbert:

Image Maybe you're one of the many allies Kao spoke of. All right, Flying Fish! Swimofly me straight to the Black Mage!

Image Huh? Flying Fish, why did you stop?

In Magilia's defense, like half of the giant rock we're rubbing against is just offscreen. Anyone could have missed it.

Image I don't have time for this. I've got to get to the end of the Arcane River! Don't you speak English? W-woah!

Image Well, that wasn't very nice.

Image But why did it suddenly dump me here? I thought the Flying Fish was here to help me?

Image Mu... to... hun-gry…

Image What was that?


Image AHH! What is that thing?!

That thing is holding our next quest, so let's talk to him.

Image That Flying Fish must've run away because that thing was blocking the river… Anyways... What is this huge creature? I'm not going to be able to move forward with him in the way.

Image Uh, excuse me... I'm Magilia... I'm in kind of a hurry and I need to get through. Could you step aside? You do have feet, right?

Image No... Ta-sty... Tasty…

Image Huh? Tasty? I don't think you understand how serious this is... The world will be in grave danger if I‘m not allowed to pass.


Muto has the ability to yell so loudly the screen shakes.

Image Ahh! Don‘t eat me! Uh... l have these old sandwiches sitting at the bottom of my bag… Do you want some?

Image Give it... now!

Image (I only have two left... I guess I can share.)

Image Hawb... Om... Nom… YUMMY! More... More...

Image I'm sorry... but that's all I had…

Image Please... More…

Image Even if you ask politely... I don't have any more food…


The screen begins to shake.

Image Fine! I guess I'll just have to force my way through!


Oh no, we've made him cry. :ohdear:

Image Have no fear, your hero is here!

Suddenly, a spinning entry!!

Image Oh my! I messed up again and hit this stranger in the head... Gotta work on my landing, heh!

…And we're down for the count. Again. The heroine of Maple World, ladies and gentlemen.

Image What you give... Give more!

Image Huh? Heya Muto! You like the food this person gave you?


Image Well isn't that amazing! Muto enioying food? It's been a while. Hm... This stranger is exactly what our village needs right now! You're coming with me, buddy.


Lyon drags us off to somewhere in the middle of a forest.

Image Hey!


Image Wake up, meow! Err... Roar. I meant roar. Anyway... Since a bop on the head knocked them out, maybe another good bop will wake them up? Makes sense to me.

Image Hyaa!!!

Image Hey look, you're awake! How are you feeling buddy? Heh!

Image Oww... My head. Huh? I was just on the river and…

Image Hm?! Yes, the river! This river goes all over! Heh!

Image I... don't think this is the same river… By the way, who are you?

Image Oh! Me? I'm the greatest hero and chief that Chu Chu Island has ever seen! I am as wise as I am strong, respected by all… I‘m Lyon, Meow!

Image Meow?

Image H-huh? You‘re hearing things. I clearly iust roared.

Image l distinctly heard a meow. Aren't you a lion? Wait... Ahhl It's a lion! Or at least some kind of man-lion-thing...

Image Lion? What's that? Sounds like food! Why are you backing away from me? Come closer! Let me treat those wounds that Muto definitely gave you!

I feel I should mention at this point that Lyon is kind of great. :allears:

Image Ahhl Stay back!

Image Heh. Looks like Muto gave you a pretty good knock here! ...How about we head down to the village for now? After a little grub and a nap, you should be right as rain!

Image Village? There's a village here?

Image Of course! It's the beauteous Chu Chu Village! Now follow me!

Image W-what was that? Well, a walking, talking lion-person isn't the weirdest thing I've seen in Maple World…

(It was in fact the weirdest thing she'd seen in Maple World, beating the Hyperbolic Time Hat by a handful of steps.)

Image I guess I'll follow him for now!


Welcome to Chu Chu Village, the second main hub along the Arcane River (we are not counting Reverse Town). It's got all the same stuff as every other major town in the game, so let's just make with the next quest, courtesy of Chief Lyon.

Image Here we are, the heart of Chu Chu Island! Welcome to Chu Chu Village!

Hey! I just said that! :colbert:

Image Chu Chu?

Image Yeah Chu Chu! What do you think? Isn't it a great name? Hahaha! I have the greatest names! Don‘t you like it?

Image Who are you? And what was that huge creature blocking my path? I need to keep going... Although... I'm hungry... and my head really hurts.

Image You sure are curious! Well, I'm curious about you too. Allow me to start. We are…!

Image Actually, I'm afraid I don't remember! Heheheh!

Image That‘s... suspicious. Are you a servant of the Black Mage?

Image The Black Mage? What's that?

Image Your master who's sitting at the end of this river, plotting to destroy the world!

Image Uh... What's at the end of this river? And 'master'? We don't have one of those.

Image Well actually, there is this cool, brave, and handsome chief but... 'Master'? I'd say I'm a volunteer. I'm nice like that. Nobody asked me to maintain order, I just do it out of the kindness of my heart, meow! And in any case, those that live here don't have any memories of their past. It's kinda weird now that I think about it. We all just sort of woke up at different times in different places. Eventually we ran into each other, and started this village, meow!

Image (It seems he‘s a little too dumb to be one of the Black Mage's minions...)

Image (You sure you should be judging people like that?)

Image (Come on, Eskalade. He meows.)

Image (Yeah, yeah, I guess I can't argue there.)

Image (A lion that walks and talks like a person... Were the residents of Chu Chu Island created by mixing lifeforms...?)

Image Not sure what you're mumbling about over there, but Chu Chu Island is a beautiful place overflowing with food. Everyone here is very happy. Well... Except for Muto!

Image Muto?

Image Right! The one who attacked you and stole your food!

Image Oh... That huge creature? What's his deal anyway?

Image Muto is a baby adored by the people of Chu Chu Village. He's such a nice, honest kid.

Image Uh... he seems a little violent…

Image What? Our Muto? Don't be silly… He's just a kind little fella that protects our village… Y‘see, there are two colossal creatures here on Chu Chu Island. There's our boy Muto of course, and then there's Gulla. Gulla lives in the river. He doesn't understand words or reason, unlike us or Muto.

Image And he's rough as all-get-out. Gulla comes up here every 10 days to beat up on anything that moves.

I just want to take a moment to say that anything in pink is not captured by my text capture software, and I have to put it back in myself. Also that every use of the words 'Black Mage' are in pink.

Image Good thing we've got our adorable Muto to beat up Gulla every time he shows up!

Image For the gift of regular beatings, we feed Muto all the delicious food we can scrounge up. You may have noticed, but he's a little on the heavy side… That was probably us. Our arrangement had been working out pretty well, until recently…

Image What happened?

Image Err, well... He…

Image Go on!

Image He got picky about his food…

Image ?!

Image Muto said the food we made was yucky, and he stopped fighting against Gulla... As a result, the villagers live in fear of Gulla every day...

Image That's crazy!

Image Muto said the food we made was yucky, and he stopped fighting against Gulla... As a result, the villagers live in fear of Gulla every day… Oh, but hey! That food you gave Mutol He really liked it! No... I understand where Muto's coming from... There is nothing more difficult than eating food that doesn‘t taste good... Poor Muto...

Image But he ate almost everything I had! I've got, like, one corner of sandwich left.

Image Oh... really? That's no good. That's like a crumb to our big ol' Muto.

Image But he ate all of the food in my bag, except for this lonely half of a sandwich. Uh... So anyway, is there a way to get around Muto so I can reach the end of the river?

Image Nope! Not a single one.

Image You... Sound so sure about that.

Image Stranger! Let's work together! You need to make it further down the river, and you're not going anywhere if Muto doesn‘t move. Also, we're kind of all at Gulla's mercy without help from Muto… So what do you say? Will you help us make food that Muto will actually eat? It shouldn't be hard at all. This place is packed with delicious ingredients! Yes, siree!

Image I can't cook…

Image Oh, don't worry about that! I already told the greatest chef on the island, Master Lyck, about you and your delicious, undersized food! Why don't you pay Master Lyck a visit right now! Oh, and hey... When you see Master Lyck, don't say anything about his tongue, okay?


So we do that, performing the ancient MapleStory art of walking a little bit to continue the questline.

Image You therel Bring me my knife! Slurp slurp!

Image No, no, this soup is all wrong! Are you really thinking of serving this to Muto?! What a disgrace! Slurp-slurp!

Image Um... Excuse me…

Image Hmm? Are you one of my new chefs? Can't you see I'm busy? Why are you standing there like a buffoon? Go and bring me more ingredients! I swear, you're just as dense as Lyon!

Image Uh... Actually, Lyon is the one that sent me here…

Image Did anyone else hear that strange whining sound? It certainly couldn't be that assistant I just sent for ingredients, slurp-slurp!

Image Sigh... How am I supposed to carry on a conversation with someone like this…


Image Oh! Yes, Lyon sent me…

Image What did you just say?

Image Lyon sent me?

Image No! Not that! Didn't you just say that I 'couldn't carry on a conversation with a tongue like this'!?

Image What? That's not what I said at all.

Image How dare you mock my beautiful tongue!

…He seems nice.

Image I didn't!

Image You're FIRED! Get out of my restaurant at once! Slurp, slurp-slurp!

Image You can't fire me, I don't even work here…

Image Huh? You don't?

Image Of course I don't... I just got here.

Image What? Then what business do you have with me?

Image I'm Magilia. Chief Lyon told me to find you and help you make delicious food...

Image What? You're the kitchen hand sent by Lyon?! Then you should have said so!

Image You never gave me a chance to speak... and I'm not a kitchen hand…

Image Silence! Gulla will strike in a few days time! I must perfect my new 'signature dish'!

Image Signature... dish?

Image Yes! I require 20 Sweet Hooves to make my dish. Get to it!

Image Where do I get those?

Image Pinedeer. They're just over that hill!


Here's our lovely new map of Chu Chu Island, with the Pinedeer map highlighted. We've already jumped up to 100 Arcane Force to get anything done—we're at 180, so this is fine.


Image I dunno about all of this… we should be moving on down the river.

Image We should, but consider: Without moving Muto, we aren't getting through. Besides… You know what time it is, right?

Image Heck yeah! It's hunting time!


We get to work taking care of the Pinedeer… but there's a problem: We aren't oneshotting these enemies. Even with our level difference and power, we just don't output enough damage.


Total Kills: 6539

Image Oh man… these guys are really tough. I'm not sure how much longer I can deal with them.

Image Well… y'know, there is ONE thing you could do to keep up.

Image Ugh… do we HAVE to? It seems so annoying…

Image Trust me… I'm certain that using all those erda rocks you've gotten your hands on will be worth your while.

Image I guess you're right. I can't put it off forever…


It's finally time to talk about Nodestones and the V Matrix, so we can get the power we need to feed an angry rock a bigger sandwich, so we can ride down the river even further and maybe also save a bunch of amnesiac animals from a terrifying giant shark.

…Remember when this game was about the melancholy of watching your failed timeline alternate self slowly disintigrate in your hands in a whitewashed and eroding wasteland showcasing the beginning of the end of all things?

Welcome to MapleStory. The tonal whiplash is real and does HP damage. :allears:

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Okay, let's get this underway. The V Matrix is the true center of 5thjob, and it's all about assigning the Nodes we get from opening Nodestones to the open slots here in order to get various bonuses. Let's cover the entire system in a sort of overview, because there's much more to it than just clicking on skills to level them up—so much so that new players frequently get confused by it.

We'll start by talking about the three kinds of Nodes: Skill, Boost, and Special.


A skill node is denoted by its rich blue color, and gives us access to some new skill. These break down into various types:

-4 Unique Skills per class
-2 Job Skills based on Job Type (Pirate, Magician, etc)
-2 Racial Skill based on Race type (Nova, Explorer, etc)
-2 Boss Skills that you get from lategame bosses (235 and 260)
-12 Common Skills that all classes share. There are 13 of them now, but the last one is not implemented in v251.

During this first V Matrix session I don't bother with any of these except for the most important of them all: Decent Holy Symbol.

Decent Holy Symbol: A self-buff that raises EXP gained and item drop rate. At maximum level, it has an HP Cost of 3400, duration of 270 sec, and grants EXP: +35%, Drop Rate: +24%. 180s cooldown (the skill always lasts longer than this, even at level 1)

Because setting new skills means setting up keybinds, I'm just not really interested in them yet—we don't need new skills due to the power that we're packing in this account.


The second kind of Node, and the one we're primarily focused with today, is the Boost Node. These nodes have gray coloring, and their center is a mishmash of three separate icons at once. Boost Nodes power up our already existing skills, giving them a certain amount of Final Damage per level. Because this acts as a final multiplier after everything else is added on, it's a massive bonus.


The final type of Node is the Special Node, which has a distinctive purple color. These Nodes do not level up like Skill Nodes or Boost Nodes, and are all temporary, expiring a week after they're first popped. A later update will allow us to reactivate expired Special Nodes, but this is not implemented in v251.

The only three Special Nodes that matter are Character Building I (grants 50% bonus EXP at regular intervals), Fatal Strike I (Increases damage massively for 2 seconds every 30 seconds), and Auto Recovery II (Fully heals us once every 30 seconds when activating a skill). They're primarily used by characters who are doing bosses well beyond the scope of this LP, and so we've covered basically everything there is worth knowing about them.

Anyways, back to the other two types of Nodes.


All Nodes have a level, which is listed underneath their picture—in the example, our Decent Holy Symbol node is level 17. Nodes are leveled up by combining with other identical nodes, or with those Experience Nodes from before (which can work with any Node, and count as combining 10 of the relevant Node into it at once).

Nodes have an individual maximum level of 25, and Skill Nodes have a maximum level of 25. Boost Nodes, meanwhile, have a maximum level of 50—we need two max level Boost Nodes for each skill we want to max out.

But wait, how would someone new to a job know which skills to max out? Angelic Buster's Boost Nodes have no less than ten possible Boosts that can show up, surely we don't need all of them.

And that's correct! Most classes have some kind of resource available known as an 'infographic,' and these infographics include a lot of important information for people looking to play a class.

This is the infographic for Angelic Buster. For those of you who have noticed the font used, the tone of the skill summaries and the inclusion of incredibly minor details no one should care about: yes, I made it.

…I play this game as a joke, remember.

Anyways, the important part of the infographic today is this portion:


The three skills on the left are the most important ones for Angelic Busters who are only focused on bossing, but because I plan on using Magilia as an all-purpose boss and grinding mule I want to have all six of these skills represented twice each over a total of four Nodes. Because the skills on Boost Nodes are completely random, I'm going to have to look through all of them to see if I have a group of four that can fulfill this. Because we can't equip two Boost Nodes with the same first slot, this can be a little tricky if your luck is bad.

Future updates did finally give us the ability to craft a specific Boost Node to be the final part we need in a proper set, but as with many of the upgrades to the V Matrix this is not implemented in v251.


Thankfully, MapleStory has a relatively convenient way to search through our Boost Nodes via this lovely little filter. Using it I can look through my nodes to try and find a set of four. I used a notepad file to write everything down and figure out pairs on my own afterwards, but it's probably easier to just use the open source Boost Node solver that someone else made already. It's incredibly useful.


Luckily, I have four that I find on my own in relatively short order and I slap them all into four of the open node slots. The astute among you have noticed the top one is level 5, and has a level 4 Enhancement Effect. This is because of the next thing we'll be talking about: Node Shards and Matrix Points!


Over here on the right side of the V Matrix, we can see Node Shards and Matrix Points, alongside a number of useful buttons. We can disassemble unneeded Nodes in order to get Node Shards, gaining 10/40/50 Node Shards for a level 1 Boost/Skill/Special node, respectively. These can be assembled into either new Nodestones to give us another reroll at the cost of 35 each, or can be constructed into our choice of Boost/Skill/Special Node, at the cost of 70/140/250 Node Shards respectively.

Both creating a specific Boost Node and reactivating Special Nodes cost Node Shards as well, with a cost of 500 for crafting the specific Boost Node and a maximum of 864 Node Shards to extend a Special Node (the amount varies based on time left).

That covers what Disassemble Nodes and Nodecrafting do, which leaves Slot Enhancement.


Clicking Slot Enhancement takes us to the Slot Enhancement menu, which is the same thing but with a Lv indicator next to our slots. Each of our slots can be leveled from 0 to 5, which will give that slot's bonus as an Enhancement to the Node placed within it. This means that for 5th job, Skills actually have a maximum level of 30 and Boost Nodes max out at 60, 30 per Boost.

Matrix Points are the key to powering up our slots. Each one will level one of our slots up once, and we get them whenever we level up. As we do level it up, the border of the slot will change, growing in size to make it easy to tell which slots are maxed or not.


So I use the Matrix Points to bring us from 1 level 5 and 1 level 4 slot to three level 5s. There is never a reason to spread these out, slots should either be 5, be on their way to hitting 5, or ignored entirely—there aren't enough points to fully power every slot.


Right-clicking on a node will give us an additional menu. We can disassemble a Node from this menu as well, though the Disassemble Nodes button on the right lets us do it in batches so it is much faster. We can also Enhance the node through this menu to level it up using those aforementioned duplicates, but there's a faster way to do that as well. The main use of this window is to Lock our Nodes.

Locking a Node prevents us from using it to Enhance any other nodes, and also prevents us from Disassembling it. I make sure to do so with any Node I plan on keeping, just to make sure I don't accidentally break anything important.


With everything locked, I head up to the top-right to click on a button that is new in v251, and is also the best single addition to the entire V Matrix: Enhance All.


Clicking it will give us this popup, where the game automatically sets every one of our currently equipped Nodes to suck up every single matching Node that it can, showing us the end level of each one of them. It will not automatically use Experience Nodestones, however—those we need to choose to use through the right-click Enhance menu.


With one more click, we're done and all our Boost Nodes are around level 10.


Looking at our 5thjob skills list, we can now see all of our Boosts listed here. In addition to a Final Damage boost of 2% per level, Boost Nodes will give Magilia a couple of little perks at level 20 and 40. The level 20 perk is either +1 enemy hit or +5% critical hit rate depending on the skill, while the level 40 perk is always +20% IED for that skill only.

That concludes our light overview of the V Matrix system. Once I start putting in more Skill Nodes I'll list them off like I have for the other jobs, but for now our level 31 Celestial Roar Boost means we're dealing 1.62x the damage we were a few minutes ago, and that means it's time to get back to bustin'.

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Now that we've massively powered up our base skills, let's turn those Pinedeer bits in to Chef Lyck.

Image Ah, how quick of you! I'll whip together my signature dish in a jiffy. Come back in a minute.

Image How… long does it take to cook, things?

Image No time at all, if you move fast enough!

Image Oh yeah: General relativity! I've heard of that. They use that on cooking shows to save time.

Image Aha, I see!

Image Yes! My culinary masterpiece is complete! Slurp slurp!

Image Those are hooves floating in there... Are you sure this is food?

Image Hey! Don't just stand there! Try it! But if you must faint because it tastes too heavenly, be sure to do so away from the pot!

Image Well… okay.

Image ACK!

Our taste test does not go well.

Image Slurp-slurp! The flavor is out of this world, is it not? Slurp!

Image This is one of the vilest things I've ever put in my mouth, and I've had to eat some weird stuff.

Image W-WHAT!

Image There's no way I can eat something like this... No wonder Muto is so picky with his food.

Image How dare you? I, Master Lyck, am the greatest chef of Chu Chu Island!

Image If that's true, there must be something wrong with everyone‘s tongues...


Image N-no... I was saying we had very different tastes…

Image Eureka! That's it! Didn't Lyon say you had some food that Muto actually enjoyed? I must taste it to understand why it pleased Muto where all my dishes have failed! Give me that food at once!

Image You mean... my sandwich? But this is my last…


Image Fine! Eat it then, I'll just starve…

Image Nom nom... Gulp… Ptooey! What is this!?

Image Huh? What are you doing? That's my last piece!

Image You think you can convince Muto to move with garbage like this? Slurp, slurp-slurp-slurp-slurp-slurp, slurp slurp! I thought it was going to be something truly delicious!

Image Really? When I had some earlier it tasted fine…

Image What?! That disgusting thing?l Fine! Then let's ask the villagers what they think!

Image Lyon!

Image I did NOT even notice they were there…

Image They must have been just offscreen.

Image Oh, Master Lyck. You know, you should really call me Chief when other people are around.

Image Here, try this horrible substance that one calls food! How could Muto enjoy something like this? My food is far superior! Try both and compare them!

Image Well, since I'm such a nice, cool guy, I suppose I can volunteer. Okay, let's see how it tastes. Here, why don‘t you guys try it too?

Image Nom nom…

Image Oh man!

Image See, it's good, isn't it?

Image Wow, this is… The worst thing ever!

Image What?

Image Yeah, just ask these guys. Man, I wouldn't eat this if I'd been starving for 10 days!

Image R-really?

Image And now I'll try Master Lyck's dish to get this taste out of my mouth... I mean, for comparison.

Image Oh! Wonderful, as expected… Chef Lyck, could you wrap some of this up for me to go? It'll be a wonderful evening snack.

Image You ate nearly all that I prepared! There's not enough for Muto now…

Image Did I? Well, anyways! Your cooking is as wonderful as always.

Image Weird... How can they think that food tastes good? Something must be wrong with their taste buds. Ugh, I'm never getting out of here at this rate.

Image Well, did you see that? Hmm the look on your face tells me you're clearly in disbelief, slurp-slurp!

Image Clearly we have different tastes. But Muto likes the same types of food as me... You‘ll never make him happy with the food you like, even if its a masterpiece...

Image Still you deny the brilliance of my food! The cuisine of Master Lyck, beloved by the villagers!

Image Fine! If you are so certain you are right, then you feed Mutol Based on his previous patterns, Gulla will strike the village in 3 days, slurp. Prepare a meal for Muto on that day and bring it here!

Image What? I don't know what ingredients are available here... And I can't even cook...

Image Hmph! That's not my problem, slurp slurp! You heard me. Bring food to Muto in 3 days‘ time! Of course, I'd understand if one who knows nothing of cooking, such as yourself, were to run off with your tail between your legs in the face of my culinary mastery! *slurp*


Image Uuugh… well that went worse than abysmal.

Image That soup was a crime against food! You did nothing wrong by standing your ground, Tear.

Image Right? And since Muto has the taste of one of us, they'll never get him to eat with that… "cuisine."

Image Uuuuugh, I'm too hungry to think anymore…

Image Wait. Sniff sniff. What's that smell?



Image Huh. Well, if they have any Spirit Stones, gimme a call. It's been a while since I've eaten anything myself.


We come upon an entirely new area, with a group of new characters.

Image Looks like I've cooked another wonderful meal!

The monkey girl is named Simia, and the three birds are Pibik, Pimi, and Pidol.

Image We're the ones eating it, so we'll be the judges of that!

Image Pibik, are you going to keep on complaining about free food?

Image Don't you talk back to me! I'm older than you.

Image That's all the more reason for you to show some common sense!

Image Pi... mi... Pimi scary... Heeeheee.

Image Ahem! Let's all enjoy this wonderful meal. ...Eat your food already!

Image Of course Pibik. Doesn't it feel nice behaving? You should keep being good for Simia, since she works so hard for us. Okay? If you don't, you might not like what happens. (Sighs) I'll just leave it at that.

Image O-okay!

Image Heh, heehee. Pimi made Pibik quiet again.

Image Pidol, you need to eat too. You have to take care of yourself if you want your head injury to heal...

Image Hehehe. l fine. I always like this.

Image Pidol... You need to focus on getting better... (Sighs)

Image Pibik! Pimi! Pidol! It's so nice to see you all looking after one another! So few of us around here, myself included, have a family to rely on... But the three of you can always depend on each other. You must feel so happy!

Image Simia, you do have a family. You took us in when the village kicked us out for having unusual tastes. We‘re your family!

Unusual tastes, you say..? :monocle:

Image Hehe... Thanks Pimi! I don't have anywhere to go either. Let's stay together forever!

Image Family? Yeah right... We don't even look alike…

Image Hey... You should stop being mean if you know what's good for you…

Image W-what I meant was that I'm even more grateful! She had no reason to look after us short little weirdos... We have unusual tastes but she makes food we like… (Mumbles) Thanks... Simia...

Image Hehe. I know how much you like me Pibik. Pimi, stop bullying your brother. Families shouldn't threaten or fight with each other.

Image We're not... hitting each other... Hehehe... It's one-sided... Heehee.

Image What are we doing sitting here gabbing, with this delicious food getting cold in front of us? I made your favorite, Chewy Sole Soup! Bon apetit!

Image (So that delicious smell was coming from here… It looks like they're eating. Maybe I could have some...)

Our next quest is to talk to Simia and ask for food.

Image Uh... Excuse me…

Image W-who are you? Are you a thief, here to steal our meal?!

Image No way. We're the only ones who can eat Simia's cooking. But if you ARE here to steal from us, I won't let you get away with it…

Image It's nothing like that. I'm just a traveler passing through, and I followed my nose here. Really, I just want a taste of your cooking...

Image Our... food... is not eatable... You won't like... Hehehe.

Image That's not true... There's no way that food that smells this good could taste bad...

Image Go away!

Image Pibik, you shouldn't be so rude to our guest. You don't look like you're from around here... But just as the Pi siblings say, I'm afraid you'll find my cooking inedible.

Image Just... One bite…

Image You really look starved. Help yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Image Th... Thank you…

Image !!!

Image See? We told you that you wouldn't like it. Our tastes are very different from the villagers'.

Image What are you talking about?! I've never eaten anything this good!

Image Liar!

Image I'm not lying! This is really good. It's much better than that terrible concoction Master Lyck whipped up, no contest!

Image You're being awfully informal for someone we just met.

Image Pibik! Pimi! That's no way to treat a guest. But how do you know our chef anyway?

Image Well... Here's what happened…

Despite the wordiness of the cutscenes in this game, we do usually skip the infodumps of things that happened five minutes ago. …Usually.

Image Oh... So you went through all that… It's really bad that Muto isn't eating... You must feel helpless being stuck here… But did Muto really enjoy your food?

Image He did! It wasn't that great of a sandwich either. He certainly enjoyed it more than I would've...

Image Would it be possible for us to try that sandwich?

Image Well, I guess I still have this one little part the villagers didn't eat…

Image Oh! That's plenty! The Pi siblings have a very sensitive palate! And I might just be a kitchen hand, but I work at a restaurant! Now let's try it together.

Image This is... Pretty good!

Image Wow! I've never eaten anything this good besides what Simia cooks!

Image Yumyumyumyum! Good! Heehee.

Image It's really good! I've never had anything like it! You clearly have unusual tastes, just like us!

Image Well... My tastes aren't that unusual…

Image No! There‘s no doubt that you possess unusual taste if you enjoy the same food as us!

Image It‘s good to have you here, comrade.

Image Oh! Where are my manners? We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Simia. I work as a kitchen hand in Master Lyck's kitchen. He doesn't really let me cook... And these are the Pi siblings. They live with me. The four of us have tastes like yours. That's why we have to eat different food from the villagers.

Image They kicked us out... Hehehee.

Image The villagers eat different food from us, so they think we're strange. They weren't comfortable living alongside us so... That's why I took the siblings in and moved out here.

Image Then I was right... The villagers are the ones with weird tastes!

Image No, it's us... which is why I have to work as a kitchen hand, even though I want to be a chef…

Image Trust me, they're the weird ones! In Maple World, your food would be an overnight success!!

Image Haha... I don't know where that is, but thank you for the compliment. Anyways, I'm not sad. I have three of the best customers a chef could hope for.

Image That's right. Your food is the best!

Image Hm... I can't believe you got kicked out of the village just for having different tastes...

Image You don't become a chef by cooking what everyone else likes, right? When you're hungry, all that matters is what tastes good to you. The fact that these three enjoy my cooking is enough for me.

Image Even if it was only a nibble, that sandwich was tasty!

Image I think I understand what's going now... Muto won't eat what the villagers cook for him, but he liked my food. Clearly his own tastes are similar to yours and mine… It's Simia, right? Will you please help me?! heard Gulla l is supposed to attack in 3 days, but I can't cook to save my life. Would you help me prepare a meal for Muto?

Image It's just so strange... Muto has always enjoyed Master Lyck's cooking.

Image Well, not anymore I guess... He clearly enjoyed my sandwich. So, will you help me?

Image I‘m not an official chef, though... Master Lyck will be furious if he finds out I've been cooking...

Image Who cares if he's angry! Simia, where I come from, your cooking would be considered infinitely better than Master Lyck's. What's more important? Not making your boss angry, or saving a village? And besides, can you just let Muto starve? Even if Muto hates your cooking... He's got to eat something.

Image … You're right, of course… Even if Muto hates my cooking... I can't just let him starve to death!

Image Muto will love your cooking, for sure!

Image Thank you Simia! You're making the right choice!

Image But... what food are you going to make him?

Image Uh... Why not a really big sandwich? He clearly enjoyed the last one!

Image Hehehe. Sand... Sandwich! Big and delicious!

Image Okay then, let's make a sandwich! We'll make one big enough to fill Muto up! Hey Pi siblings! Since you have such sensitive palates, maybe you can figure out what local ingredients taste like what was in that sandwich!

Image Let's do it!

Image Wow! We're going to make food for Mutol I'm so pumped!

Image Heeheehee! It's going to be good!


Having offended Lyck and met Simia, we now have our proper objective for Chu Chu Island: In order to get Muto to move (and maybe save the villagers from the giant shark Gulla too, I guess), we're going to spend three days creating the ultimate sandwich.

I really hope they have a big enough fridge to hold it, or Muto may have bigger problems than disgusting meals. :ohdear:

Image Oh, I wouldn't worry about that: I'm sure his stomach's just as rock-solid as the rest of him looked.

Image …Huh? Um, you mean Muto? Yeah, he's really tough for such a kid!

Image See? Nothing to worry about!

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Image Alright, let's get to making a sandwich! What do we need?

Image I was going to ask you. What goes into one of your sandwiches?

Image Oh… uh, well I guess they use bread, and something green and leafy for lettuce, and some kind of meat?

Image And meat will spoil… let's start by recreating the bread and lettuce, then! We'll need something to replicate their taste…

Image Ah! 20 Spicy Hoof from the Big Pinedeer should do it.

Image Got it. Angelic Buster, blast off!

This is the rest of the chapter. There's a series of multiple choice questions to make a name, and it's dubbed "Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion," but from here forward we'll be running around gathering ingredients for this sandwich.


Because this is the entire rest of the chapter, there's not much point in going over the plot. It's just a grind of every single enemy on the entire island for 20 of their respective drop items.

But this does leave us with a massive problem, which needs to be addressed.


Total Kills: 6640

We are, objectively, doing all of this for a sandwich. That makes this a sandwich-related grind session, and any such grind session requires us to choose between the two great sandwich related montage themes.

Well… I say two, but there's really only one theme, and one sandwich.


We move on to Ramanas and Ewenanas for their peels, which is definitely totally interchangable with lettuce.

Anyways, the two sandwich/songs. Right. They are, in no particular order: The Ultimate Sandwich! by Ninja Sex Party, and This Is Not a Song, it's a Sandwich by Psychostick. Both of these sandwich-related entertainment vehicles are perfect to put on loop while trying to grind out a number of parts for the Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion, and trying to figure out which one I should be listening to during this entire sequence is the single most emotional moment that I had during what remains of Chu Chu Island.

Please note that both sandwich-related entertainment vehicles are entirely nonserious. This also is deliberate, because Chu Chu Island is quite a silly arc.


Total Kills: 6796

Now, the obvious decider here has to do with the Idol Code. Because Angelic Buster is a Magical Girl Idol, it could be argued that she would be beholden to the code on penalty of a flash mob of terrible haters. Because of this, the obvious answer would be that TUS (whose opening minutes literally include the end of intercourse, and which is objectively about wanting to bang that sandwich) should easily be disqualified. Winner is TINaS, what would make you think otherwise??

Weeeeell, it's not that simple. See, Angelic Buster has two things going for her that mean she can do whatever she wants. First of all, she is the only idol in the entirety of Pantheon—it stands to reason that the code wouldn't be a thing there as they're dragon people who have been at war for years upon years. It is probable that her main audience simply wouldn't care. And second of all…


She's already been cancelled by the sort of people who give a shit about the idol code. She doesn't have to give a damn, they've already gotten rectal ragnarocked on their way out the door. Either one of these sandwich-related entertainment vehicles will fit, so it must be decided on the merits.


One neat little note is that the sandwich will build up as we continue through the quests of the story. It's nice.


Moving on, we need THE MEATS. This starts with 20 of the flowery manes of these plant lion guys (and 20 more of their purple variants). Unlike the bananas, they're on two different maps.

This really is part of the crux of it. While the sandwich is merely a sandwich in TINaS, our Ultimate Sandwich includes bear meat, and here we are getting bear meat. The Ultimate Sandwich is five feet tall and three feet wide, and the Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion is roughly 5x5 itself, if not larger. The song is simply more representative of the sandwich we are building than its opponent.


Total Kills: 6977

So, we have our clear winner here, right? It's the Ultimate Sandwich. Go ahead and boot up chrome, slap it on on YouTube, and put that baby on loop.

…But wait! Don't do that yet, it's not quite that simple. This isn't a solved problem.


Our next objective is to grab 20 feet from two different kinds of Wolfruits. This is apparently very normal meat that tastes like meat on Chu Chu Island.

It's also another point for the NSP song because let's face it that song goes some weird places and finding out some feet are on a sandwich made by a demon is not particularly surprising. The evidence is overwhelming at this point… but there's an issue, and it's in the last thing you'd ever think of.

Playing this song is probably against the player Code of Conduct for MapleStory. Yes, really.


Total Kills: 7197

You see, there is a provision within the Nexon Terms and Conditions that outlines a general player Code of Conduct for MapleStory. In it, it says the following:
MSCoC wrote: You will not use the Services in any manner that, in Nexon’s sole discretion, is unlawful or could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Services or interfere with Nexon’s or any others’ use and enjoyment of the Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, prohibited conduct includes the following, subject to applicable law:

-Using any hacks, cracks, bots, or third-party software that may modify, temporarily or permanently, the code or the user experience of the Services, whether locally on your device or on servers, or using any application, software or technology that is not expressly authorized by us that enables cheating, power-leveling, or accomplishing game tasks that cannot be accomplished without the use of such an application, software or technology.
It's important to note, for the purposes of this discussion, that Nexon considers the music associated with the game as a part of the user experience of its Services. This causes some problems for us.


No, I don't know why lion manes and feet make Anime Meat either. Simia is just a really good cook.


Anyways, we need to get 20 fish fins from green and blue catfish. This is apparently a surf and turf sandwich.

Speaking of, let's get back to problems. You may notice that the CoC is written incredibly broadly, and because every part of the game is considered part of its user experience, this includes the music. This means that, in the broadest sense, muting the music is allowed because it is part of the user experience.

However, loading up chrome or firefox or the YouTube app or whatever is using a third-party service. Loading up a song to replace the music that should be there, then, is using a third-party service to modify its user experience. This is a breach.


Total Kills: 7401

Now, are they likely to actually ever ban anyone for using YouTube to play different music while muting their game? No, of course not, they'd probably have to ban half of Maple.

But is this rule so broad as to be almost completely meaningless? Yes. Absolutely. This is a largely worthless document that means they can ban you at any reason for any time. Technically I'm breaking it right now if they decide this statement is quote "Engaging in any other conduct that, in Nexon’s sole judgment, exposes us, any of our users, or any other third party to any liability, damages, or detriment of any type." As with most game code of conducts, it is utter bullshit designed to ensure you can be banned at any time, for any reason, because fuck you.

But this also isn't the only rule that Ultimate Sandwich would break. Let's continue.


Next on our murderspree is Rhyturtles. Again we need 20 shells from each one. I guess they're softshell Rhyturtles?

Speaking of softshell, this brings us to the second code of conduct point that TUS breaks:
MSCoC wrote: Engaging in conduct that is harmful, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, threatening, abusive, inflammatory, intimidating, discriminatory, violent or encouraging of violence (including self-harm), stalking, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable in Nexon’s sole discretion, including without limitation looting, kill stealing, making sexual comments, or cursing.
Remember, ultimately The Ultimate Sandwich is a song about banging a sandwich. No matter how perfectly suited to the sandwich we are building the lyrics may be… it is itself not a song that can exist within MapleStory. So we can conclude that this song would be in breach of two rules… and while Angelic Buster doesn't need to care about the feelings of a bunch of fickle idol culture groupies, I imagine she does care deeply about the law.


Total Kills: 7581

This does mean we now need to look at TINaS, to see if we can use either one safely under Nexon's rules as they stand. A cursory glance at the lyrics will quickly establish two things. The first is that it isn't a song. It is a sandwich. This is promising, because while the user experience does involve music and sound it does not include any form of sustenance and does not extend to meals.

This means that our sandwich-related entertainment can be safely consumed without being in breach of the first bullet point.


I pause here to get the Angelic Buster damage skin from my dailies, which will change the look of our damage numbers to something more fitting. Magilia equips it immediately. It will be with us for the rest of the LP.


Anyways, fish acquired. We just need seasoning.


That seasoning is feathers from two different types of Crillas. When I said every single monster on the island, I meant it.

Now where was I? …Right, sandwiches. So Psychostick's sandwich-based entertainment vehicle is not a song, and therefore it does not interfere with the music of the game. Because of this it cannot be held to the same standard as TUS. It also is not about anything, given that its lyrics include the phrase "It couldn't be a song 'cause it doesn't have a point," meaning its content cannot be objectionable unless you are allergic to something inside the sandwich.

I have it on good authority that Nexon is not allergic to most sandwiches, though they may need to be careful around anything manufactured around peanuts.


Total Kills: 7681

This does leave us with one final thing to consider: TINaS is a sandwich prepared by a metal band. This means that the cheese (and indeed most of the rest of it) is shredded, and that it will provide us with a great deal of iron. Iron, of course, is an important material for the upkeep and health of the human body.


The last quest of the main set is to get twenty fangs from two different types of Birdshark. We're almost done.

Likewise, I think we have enough information to come to a conclusion. When all factors are properly considered, there's really only one correct sandwich-based entertainment vehicle to consume while we're busy doing our grinding today: Psychostick's This Is Not a Song, it's a Sandwich.


Total Kills: 7790

You now have my full permission to go back and reread the entire post while being served the relevant sandwich-based entertainment vehicle. It's Nexon approved!


Image Hey… Eskalade? Have you ever read a whole bunch of words that you're pretty sure don't mean anything at all?

Image Oh sure! I do that all the time. They call 'em tax codes.

Image …You ARE paying taxes properly, right?

Image I-I mean… I'm not not paying them.

Image Hmm…

Image O-oh, it looks like Simia's all done with the sandwich. WOW, that sure does look tasty. It almost makes me want to give up on magic rocks!

Image Sigh… Well, I am hungry after all that hunting. Let's see if we can get a bite before we feed it to Muto.

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And now:


It is still sandwich time.

Image Since this is all because of the ingredients you got, Magilia, how about you take the first bite?

Image You... want me to put that in my mouth? After helping you put all that weird stuff in it? That wasn't part of the deal…

Image (Sighs) Well, down the hatch!

Image So?

Image Will Muto like it?

Image It's… pretty ok, considering. But… It's kind of bland.

Image Bland? Let me try… Oh. I think I get it. We need a secret ingredient!

Image But we're nearly out of time…

Image Muto's a child. He won't eat something this bland.

Image Got any ideas, then?

Image Well… there's the Fruit of the Slurpy Tree, but…

Image That's dangerous… are you sure?

Image If we grind it up, it'll be delicious, I'm sure of it.

Image But the Slurpy Tree is… a big, scary man-eating tree.

Image Just another enemy. I'll punch its face in and be back in a flash!


There's not much time before we're due in for the cookoff, so it's time to immediately teleport to the Slurpy Forest Depths.


This map itself is the go-to farming spot for characters between 210 and 215, but we're not here to beat up lions and apples. Instead we want to go in this portal at the top.


The Slurpy Tree is our boss monster for this area, and is a cut above any other monster in this area. It—


survives our first punch, and as a result actually gets to do an attack.


This attack is a bunch of spiked roots firing up from the ground.


It does not survive to make a second attack.

Total Kills: 7791

Image …Huh. I expected more.

Image Let's hurry, any later and we won't make it in time!

Image Ah! Right!!


Image I'm back, and I've brought the fruit!!

Having officially killed every kind of monster on the island for their edible bits, all that's left is the climax of the plot.

Image Oh, Magilia! You're okay, and you brought us a Slurpy Fruit!

Image Okay, lemme iust grind up some Slurpy Fruit, smear it around the top, and... It's done! Who's ready to try the Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion Sandwich?

Image I... I want to... eat... first. Heheheh. Om, nom... Gulp...

Image BEEELCH! Ohh... Oooohhhhh!

Image Pidol! What's wrong?

Image This taste... It's simply divine... That heavenly harmony of flavors... That crisp, yet chewy texture... It's as though the five tastes were having a party, and there comes a knock at the door... And in walks a sixth, as-yet undiscovered flavor…! My taste buds are overwhelmed!

Image Pidol! You're back to normal!

Image Huh? What you mean? I always normal... Heheheh.

Image I guess the intense flavor must have momentarily shocked Pidol back to his senses. I think it's safe to say that our sandwich is a success! I hope that Muto likes our Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion Sandwich…


The screen shakes violently here.

Image Oh no! Gulla Is surfacing!

Image We don't have much time! Hurry and find Chief Lyon! The Pi siblings and I will carry the sandwich to Muto!

This is a short quest break where we go run to Chief Lyon for the actual final quest of Chu Chu Island.

Image It's Gulla! Gulla has begun his assault!

Image Master Lyck! Have you completed your meal for Muto?

Image Of course! Just you watch, Muto will be jumping for joy because it's so good!

Image Oh! What a relief! But what happened to that strange little traveler who went off to make their own dish?

Image Slurp-slurp! Surely off cowering in fear! Hmph. That runt doesn't know a thing about taste, and they dared to lecture ME about flavor! Well, now their true colors are showing!

Image Um. Anyways Master Lyck, we should take your masterpiece to Muto!

Image W-waitl I'm here! (Huffs) The food... It's ready!

Image Oh! You're back!

Image (Pants) Yes! Let's go to Muto…

Image What? Where is this food you speak of? Don't tell me you made something small... Your last offering was smaller than one of Muto's boogers!

Image (Breathes heavily) I prepared an amazing dish... and I had help from an excellent chef...

Image Oh! An assistant? Well that's nice. Who are they?

Image Slurp-slurp! Liar! There's no one on Chu Chu Island that cooks half as well as me!

Image Hey, uh, aren't we a little short on time here? We should get to Muto! My assistant is already bringing our dish there!

We fade to black and appear in front of Muto for the final part of the quest. I'll spare you the lightbulb once again.

Image Chief! Chef! Hurry, over here!

Image (Panting) Well...?! Where is that mysterious assistant who helped you, and where's that dish of yours?

Image ...Seriously? They're standing right there... Ahem. Allow me to introduce, the Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion Sandwich, and Simia, the magnificent chef who assisted me!

Image W-what?! Simia?

Image H-hello Chef…

Image You! The entire kitchen is in a fervor trying to prepare my masterpiece for Muto before it's too late, and you... You were you helping that idiot over there make food this whole time?

Image I'm sorry... I know the kitchen is very busy... But it's not like you would've let me cook anyway. That's why I wanted to help this traveler...

Image Even if you cannot cook, there is still trash to empty! Slurp! There are many things to do! Don't think for a moment I will forget this.

Image Hey! Who's this long-tongued jerk?

The birds have Simia's back, of course.

Image It must be that stupid bully Chef. Yawn. I'm bored now…

Image Who are these pipsqueaks?! Oh, you must be the three siblings who have taste only for garbage, just like Simia! Even if you were in a hurry, why would you accept help from those with no taste making food? Pitiful!

Image But the dish has such a catchy name!

Image Stupid Chief! There's no time! Hurry and instruct Muto to choose his dish!

Image Hold your horses. I'm on it! Hey Muto! Gulla is attacking! We've prepared 2 types of food for you. So eat something and go kick Gulla's butt!

Image Mu-to... is... hun... gry…

Image Hey! Blockhead! Stop saying you're hungry and try my dish! I don't know why you've been so picky about your food, but even you will see my dish is a masterpiece!

Image Chef... *deep breath* You shouldn't be so mean to Muto. He's a nice child who protects us.

Image W-what?! Are you lecturing me? You're not even a real chef, and now you're trying to tell me what to do? Simia! You are hereby banned from my kitchen! Ptooey! I am finished with you!


Image Hurry up and choose, Muto! Do you know how much trouble you‘ve put us through?! Hurry up and eat this, and then go stop Gulla!

Image Hm... (Sniff, sniff)

Image Oh... Muto's giving it the old sniff test!

Image Hmm?!

Image Doesn't it smell delectable? Slurp! Now, consume my delicious delicacy, and get up!


Of course Muto goes for our tasty sandwich instead of the soup that Chef Lyck put together, as Magilia has never taken an L in her life.

…We aren't going to count the prologue.

……Or that alternate timeline, that was Kao.

………Or getting knocked off the bird, that was still technically Kao.

Image Wasn't it a doppelganger of Kao? Or was it actually that evil lady Rino and the Rino I talked to was the doppelganger..?

Image Y'know, I was never really clear on that. I just figured they were all secretly Arma.

Not the point. Anyways, Muto enjoys his delicious sandwich.


And everyone is surprised.

Image M-Mutol Chooses our Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion Sandwich!

Image Th... This is... Goo... Good!

Image What are you talking about Muto? You haven't even tried my food! Hurry and eat it!

Image Muto... HATE.. You eat it…

Image You ungrateful rock! Why aren't you eating my food!?

Image Shut it, Lyck! Muto doesn't want to eat it!

Image Yeah! Your food tastes like Crilia poop!

Image How dare you? I won't accept this insult! Eat! Eat it now!

Image NO EAT!

Image Uh... Is it time for me to step in!? Chef Lyck, go get some air! Hyaaa!

There's a flash of white, then…

Image There. Master Lyck should be landing safely in the village any minute now.

Chief Lyon is sure a… hands-on… kind of leader. :shepface:

Image H-huh? I have the strangest feeling of Deja vu…

Image Waaah! No eat! No fight!

Image Muto, didn't you like the one dish, though? Now get up and stop Gulla!

Image Chief, why don't you let me try… Hey, Muto, it's been hard protecting us all this time, hasn't it? You couldn't eat anything you wanted... It must have been hard going hungry for so long... You poor thing… You don't have to fight if you don't want to. I'm just happy that you're eating. And thank you for eating the food I made. I know it isn't very good...

Image Muto... Want to eat... the rest…

It turns out that Simia not only can cook the food Muto likes, but mother henning three baby birds means she also has the powers of Mom.

Image Y-You do? Please, go ahead! We made it just for you.

Image Om... Yum! Gooooood.

And Muto consumes everything.

Image Ah! He even ate Master Lyck's food!

Image Gulla's almost here! Eekl

Image Muto... is full... ...Thank you. Now... I go... Play... With Gulla.

Image Muto... You're going to protect us?

Image Yes... Muto... Eat delicious food... Protect... friends…

Image *sniff* Friends... Thank you... Muto.


And then Muto beat the everloving hell out of a shark kaijuu.

Image …Awesome♥


With the fighting over, all that's left is the wrapup. We still have an Arcane Symbol to get, after all!

Image Ow... My head... What happened? How did I get here?

Image Oh! You're awake? Muto got angry and attacked you! Haha!

Image What?! Why that giant Iittle...! He was refusing to eat my masterpiece! ...Wait?! What about Gulla? What happened!?

Image Muto stopped him while you were ...Sleeping!

Image What did you say? He moved?

Image Yup! He sent that shark running with its tail between its... Uh... fins. Hehe!

Image bMy(sic) masterpiece... He hated it… But he ate Simia's food and moved?

Image (Sniffs) ...Waaaah!

Image Hey... Are you crying?!

Image Wah... My food... I put my heart and soul into that dish… He didn't even look at it... Wah… I... I will never cook again… I'm going to close my kitchen forever... Wah...

Image You're wrong, Chef Lyck... Your food is amazing… Just look! Muto ate all of your food.

Image No... Slurp. Muto hates my food… He hated my food from the start... Slurp...

Image Yeesh... He's a lot more emotional than he looks…

Image Muto... Eat everything... Muto is good child... If he eat everything… The food before... taste yucky, but I eat... To protect friends. Simia food… Very good.

Image Master Lyck... It's not that your food is bad. Muto just has unusual taste, like Simia and the Pi siblings… That‘s why he got tired of your food. So don't feel sad. You're still the best chef around, as far as the villagers are concerned.

Image That's right Master Lyck! I really love your food. Hahal Don't say something awful like you‘re gonna quit!

Image I… I… Muto... I'm sorry… I was so arrogant to assume you would like anything I made… It must have been hard forcing yourself to eat my food...

Image It's... okay... Your food very big... In that way, good…

Image So this whole time, Muto's been protecting us even though he didn't like the food?

Image My cooking skills are... Years behind Master Lyck's technique... But I knew Magilia was right… Muto has done so much for us... But we never showed him kindness. We took him for granted. I'm not good at much, but I knew I couldn't let Muto starve. Giving him a warm meal was the least I could do… Chef. This isn't about whose food is better…

Image We took Muto's sacrifice for granted... We need to be better. So cheer up Chef. I'll look after Muto from now on...

Image Simia... I didn't recognize your skills as a chef because I couldn't look past your unusual taste… I'm sorry Simia... I was very arrogant, and I was wrong. From now on, I will give you the recognition you deserve… As Muto's personal chef. Will you take that job, as a favor to me?

Image You're making me... an official chef?

Image He can't make you what you already are!

Image Your friend is right. In any case, I will continue to cook for the villagers… And you will cook for Muto and the other villagers with un… Different tastes.

Image Me... A real chef?

Image I understand if you don't want to do it, after all I've put you through…

Image Oh! No, Master Lyck! It would be my honor to cook for Muto and the Pi siblings! I'll do my best to get better, and make you proud!

Image Uh... It seems that I could have handled this Chiefing business a little better…

Image You're the one who's most at fault here!

Image I know... I'll do my best to be a good Chief, and to take care of Muto and all of you… Anyways... Hey traveler! Our village is more united than ever thanks to you! We owe you a great debt! I'll do whatever you want to make up for it! You want a back-rub? Just say the word!

Image Um, like I've been saying, I really just need to pass through.

Reminder: We only got involved in all of this because Muto wouldn't move. If the rock had stopped moving five feet to the left, we would've just sailed on by and the entire village would probably have been destroyed by Gulla.

Image Oh, that's right! I forgot! Whoops... Hehe! Hey Muto, now that you're not hungry anymore, would you mind moving aside so our friend here can pass?

Image Yes... You can pass... Muto will move…

Image Thanks Mutol I can finally make my way to the Black Mage!

Image But... Why are you trying to pass through here anyway? Do you have some business with that Black Mage fellow?

Image Yes... Very important business…

Image Just a moment…

Image Take this with you.

Image Oh? It looks like you've finally regained your senses. But what's this?

Image Something you will need for the challenges that await you.

Image This is... An Arcane Symbol?!

Image I knew that you were different from us from the moment you stepped into our lives… We lost our memories of our origin... But you aren't like us. It's as though you are under the guardianship of a great power… I realized that round object of yours was protecting you.

Image When I stumbled across this object, I knew I had to give it to you as a gift.

Image You're giving this to me? But why now? What do you know? Please, tell me!

Image Err… Ummmm... I not know!

Image Oh no... He changed back.

Image Um... You haven't seen those before? We occasionally stumble into objects like that around Chu Chu Island. They're rare, but they appear more frequently in the wake of Muto's fights with Gulla.

Image This is an Arcane Symbol. An immense power lies within it.

Image Hmm... I don‘t know what to say, nothing happened when we held it.

Image And it tastes horrible!

Image This object and the Black Mage who I've been searching for... They're all connected to you and birth of Chu Chu Island... As I understand it, many different Erdas were mixed together and...

Image We have many questions about our origins, and why we can't leave this place.

Image That's right! Every time we try to cross the river, we always run into something, like an invisible barrier!

Image But we're satisfied with our lives here... And we're happy. So whatever it is you know... Please don't tell us if it would threaten our happiness.

Image Simia... I... I understand. To be honest, even I don't know why this place was created.

Image Since you are such a kindhearted person, I trust that whatever you are doing is the right thing. No matter what it means for us.Come visit us again if you need more of those orbs. We will try to help you as best as we can.

Image Then...is this farewell? Can't you stay a little longer?

Image I'm afraid I've stayed here long enough. If I don't hurry, something terrible could happen.

Image Magilia... Thank you for all you've done for Chu Chu Island... We will never forget it...

Image Yeah... Our village is safe and happy again thanks to you... Come visit us whenever you need anything!

Image (Sniffs) I'll never get to eat a Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion Sandwich again! It was so good! Waaah!

Image Waaah... He's crying. Waah!

Image Thank you Simia, Pi siblings, Chief Lyon. Even you, Master Lyck... lf I get to return here at the end of my journey… Then let's all share a Delicious Beefy Tastesplosion Sandwich together…

Image Hehe. You're talking as if you're going to die out there! What's the big deal? Stop acting like we're never gonna see each other again! Here, since you're feeling so blue I'll give you a lift, hehe!

Image W-wait!

Image See you later! Huuup!


And we fade to white.


At long last, our detour through Chu Chu Island comes to an end. The famed Battleground Idol took three days to solve taste-based discrimination, fix a child's dietary issues, and murder literally every kind of living monster on this island in order to make a sandwich out of fangs and hooves… but at last she's free to move forward with the new Chu Chu Island Arcane Symbol in her possession.

Image Say… do you think these things come off of Gulla when Muto beats the snot out of him?

Image Huh… so you think we're shark-powered dragons now, eh? I could see it.

Image Either way, it's time to get moving. That Black Mage guy isn't going to have a clue what hit him when I get there!!

* We are still nowhere near the Black Mage.

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With the Chu Chu Island story done, it's time to get down to some accounting.


First off, after completing the story we can take advantage of our Burning bonus to get a free Level 5 Arcane Symbol—we'll be doing this after each new symbol, it's a lovely kickstart to our Arcane Force.


Then, we've got a contact from the Vanishing Journey Templekeepers, the ones who give us our VJ Dailies.

Image Angelic Buster, you're doing well.

Image Sure am! What's up?

Image Well, you've killed a lot of creatures for us so we don't need as much help with intel anymore.

Image But I only helped you once!

Image …It was a lot of help?

Image Sure… if you say so! Thanks!

This lowers the kills required for the VJ Daily from 600 down to 400 for the reward. There's a Chu Chu Island daily now, though, so overall we've gone from needing 600 kills in a day to needing 1000 to get everything done.

This number will be going up for a while yet.


I also decide to bang out the next story quest. Like Reverse City, it's side content that focuses on stuff unrelated to the River, so…


We're skipping it.


This one isn't the game's fault, I mashed through it too fast for it to load. Blue button guys attacking other people, basically.




Long story short: a lady named Kaling was using the island to do experiments on the essences of boss monsters from Maple World that we'd previously beaten (Allegedly beaten; we have been in a hat). She's trying to create something known as a Godsphere, which is like the seal stone that is now inside of us (Allegedly inside of us; this happened in Black Heaven and we have been in a hat) but stronger and better because it's from the 260+ area. We find out none of this, we just see a freaky black dragon that's based on the signature class feature of another class entirely and learn nothing of note.

None of this has anything to do with magical girls, though, so we don't care. :v:

As for who Kaling is…


This is Kaling. The blue button is kind of a motif she has, it's on her outfit and figures prominently into her boss fight (she has one of those).


She has a panda umbrella and is shady as hell. That's all anyone needs to know about her.


And just like that, we've unlocked the Yum Yum Island hub town, alongside its effect of doubling the number of Chu Chu Island symbols we get from doing its daily. This is the last doubling area, future Arcane River destinations will start off by giving us 20 Arcane Symbols from here on out.

It's time to knock out some dalies.

Image Oh, does that mean we're punching out a bear again?


It does. We need the mesos and this guy pays well.


Three fights in which absolutely nothing bad happened later, we're done with Ursus.

Total Kills: 7794


…And I take a break for now, since I had work later so there wasn't a lot of time to handle everything else. MapleStory is a marathon you're expected to run forever, so it's important to pace yourself.


After work that day, I came back to knock out another few things. High on that list is the usual Bunny-assisted murder party.


Image Another bunch of dream enemies, and another pile of power for me. This is kind of awesome, isn't it..?

Image Yeah, whoever's behind this place is really a good person. You can just tell.


Image Yeah. A whole training arena, just to help an aspiring young heroine get stronger… She's got to be at least on Spiegelmann's level.

Image Or higher, since I don't think they're streaming this.

Image That's true. All this for the sake of a stuffed bunny.

Total Kills: 8799


Now we're at our very first proper impasse. Our fast EXP sources have run dry, and our next breakpoint for the story is level 220. We're officially stuck spinning our wheels on dailies and the like until we hit 220 if we want to advance the plot, and that means gaining ~14b more EXP to hit the next level…

Regular readers are probably expecting me to pull some kind of previously-unmentioned bullshit out of nowhere to trivialize this process in a humorous manner, but I regret to inform you that no such thing will happen.


This is because there is nothing funny about EXP Vouchers.

EXP Vouchers were included in an update shortly before v251, as a way to replace a longstanding tradition in MapleStory: EXP Minigames. Time was, each event would come with a special minigame of some sort that would give out free EXP for completing it for lower level characters. It'd give out a major chunk of EXP, and while the fast leveling was always appreciated having to play a minigame with 2 other players was… not. MapleStory can be a very toxic community, and I certainly wouldn't want to be stuck in a minigame room with me.

…I hate that guy.

Players also didn't like having to sign out of their main in order to play the minigame on a subcharacter. Logging out and back in can take some time on Maple, and sometimes the login server will fail to clear you out on logout, and close your entire game. This is annoying!

In order to resolve this events were first given a stacking EXP bonus that was claimed later by whatever character we wanted, before they later changed it into EXP Vouchers which served the same purpose. Vouchers will give a fixed amount of EXP based on our character level until they max out at level 260.

Because these exist, the use of minigames for the purpose of farming EXP is not implemented in v251. Now they're only for cosmetic items! (And also EXP vouchers, but that's not until v256 so it hasn't happened yet :ssh: )


I have 8000 of them right now from the end of the last event combined with the couple thousand I've gotten so far this event…


…And it takes a little under 600 to hit our next level.


So we hit the next level by doing absolutely nothing. This gives us several bonuses, because we're still in Bonus Territory.


The first of these is our final bonus for making a new Angelic Buster, which includes 5000 more EXP Vouchers to continue leveling with. A common strategy (for monsters) in this update was to create a Hyper Burning AB, get it to 220, then delete it and use the vouchers to level up your real Hyper Burning character that much faster, entirely because 5000 vouchers is a lot of vouchers. The level 220 box also gives us our choice of either an Absolab weapon or a Dominator pendant. Both are given serviceable but not perfect Potentials, and will be with us forever, but we can only choose one or the other.


Except the Hyper Burning event also gives us the exact same bonus choice, so I just pick both of them. Stacking bonuses like this when available is something every Mapler does in order to minimize the time it takes to get a decent gear loadout together and get to the real, difficult bossing.


The new weapon/pendant go on, and our gear is starting to really fill out. Everything left empty here will quickly be filled up once I start doing some of the easier bosses, aside the Heart/Android which are… special.

Now then, we have exactly 12,407 EXP Vouchers to use, so let's power level.


This is enough to level up another 5 times, bringing us to a total of 236, with our remaining ~1700 vouchers bringing us to 45% of the way to 239. This is great for us, because the last Arcane Symbol becomes available in the level 235 area.

We just have to play through the plots of the next four stops on Vanishing Journey, first.

I also decide to finally get around to setting up the rest of the V Matrix.


Our influx of power gave us access to much more space here, so I slap in all of our most important skills and also Trinity Fusion. Let's go through them:

Mighty Mascot:

Mascot is a keydown skill, which lets us hold the key down for up to 1.8 seconds to have Eskalade in a cutsey mascot form unleash dragonbreath all over the enemy. While pressed down, Eskalade's breath will hit up to 15 enemies at once multiple times for sets of 5 hits at 1265% damage, and when the attack ends there's a final trigger that hits the same 15 enemies for 1485% damage 7 times for 10 hits each. Translation: It hits a bunch for a lot of damage.

It also has a protective ability that gives us knockback immunity and cuts any damage we receive while using the ability by 40%. 60 second cooldown.

This is one of our main damage skills during our burst rotation, and the sheer number of attacks it fires out means that we have a lot of Seekers spawning to add in even more damage afterwards.

Superstar Spotlight:

Summons three spotlights that shine down on us, tracking Magilia as she bounces across the screen and damaging any enemy caught up in their light. This is functionally a buff that lasts for a full 30 seconds, and while we've got Spotlight activated we gain 18% Final Damage—there are also buffs to crit rate and status resistance, but FD is the only one that will matter in conventional play. Enemies instead take 1760% damage 3 times periodically from the first spotlight they are in, and each other deals only 25% of that original amount instead.

This is actually a QoL buff from the old Spotlight skill, which had all three beams do the same amount of damage. The three beams would spawn at the top of the screen and follow us, so it meant we had to be standing on the boss to get maximum effect out of the ability—now missing one or two beams is much less of a problem.

It's also our third musical ability! When we press the button, a magical girl theme is supposed to play for us. Everywhere except for GMS, the song that plays is Fly High, a catchy number that is the very first AB song that was ever released. In GMS, it plays Angel's Room because Fly High is not implemented in v251.

Total Songs: 0.23 of 5. Angel's Room is not an Angelic Buster song. :colbert:

120 second cooldown.

Sparkle Burst:

Sparkle Burst is one of our most versatile skills, acting as an incredible damage source and also a form of safety at the same time. The first time the button is pressed, a heart shaped explosion occurs that damages up to 15 enemies on the screen with 15 different explosions of 15 attacks each, with each attack dealing 880% damage. Like with Mascot, this generates a lot of Soul Seekers to follow up as well for even more damage. Unlike Mascot, when we press the button again Angelic Buster will fire off a little wink cutin and trigger 10 seconds of complete invincibility. This skill is activated near the start of any of our main Burst rotations in order to put out a ton of damage, and then the invincibility is activated later on into it to increase how long we can safely attack the boss without having to worry about dodging. It's really good, but the invincibility proc is on a timer as well. If we don't activate it ourselves within 30 seconds of the initial explosion, it'll go off automatically at that time.

120 second cooldown.

Trinity Fusion:

The last of Angelic Buster's unique 5thjob Skills, Trinity Fusion modifies our base Trinity ability. We can bind this skill to the keyboard itself, or we can activate it by pressing Trinity while holding the Down arrow key. It attacks 9 times, each time hits up to 7 enemies 3 times each for 360% damage.

While the attack is coming out, it also gives us 20% damage reduction and knockback immunity. 13 second cooldown.

Because this attack is so much weaker than the others, it also gives us a passive bonus to Dexterity as it's leveled up, starting at +11 and growing to +40 at max level.

The other skills are either for any Pirate class or just general-use skills, I'll go through them quickly here:

For 28 seconds, gain +80% of base weapon attack power as an Attack Power bonus. Afterwards, -15% of base weapon attack power until the cooldown ends. 60 second cooldown.

Loaded Dice:
Cheat at dice to gain either a bonus to Damage or EXP gained. There are other effects, but those are the only two that most players will ever use. Also increases Attack Power based on level.

Decent Combat Orders:
Buff that raises the level of all of our 4thjob Skills by 1, giving them a slight increase to power and effectiveness.

Grandis Goddess's Blessing:
A 40 second long buff which gives a different bonus based on which Grandis race you are. As a Nova, Angelic Buster gets a 55% chance to skip cooldown on any non-Hyper, non-5th+ Job Skill that she uses, and +35% Damage.

So, a 55% chance to skip cooldown on Terms and Conditions and 35% damage. It's very meh, but damage is damage. 120 second cooldown.

Decent Sharp Eyes:
Buff that gives +10% Critical chance and +8% Critical damage.

Decent Speed Infusion:
Buff that provides +1 Attack Speed. A later patch will make this a passive buff, but this is not implemented in v251. Vital for us to hit the absolute Attack Speed cap.

Grants a flat bonus to Attack Power based on level. Can be used to teleport randomly somewhere else on the map while standing on the ground, or to hover in midair for several seconds if used while in the air. Important for dodging a number of boss patterns in the later game.

Erda Nova:
An attack that is used primarily in bossing, this is a Bind skill that any class can get—and the only one for Angelic Busters. Bind skills will lock an enemy down and prevent them from moving for 10 seconds, but to prevent stacking against bosses any time a boss is bound it'll become immune to them for 100 seconds. We will want to use this as the opening move in our main Burst rotation for some time to come, as a helpless boss is a boss we can unload damage onto. 100 second cooldown.


After this, it's time to grab our other bonuses from leveling up. Most of it is more Nodestones, but this Hyper Burning Outfit set coupon is really interesting.


That's because it's got bonus stats on it. Most decorative gear doesn't have any stats at all, but the three items of the hyper burning set each give temporary stats for a time. Equipping it would give us more stats… but it'd also change our look. Is it worth it?

Absolutely, because Angelic Busters can cheat. :getin:


We equip all three items, but only the weapon shows up on our model—this is because the other two are equipped to our base form. As an Angelic Buster, we can choose to equip cash items to either our base form or our transformed form, and only gear equipped to our base form counts for bonus stats. This means our look doesn't have to change even if we're dressed in the most ludicrous-looking fashion imaginable.

An idol must always be stylish, after all.

Image I guess I'm using a burning sword, now, huh…

Image Eh, I think it suits you really well. It's like… a burning sword of love and justice!

Image I gotta' admit, it matches better than that black claw-thing I just got… but maybe there's like, a magical wand or something?

Image I think we can do something about that.

If we don't like the sword, we can also cover it up thanks to a new feature in v251: Outfit presets!


If we look a little more to the left, we can see another pair of windows for our outfits. These let us equip different cosmetic for the purposes of looking cool, so I give Magilia a Maple wand to go with her magical girl vibe. Up to three presets can be held at any time, and each preset on Angelic Buster can hold a full outfit for both regular and transformed mode. Most importantly: This doesn't remove the stats from our equipped items, meaning we've got all the benefit of wearing the Hyper Burning Outfit without looking like we're wearing it at all.


The last thing that I do today is set up my pet's autobuffs to include all the new toys I've picked up…


…and go into our main stat window to spend the AP and Hyper Stat points. Maxing out Arcane Force at 15 will give us a nice buff to survivability and damage for the road ahead, and I put everything else into EXP because this is ultimately a character I'm trying to level to 260. In total I spent about 10 minutes doing nothing but accounting, and this was with me knowing exactly what I'm up to. MapleStory is complicated. :shrug:

With that done, I finally log out and go to sleep. Magilia's had a big day already, and I'm going to wait for tomorrow to head further down the Arcane River.


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